Bluebell: advice on Dalmatians please?
my 2 children would like a dalmation pup..are these dogs easy to keep, are they good with they need a lot of exercise..or can anyone recommend a better dog to get
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Answer by Cocker Spaniel Luver is sad :(
No offense but dalmations are pretty hard headed. So they are not a very good dog to get... very, very, very hard to train.
Answer by Lioness
Yes, they do require a lot of exercise.
They are also prone to a number of health issues.
Google them, do more research, and then decide of you think they really are cut out for you. There are TONS of sites that have info on many different breeds that will tell you all about their pros and cons.
Don't start dreaming up the perfect dogs on 10 Dalmatians. That is not the real story. They can be difficult.
Answer by animalcrazykid
If you like a neat house, don't get a dalmation. You should probably get a small dog like a yorkshire Terrier. The only problem with those is that they need to be brushed. But they don't eat or exercise a lot.
Answer by Eddie Mix
Dalmations are excellent with children I have two and they love the kids
Answer by cameo's mom
Ooh! They are sooo cute! A Dalmation is a great dog. So is any dog with much training. These dogs have a need for running room and will require training like any other breed. Depending on the age of your children many dogs would be a good choice.
I always recommend this: Go to an A.K.C. dog show in your area and check out the doggies there and you will fall in love with the many breeds of dogs you will see. However remember that these doggies are very much well trained and that is a large part of why so many people love them when visiting. Spend as much on training as you possible can for what ever doggie you choose. Check out as much information as you can for the breeds available to you. Talk to as many people as you can that are truly knowledgeable about several breeds and then make a choice. Do not pick a dog just because of it's color or fame in the picture industry, it may well not suit you as it grows older etc. (that goes for a lot of breeds) You will want to think about grooming, training, size, how long they live, boarding costs etc. before making an informed decision on breed choice. As for me, I love them all, but best of all, I love a "trained" doggie!
Answer by Sierra H
it is vary good with children,and so r Boston Terriors
Answer by jelly210
Need lots of exercise and can get quite over excited. They also tend to be scavengers. I used to work at RSPCA and if a family wanted a dog we would recommend a cavalier king charles ( not the red ones!) as they are pretty bomb proof. x
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Becca says
dalmations are very hyper, they need tons of exercise. they tend to jump up on people so it would be best to only have one around children 8 years or older. i prefer boxers but they are very large. a blue heeler sounds good for you. they don’t need to much exercise and love kids.
Aluka says
Read up on the breed and do your research before getting any dog. Pick the one that’s right for you and your home, and not just the one your kids want, because I bet you are going to end up taking care of it after it’s grown up and isn’t a cute little puppy anymore.
Matt says
The Dalmatian is believed to have originated in the Mediterranean region. He was named after Dalmatia either because it was his birthplace or because he was used in this region during the Balkan war. The Dalmatian is thought to be descended from the now extinct Bengal Pointer crossed with the Bull Terrier and the English Pointer. In the seventeenth century, the Dalmatian was popular at the Vatican. In eighteenth-century England, he was kept by the aristocracy to escort horse-drawn carriages, thus earning the nickname (coach dog). In the United States, the Dalmatian was adopted by firefighters as their mascot. Walt Disney’s movie “101 Dalmatians” (1961) helped popularize the breed.
Tough and athletic, the Dalmatian has great stamina and was first used as a draft dog and an escort for horse-drawn carriages. Calm, docile, affectionate, and very gentle with children, the Dalmatian is a wonderful pet. He rarely barks, is not aggressive, and is somewhat distant toward strangers, making him a good watchdog. He needs firm and early training.
He can live in an apartment as long as he gets enough exercise. He needs regular brushing. Puppies are born all white; spots appear gradually and are not fully developed until the dog is one year old.
Companion dog, seeing-eye dog, watchdog.
~*Hayley*~ says
My Dal, Bella, is nearly 11 and was raised with three very active, rambunctious kiddos. She is smart, obedient and loving. She is entirely devoted to my family. Dals do need room to run and even at 11, Bella will do hot laps around the yard with our other dog, a Shepherd mix. She loves to ride in the car and I can’t imagine our life without her. She was a rescue at 3 months when we got her and I think mutts are about the best dogs ever if you have a choice. She is bery good with children and i would recommend her any day!!!!
I hope i help!!!!!
glamourjunkie says
Dalmatians, from what I know, are more for single people. They can be very hard to manage, they’re extremely intelligent and extremely high strung. I personally wouldn’t recommend them as a family pet.
A Boxer would make a great family pet, as they are loving, loyal, and very accepting of small children and usually not dog aggressive.
Hannah P says
they do great with children i have 2 and three kids
michelle s says
I had a Dalmatian for 5 years , and i could never properly house break her, she was very rambuchious and so much too much energy …I had trouble walking her usually had to have the hubby do it cause i ended up on my face a few times..Not good for kids they r huge dogs who think there 5 lbs and will try to get on the laps and they could get hurt ect….I would not recommend one at all..They are chewers can become very food aggressive , unless you have tons of time to train it, can crate train it for when you are gone cause u may come home and have half a couch…Dalmatians have a very lown success rate health wise and usually end up in shelters or given to organizations ..Your choice but I’d think twice!!
elf says
any dog will be good with kids if you raise it properly i had a dalmation when i was younger and he was very hyper but he was allready full grown when we got him ….. so if you get one make sure he/she is a puppy that way you can train him how to act near your kids dont be afraid to give him a little tap on the but if he knocks them over its not mean or cruel as long as you dont beat em just a little or even rattle something (pennys in a soda can work) that way they know how much strength to use or not to use good luck and congratulations on getting a puppy