Q: What is a safe way to quickly fatten up a dog?
This afternoon we are adopting a dog from the pound. She is an 8-year-old American foxhound and she is skin and bones. I don't know what this poor dog has been through but her ribs are sticking out so badly. The adoption lady told me she needs to get some meat on her bones (the dog, not the adoption lady!)
Any recommendations for what to feed her?
Photo Credit: Dirlei Dionísio/Flickr CC
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Answer by skaterchicc
Hello, I have watched Animal Cops on Animal Planet a bunch of times and every time they take in a malnourished (underfed) dog they just feed it regular meals. If the lack of weight is affecting your dog's health, I would recommend feeding it 3x a day. (Breakfast, lunch, and dinner.)
As soon as your dog looks like she is her ideal weight, feed her 2x daily. Never overfeed a dog because they will become overweight and be more susceptible to life-threatening conditions. (Arthritis, tumors, etc.) Hope this helps.
Answer by JenVT
The safest way to do it is gradually. look at the instructions on the bag. Feed a high-quality kibble (the first ingredient should be meat) divide the daily amount for the weight she *should* be into two feedings about 12 hours apart. Your vet will be able to give you more advice when he sees her, which should happen in the next day or so.
Answer by Lesa
I have always given my dogs rice(boiled w. chicken broth). it fattens them up pretty well. you don't want to give the dog rich dog food it will give it diarrhea also it's unknown what the pound was feeding the dog. so if u don't want to give the dog rice try a dry dog food that is more natural than meaty or gravy-like. but rice works :)
Answer by 4Her4Life
The most important thing to just get calories into her – scientific test after scientific test across all species has said that infusing calories in any form is the only and best way to get an underweight individual to gain weight. Now, the specifics depend on how thin she is (starving? dangerously thin? a little underweight? light-end-of-normal?) and on her overall health and health problems.
First, as you should do with any new dog, take her to the vet. They can help you determine not only her ideal weight but also the best way to get there. For some dog breeds and individuals, thin is normal and "normal" is grossly obese from a health perspective. Foxhounds are naturally on the leaner side of the spectrum, and their short coats and lack of loose skin compared to many other breeds make their bones more pronounced, so you might even find out that she is at her ideal weight.
In general, when I am evaluating a dog's weight, I go by feel overlook. If I can lay my hand on the dog's ribcage without feeling individual ribs BUT can feel them easily when gently rubbing back and forth on the ribcage, then the dog is pretty close to where they are supposed to be. If there is so little fat over the ribs that the skin feels thin, then the dog needs more weight. If there is so much fat over the ribs that it feels like there is a "pad" of fat, then the dog needs to lose weight.

Answer by Jojo
Make sure she has been wormed properly for starters and then feed her a good complete dry dog food with some raw tripe or other meat mixed in.
It will take a while for her to put on some weight but eventually, she will.
It's not essential to do it in record time. The best way is slowly but surely.
Feed her twice a day as much as she will eat in one go.
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If she ever leaves any food you are giving her too much and will overload her stomach and may cause loose stools.
cut down until she is eating it all.
You should see an improvement in about 2 weeks.
You should still be able to feel her ribs, but not see them.
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Nyah S says
If she hasn't been eating, you will probably want to stick to the suggested feeding for the dog food your chose, but perhaps break it into multiple, small meals. You can mix it a little bit of wet food as well.