jebagomes: Why does my Chihuahua still have a soft spot on her head?
My 1-year-old female chihuahua still has her soft spot on her head. Is this normal and will she be ok with it in her lifetime?
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Answer by nsu_demon_fan
Both of my chihuahuas have this. (2-year-old and 6 months old) It's called a molera. It's a breed characteristic and most of them don't outgrow it like human babies. It should be no bigger than a nickel or dime size. If it is bigger than this then you should take her to the vet.
Photo Credit: TheDeliciousLife/Flickr CC
Answer by Randy
There are many people saying “it’s not normal” when in fact, it is indeed normal for Chihuahua to have soft spots. It is not a defect either. However, some breeders choose not to breed chihuahua if their soft spot doesn’t go away by 6 months to 1 year. If the soft spot is under the size of a nickel or dime, and last longer than 6 months to a year, then the dog may have it for life and a little extra care should be taken to make sure they don’t injure themselves in that area as this could lead to death or brain damage. However, it is very common and most live to be a ripe old age.
If it is larger than a nickel, see a vet because it could be Hydrocephalus which is not good, and they are prone to it. Especially see a vet if the dog is lethargic and loses balance, etc.
Other than that, if the soft spot never closes, just be a little extra careful and don’t let them pry their heads under furniture and the like.
Answer by Gregg D
Completely normal and nothing to worry about. The Chihuahua Club of America has a molera statement that addresses your question very effectively (see the link under sources). It might close up and it might not.
As I like to say, "make 'em wear a helmet if they're going to run with scissors".
Answer by Ecita
Some chihuahuas I believe never get rid of that soft spot and it's ok as long as nothing really hurts it there.
Answer by chihuahua mama
Depends on how big it is. If it is no bigger than a small fingernail, it should be okay. If it is bigger,, ask your vet about it.
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Answer by chihuahua mama
Depends on how big it is. If it is no bigger than a small fingernail, it should be okay. If it is bigger, ask your vet about it.
Answer by PM
Actually, the breed standard describes the dog with an open molera (soft spot on the top of the head) and is the only breed that allows for it in the standard. This is because of the extremely small head that is also apple headed with a high forehead.
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