Q: What are the best Pit Bull bloodlines to buy?
I'm planning to buy a pit bull within the next couple of weeks. I would like to know which bloodlines are the best? Can I easily train this breed myself or do I need to leave the training to the professional trainers. I want my dog trained for protection.
Photo Credit: Tanozzo/Flickr CC
Answers and Views:
Answer by Stray
How much experience do you have with training dogs? If you don't have any, you might want to let a professional handle it and show you how to control the dog. If you've had dogs before and raised them with no behavioral problems arising, you'd probably be fine training the dog itself.
Answer by APBT Fancier
First of all, they're called bulldogs, not pits. The only real deal dog is the ADBA bred American Pit Bull Terrier (APBT). ADBA breeders are breeding for gameness, first and foremost, which is the single most important trait in the APBT. Gameness, or game, can be described as the drive, desire, and willingness to complete a task no matter the negative consequences, including death. This is the trait that defines a true bulldog, and what every single person who knows better admires in an American Pit Bull Terrier.
Am Staffs, American Bullies, or Staffordshire Bull Terriers are often lumped together with the APBT, but they have about as much in common as a Yorkshire Terrier and a Grey Wolf. All the bully breeds except the APBT are bred for looks, conformation, and the show ring. Those are your ABKC-, AKC- and UKC-bred mongrels and curs. Only the ADBA-bred, American Pit Bull Terrier (APBT), the original "bulldog," as they are known by people in the know, have been bred based upon the gameness of their ancestors, with the hope that some of the dogs in question will have retained that trait. Looks, color, size, etc., are not even considered important, as the single most important trait in a well-bred bulldog is gameness, much the same as the most important trait of a laborador is to retrieve.
APBT should be between 17 to 21 inches tall at the top of the shoulder, and about 30-65 pounds. There is no such thing as a 100 pound American pit bull terrier. Those dogs are crossed with mastiffs and bred for looks, not gameness. APBT are generally friendly with people, all though some of the great ones were known to be man-biters. Most APBT are animal aggressive. Even if you can take them to the dog park at 8 months old, you will not be able to do that forever, as most turn "hot" by the time they're 2-3 years old.
Finally, the last in a long list of caveats among bulldog people in the know: "the papers don't make the dog, the dog makes the papers."
Answer by apbt54
For one it has been stated already, pit bulls are not guard dogs, They were bred for fighting and baiting. However, if you still want a pit bull there are many factors.
1) what kind of pit bull do you want?
one that has been bred to fight?
if so, look into adba registered dogs, not saying all are "game bred" but most are off of game bred bloodlines like Eli, Crenshaw, carver, Colby, Tudor, wild side, red boy,jocko.. just to name a few these are the REAL apbt and will not be bred for looks rather bred for drive and game. They aren't pretty nor big. but they are real.
2) do you want a ukc/akc show dog?
most UKC registered dogs are still considered American Staffordshire Terriers in the real pit bull circles. even though their papers say APBT. Anybody can register a dog and call it a pit bull the UKC just wants money. Most of these dogs are not the true APBT rather the show dog version who is usually bigger, structurally prettier, and less tenacious against other animals. Not calling this dog a pussy by any means, i have had many UKC registered dogs that are very "hot" towards other animals. some lines. Gaff, Rowdytown, Nevada, Tacoma, Lar-san, Ro-ki, Tufftown...
3)do you want a big ass dog that looks like a monster?
Bullies are the new fad. you will find them registered in the UKC and ABKC (American bully kennel club). Most are just oversized show dogs. bred by backyard breeders usually. I myself own one of razorsedge/muggelstone/greyline blood and has a 90Ib monster. He is athletic as hell for a bully I will say. YES, any dog can be bred for protection just get him involved in SCHUZTHUND training and you should be fine. Despite show, game, or bully bred these dogs are capable of a lot and def fast learners. don't listen to the people in here they don't know shit
- How can I make my Pit Bull dog bigger?
- What is the Turtle Buster bloodline in Pit Bulls?
- How to build muscle tone on a pit bull puppy?
Answer by Allan
First of all! most so-called pit bulls, are so mixed and it gets harder and harder to find a true pit nowadays... With all these bully breeds being mistaken for true pits... Colby Bloodline is one of or the oldest bloodlines to date and are true pits with true gameness! 45 to 65 max.. not these 90lb plus pits u see today... People have softened many breeds and actually, without knowing it or on purpose have tainted many breeds of there natural instincts and characteristics which in the end ruins the breeds!
Answer by niño
If you asking these questions then the pitbull is totally not for a person like you. He will probably end up in a shelter...!
Not an easy dog to own these days...
or any day if you don't know anything about dogs besides they got four legs
Know better? Give your own answer to this question!
Shake says
APBT Fancier says
The comment has been moved into the body of the post.
JD says
Every dog breed known to man has been cross bred from another breed of dog so if you are going to label one dog a mutt label them all!!
Loki5387 says
I do APBT rescue, I have years of experience with the breed and I can tell you without a doubt if you want a dog for protection the pit bull is NOT for you. Pit bulls have never been bred to be human aggressive in any way, they will sooner lick a robber then defend your home. There are plenty of breeds out there that will naturally defend your property but a pit bull isn't one. If you try to make a pit bull "guard" you you will end up with an unstable, confused dog and that is NOT what you want in an APBT. That would be like buying a bernese mountain dog and expecting it to herd sheep- they wouldn't know how to and would be very confused. My pit bull is extremely human friendly, I'm sure if I were ever in real danger that he would step up but I wouldn't expect him to, its my job to protect him-not the other way around.
If you want a dog that will protect you and your property look for a breed that has been bred to do so like a GSD, rottie or cane corso. Idk why people think pit bulls are guard dogs, they were bred for dog fighting ie- DOG aggression, very, very different then human aggression. Please learn about the breed (UKC.org) I promise you will find that this is not the breed you want.
Teresa says
Correct, Pit Bulls were not bred or intended to be used for protection work. They do take a lot longer to realize the fight is about the man and not seeing the sleeve as a large tug. I do not agree that all Pits (as well as any other breed) are suitable. However, when trained properly, and a dog from a good bloodline with good traits, is trained for the work then Pit Bulls excel in that area. Here is a video of my personal dog, Ivy, doing great protection work with excellent control work as well. VERY stable. Including with the work. Excuse the music…. Also you can look at "other videos from this user" to see more of my work and what I do.
lacey todd says
Hello I had an American pit bull terrier/razors edge pit raised home from the time he was born and he protected me with everything he had he didn’t like my husband at all because he seen my husband choke me once and took a chunk out of his leg so yes I’d say a pit could be a guard dog but you only let him/her have your sent only no one eals when people come put him/up in your bedroom or bathroom that’s what I done with snoopy my husband couldn’t even pet him he wouldn’t listen to my husband or anything but if I gave him a command he done right then no questions ask of me he just done it. I lost him thoe I went to see my husband in New Jersey and left a friend there to watch him and when I got home my friend let my other pits lead him off I found him on the side of the high way dead been looking for like him every since.
Dora says
What a sad story :(
VND!85 says
Not for anything as you are very knowledgeable but pit bulls were not bred to fight dogs originally. They were thrown in pits against bears and bulls, hence the name “pit-bull, , they would also bet on how many rats the dog could catch and kill in a certain amount of time. Only after those sports were outlawed did dog fighting come about and became popular. It was easier to hide and keep the fights low key using dogs rather than bears or bulls. They could use a smaller space and also it was less suspect seeing a man with his dog over bigger animals that would be out of place in an ordinary situation.
jeff says
your completely wrong no pitbull ever fought bears or bulls they didn’t even exist during that time when they outlawed bull baiting the original bulldog that fought bulls started being crossed with terrier to create fighting dogs the pitbull was made to be a fighting dog from the beginning bulldogs fought bears and bulls and they were way bigger than pitbulls
Sedarian Johnson says
Your wrong they was originally designed to be put in a PIT to kill rats. Or sometime a lot of the time to irritate the bull and which the pitbull got its name. Eventually they outlawed all that then they went to gamebreeding. Learn your history a lil bit more before trying to correct someone.
As far as bloodlines go, check with the UKC if you're looking for the American Pit Bull Terrier. If you're looking for a American Staffordshire Terrier, look into the AKC.
Do not buy based on nose color, don't buy those hippo American Bully dogs either. More often they're mixed with mastiff or some other breed and have human aggression which isn't what you want in a protection dog.
"A good personal protection dog is as reliable and friendly as Rover your pet Labrador Retriever, until called to work.
Capable of meeting strangers and new people without fear or aggression, confident and outgoing, able to travel with you everywhere you go, in crowds, cars, parks and gatherings.Good protection dogs are not vicious dangerous dogs, and are trained very differently.
A good protection dog is raised from a puppy to be friendly, outgoing, love people, be playful and have no fear. The best way to start a young puppy is to socialize it well."
Also make sure you're the one doing the training. As in whoever you hire doesn't take the dog away for a few weeks and return it, make sure you're right there in the action.
Thwarted says
find a reputable breeder that knows going back 4 to 5 generations and if you want to train the dog for protection you should do professional training, you train the dog with the trainer offering guidance, find a trainer that offers protection training it will most likely be more expensive but you have to make sure the dog is of sound temperament and has basic obedience down, which you can contact a the trainer before getting the dog to talk to them about what qualities to look for in a puppy.
dog's best frie says
If you are still unsure about the best lines, then don't buy in a week or two. You will probably have to do some research. As a breeder, (different dogs), this is what I would recommend.
First go to AKC.org and check out their breeder listings. AKC breeders often advertise on the akc website.
Secondly, google "Pitbulls+best showdog breeders" And see what comes up. Also, do you live in a moderately large city? There are AKC dog shows throughout the years. Look on their website to see if there are any upcoming shows. If so, go to it and watch the pitbulls being shown. Then, try to talk to the handler after their pitbull is done showing. Many handlers are breeders and trainers and they can talk to you about the breed, the lineage, and how they train. Trainng for a dog show is not the same as guard dog, but start with looking for lines that are not aggresive.
OK,, when you do get your puppy, go to a professional training center and go to classes. You can start your puppy out in puppy kindergarden and the absoulte best things you can do is to have your dog up to date with all vaccinations, spay or neuter your pet, and socialize your new puppy a lot so they learn to be gentle to other people and pets.
You need to train your dog to be gentle and kind, never aggressive unless commanded to be for protection in an emergency, much like a police dog is. Training like this can take 8 months to 2 years, so you need to be patient, compassionate and consistent when training.
Because of the possible aggressive nature of the breed, check with your insurance and your city laws. Many have bans on Pitbulls and some insurance companies will not cover a pitbull owner. Pits can be so amazing and gentle, but you must train it properly to make sure it doesn't get startled and attack. That's why I recommend socialization because it will help your dog not be startled easily.
Well, that's kind of long. I hope you have luck!
Russell B says
Never ever get someone else to train your dog!
it is the relationship you have with your dog that determines how well it behaves for you!
by all means seek the assistance of a dog trainer, but enforce the point that you want them to teach you how to train the dog, and not for them to train the dog for you!