Would Rottweiler Win a Fight with Two German Shepherds?

Franky: Who would win in a fight a Rottweiler or 2 German Shepherds?
The Rottweiler is fully grown and trained. Two German shepherds are fully grown but not trained.

rottweiler fighting dog looking into the camerarottweiler fighting dog looking into the camera
Photo Credit: Aline Scaravelli/Flickr CC

Answers and Views:

Answer by Yash patel
No never,.... only one working line GSD is capable to destroy one fully grown Rottweiler ... In my farmhouse, I have both one working line Gsd(48 kg) and Rottweiler (59kg) and sometimes both are fighting to be dominant but always Gsd is winning fight... Gsd is faster and clever and his strength is like 2 rotts,.. I love both Gsd and Rott .. but ..Gsd attitude like a boss and Rotts are very aggressive kids...

Answer by Roselle Runners
Rots fight dirty they go straight for the jugular and never let go.

Answer by Arvind
1 Working line DDR or chezh line is enough to kill a rottweiler. Show line GSD bigger but no drive. But DDR and chezh line have high prey drive and stamina as a pitbull. Rottweiler are pitted against dogs and human during protection. GSD working line guard against wolves.I have posted a Working GSD ripping a rottweiler.

Answer by Cynthia
Well, german shepherds are second to rottweilers in biting strength. But since it is two shepherds to one, its just a probability, being trained as far as sit and stay??..well that doesn't affect much, if the dog's instincts kick in, they have the ability to do a lot of damage, but good luck getting then to stop if they do choose to fight because if they aren't trained to go to their owner then they might as well be free.
I don't, however, encourage dogfights since they are illegal and obviously cruel. If your that bored that you want to see dogs fight then you probably aren't a mature adult...

Answer by Joe
German shepherds have a long skinny beak so they tug and pull more, which is good for attacking burglars/ human and pull tackle down.
A rot has a short wide beak which is better for tearing and ripping an animal or another dog. Rottweiler's bite is 2 times stronger than a German Shepherd.
Pit bull beats Rot and German Shepherds in the long part of the fight.

Answer by Fred
If you mean that the Rottweiler is trained to Attack/fight and the GSD is not then I would say that the Rottweiler would win.
These dogs are also stronger and have a more powerful bit them a GSD.
Dogs that are trained to kill will go for the throat and dogs that do not go anywhere they can, so the Rottweiler would win easily.
But chances are that the Rottweiler would die as well from injuries and loss of blood as the GSD also has an extremely strong bite.

If you are asking this in order to fight dogs then you are an idiot, you will be killing two innocent dogs for no reason.

Answer by ArtFl
I'm personally against dogfighting. If you just want to get an opinion on their strength I would say that two German Shepherds would definitely win in a fight with one Rottweiler just because there are two of them.
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