Will Siberian Husky Protect You from an Attacker?

Q: If you had a Siberian husky and someone attacked you will Siberian Husky protect their owners?
Well, my dog passed away, and I want to get a Siberian Husky. I was wondering if you raised it and someone attacked you what would the dog do. Are Huskies considered good guard dogs?
Beautiful Siberian Husky headBeautiful Siberian Husky head
Photo Credit: Helgi Halldórsson/Freddi/Flickr CC

Answers and Views:

Answer by Rotten Rotts Lets Restore Sanity in the DS
There is no telling what it would do unless your Husky is a trained protection dog.

Answer by winds_of_justice
Huskies are very protective of their owners. I have had my Husky for a little over a year now and while she's the sweetest thing I've ever met, she can get quite vicious around people and animals she doesn't know if they believe they are going to hurt me. I've had her making friends with a stray dog outside and when I opened the door to shoo it away, Nakita got very, very vicious and actually went to attack the dog to keep me safe. She's also almost attacked my aunt Barb for attempting to come into the house with only me home.

On the upside, these are on my property, isolated events, and don't happen often. Husky's need to be kept socialized and with a lot of people or they can become skittish and hard to control around people unless you are there. They can even bring up the insurance on houses to cover husky's, as is what happened to us when we got our Husky.

On a side note, however, you want to make sure that your dog doesn't attack someone that isn't trespassing on your property or attempting to harm you in self-defense. If this happens, and you can't prove that it isn't self-defense or trespassing with the intent to do obvious damage, then the dog will be put to sleep by authorities no matter how much you tell them that she's the sweetest thing in the world.

FUNNY VIDEO: Husky Loses Competition but Wins Hearts

Answer by Juan Reveles
I have a female Husky who my daughter left here when she married and moved away. My daughter raised her from birth and the rest of us got to know her at about 6 months of age. Let me say that I have come to love this big goofy dog who is very strong-willed, loves children, natural escape artist but also is content to lay down and lick my feet or behind my ears. However, as a protection dog, she inspires no confidence in me. She is so friendly she will run up to strangers when we are out walking and treats them like family members leaving me feeling almost betrayed like she had no loyalty. She looks fierce, wolf-like triangular face, ears set high on her head, wolf-like color, build and posture but it’s all a facade. She is harmless and if I was ever attacked I know she would either run, hide behind me, or just stand there and watch. If you want a protective dog or a guard dog, there are much better breeds out there.

Answer by Malissa Adams
That is not true, she goes off of your vibes, she runs up to strangers because you are not worried. Put her into a position where you fear for your life and I swear she will kill for you. I’ve had many huskies, I live in a bear area. She always will keep me safe on walks and will run after them growling for me. My kids are a whole different thing, if they cry, she will cuddle them. If they are in time out Sky is in timeout too. Huskies are very special, they for sure are sooo very friendly to anything that mom/dad is okay with. Let mom/ dad/ kids get nervous and they are a new beast.

Answer by Val
I acquired my son's 2 1/2-year-old Siberian Husky. She has some very bad habits that I need to break. She is in
obedience classes which have helped tremendously. They will be ongoing with her. Since she loves kids and loves the attention I thought she might be good as a dog for kids to read to in the library or to go on visits to Skilled Nursing Facilities. But as far as a protector, agree with Juan Reveles above, and mine would probably invite a robber in an leave with them. I have never seen or heard her growl or be standoffish at a stranger, everyone is her friend.
They are beautiful animals that crave attention…..

Answer by Karyce K
I own a Siberian Husky myself, and she would take a bullet for me. Anytime someone even is in an offensive position she gets between them and I. For example, my stepfather is a big guy, and he is loud. Not that he has ever hit me, but he does have a temper, and whenever he seems like he might be in a bad mood or something, Leelah-my husky-is right between us, probably howling lightly. No one has ever attacked me for her to growl. When my boyfriend is in my bed with me, she either tries to be in between us or when we might goof off, she is always on my side. But I don't know if she would ever “attack” someone.

The last Siberian I owned before her was a boy, and he would have killed if anyone touched me. He was always at least two steps behind me. My brother was out walking him and I was walking with them, my brother and another boy got in a fight, and the husky jumped on the other boy and was growling, would have definitely hurt him if my brother didn't stop him.

I love the breed, they are loyal but very respectful to owners. This trait can be bad if you do not supply the right training and you don't demand the correct amount of respect. Huskies are close to the wolf, so they are major pack animals, if you are not the leader, they will easily become the leader and can be a terror to anyone.


Answer by There is no cure for Ignorance! Call a Vet!
As with any breed of dog, you don't want it going around attacking people.

Answer by AndrewM
I have raised, own, and love Siberians and while every dog is different in its protective posture some of its response is dependent on its view of you. Females are little timider but most Siberians are generally very friendly, intelligent, observant of their surroundings, and will stand their ground if they or you are attacked or threatened.

I have experience in walking two Siberians when a ~300-pound black bear can out a wooded area and I thought I was going to be dragged to the Bear with the vehemence of my dog’s charging and bloodcurdling howling reaction to the bear which decided it was not a safe bet and fled.
Siberians also appear very wolf-like and wild-eyed (ice blue eyes) to many people and inspire a certain level of fear.

I would recommend the Siberian Husky to anyone as long as you appreciate that they are very high-energy, mischievous, and a little bit smarter than us. They also prefer being outside no matter what the weather.

Answer by Sonja Creasey
Of course, huskies are very friendly dogs and love pretty much everyone, but if needed they will protect you. I have a male husky and he loves people and other animals. I was dating a guy that was abusive to me and Ace (my dog) attacked him, trying to protect me. The guy kicked my husky off and my dog attacked him again where the guy was still hurting me. It actually shocked me that my dog did that, but huskies will protect you if they feel you need help.
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