Will my German Shepherd mix have floppy ears?

sabrunette: Will my German Shepherd mix puppy continue to have floppy ears instead of pointing them up?
My German Shepherd puppy is not full-blooded but very close, looks exactly like the standard to every detail, other than the fact she has floppy ears. She is only 4 months & I am praying they stay down because I love it so. If she is to start holding them up, around what age would she do this?

German Shepherd puppy with floppy earsGerman Shepherd puppy with floppy ears
Photo Credit: moorthygounder/Flickr CC

Answers and Views:

Answer by Jilly
Around 6mths or so you will notice maybe one ear standing up and then after a while they both will stand pointy. They look very cute when only one ear is up.

Answer by Voelven
If she's not purebred, then your guess is as good as mine. For GSD the ears can flop down during teething (4-6 months old), but usually, they will have been up here and then before that. If your dog never had her ears up, then it is less likely that they will ever stand.

Answer by misty
I have a GSD that is 9 months old and she's quite large considering that she is a female. She is purebred & both parents were on site when we got her. Half the litter's ears are up and half are not. Bella's ears will go up when she is on full alert and then she will let them drop back down. She will shake her head as if the volume is too loud. I would like to see her ears up all the time, but I do not believe she would allow us to glue her ears or put rollers or tampons in her ears to keep them up. When she is on alert, with the ears up and her hackles raise she is an impressive lady and no matter what, we love her and she knows her job in life is to protect and keep me safe!!!

Answer by mattle

I used to have a golden/shepherd mix. He had these gigantic satellite-dish ears. He could put them up or down at will. Normally, he'd leave them down, but when he heard a noise, he looked like part of the SETI project :) It was adorable.

I'm sure no matter what your pup's ears end up doing, you'll love her just the same.

Answer by lelee

Most dogs with pointy ears are somewhat floppy or soft as long as they are cutting teeth. If her mix had folded over ears it is possible but if you love her puppy ears take pictures. They may just perk up and stay with her about ten months to a year.

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