Will my Female Boxer dog Breed When Not Ovulating?

Amanda J: Will my boxer female breed with the male if she is not ovulating?
Our boxer is in heat. We bred her with a beautiful male boxer this weekend. As far as we know they locked up three times. I noticed before we bred her that she was not bleeding but her genitalia was swollen about 3 times its normal size. The male dog stayed for two days and we know for sure they locked up three times. The male boxer left Sunday afternoon and on Monday I noticed that our female was bleeding a little. Does this mean that we need to breed her again before she goes out of the heat? My real question is " Will my female boxer let the male breed her before she was ovulating? I thought that if she wasn't ready to receive, she wouldn't let him do anything. However, she was all for it! LOL From what I have understood in the past until the female is ready to get pregnant (usually the second week of heat) she will not let the male breed her. Do I have anything to worry about when it comes to the pregnancy not taking?

female boxer dog standingfemale boxer dog standing
Photo Credit: fabbio/Flickr CC

Answers and Views:

Answer by tobylove4
she will because if they are not fixed, naturally in the wild they send out a mating signal whether or not they are ovulating. so because she is not fixed she sent him the signal that she was not.

Answer by Bassetnut
Usually no, however, every dog is an individual and some don’t read the book.
In my breed at least, it’s quite common to NOT get puppies from successful natural breeding.
I submit that if you need to ask such a basic question in a forum like this, that you need to do a LOT of research in the near future.

Answer by Kiki B
dogs ovulate over a period of days, it's best to do a swab to find out when the dog is fertile,~~ they will breed, even if they have not ovulated.
about 4 weeks from now, get an ultrasound and you will know for sure whether she took it or not.
you said bleeding a little, what color was the blood? color can be a pretty good indicator of the dog's fertile time…

Answer by aecfac
She will not let them breed until she is ready. The bleeding occurs first, and then her vulva gets swollen. Even if they did lock it doesn't necessarily mean that she will become pregnant; however, the chances are very high.

Answer by Kit_kat
a dog isn't bleeding usually at the breeding time they bleed before and after and ready for breeding in the 2nd week
YOU should wait for 4-5 weeks and take her in for a prenatal exam.
Just because they tied doesn't always mean she will be pregnant.

Answer by Timo
I agree not to breed just to make a buck…there are so many, low-quality animals out there with horrible pedigrees and genetics. SO don't make it worse for us! However, there are a few of us who do breed for the purpose of contributing, to a specific breed like the once extinct Olde English bulldog. if it wasn't for us breeders there wouldn't be those happy families loving their breed of choice. YES, I SAID CHOICE. Not everyone wants a mut. There's a lot of “pro ” abortion people willing, to kill a fetus, but jump on a person for not wanting a pound mut. what a joke! if you wanna do something mut lover hold back on your Starbucks and cigarette fund and feed the dam muts yourself! Get a life.NO BODY WANTS A MUT!
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