Will a Pit Bull be Good With my Small Dogs?

Mr_Monkeywrench: Are Pitbulls good with small dogs.?
I have had pit bulls all of my life and they have always been good dogs. I am now married and we have 2 miniature poodles, both weighing in at around 7lbs each. I was wondering if I get a pit bull puppy and socialize them with the puppy, will I have problems?
a pitbull dog and a poodlea pitbull dog and a poodle
Photo by jlantzy

Answers and Views:

Answer by miss angel
Yes, if the pitbull is raised up with another small dog then it will be fine. I have a pitbull myself and they are such loving animals. I just HATE when people say stuff about them saying they are mean and bad dogs. It's the media that lies and makes a stupid stereotype.

Answer by Shopper
The Pitbull is well known as the most aggressive kind of dog but some of that is not true it is how you raise the canine. I have one of my own and I think that the Pitbull is great for small canines but remember it is all on how you raise them.

Answer by Carmen P
I've heard that they're not...

Pitt Bull waits for Ice cream videoPitt Bull waits for Ice cream video
VIDEO: Polite Pit Bull waits in line for an ice cream

Answer by bri
Pit bulls are great with any breed. Small, large, and any in-between. The media has stained the pit bull name. That makes me sick. Every breed on this planet can and will attack another breed, or animal. It's a simple fact, we are all animals, and by nature, we will all lash out at some point. With that being said pit bulls like any other breed can be raised correctly!

I own two pit bulls and they are perfectly fine around other dogs. I take them to the dog park with no issues. I often see dog fights break out at the park and its never been a pit bull. I take my dogs around my mother's dogs and they are all small breeds, her smallest is chihuahua type. She only weighs about 5 pounds and my pit bull weighs 60. He is scared of her…. my parents also own cats and my pit bulls don't mind them one bit.

The breed is not bred to kill. If you really want to get deep into dogs' roots, they were domesticated to protect humans and help hunt. Over decades they have become house pets, but their wild tendency s will sometimes leak out. All dogs should be monitored very close while around other pets and people that are new.

Answer by carleegresham
I've raised and love APBTs, but I have to say this makes me nervous. APBTs are naturally animal aggressive, and though you can socialize them enough that it's not so bad, poodles tend to be snippy and temperamental, especially tiny ones like that. You would probably be fine if they were crate-trained, or at least the new APBT, and you supervised their time together, and if you love them enough then go ahead and do it, but you'll have to be a calm, dominant, assertive leader to make it work.

Answer by Lindsey
as long as the dog is raised correctly, he or she can peacefully coexist with any other animal. I've seen pit bulls that have learned to get along with guinea pigs! pit bulls get such a bad reputation all because of the few idiots who don't know how to raise them lovingly and teach them well.

Answer by doglove70
If you were getting an adult, not at all.
For a puppy, it is a case of extreme socialization and management. Pits are high drive dogs and tend to attack smallish running things like they would prey. Do not introduce the pup to just your two poodles. All kinds of small dogs are the best.
Try to choose a calmer, less boisterous puppy that you feel will be easier to obedience train. Teach him the "gentle" early on and work early on self-control and self-awareness. If you teach him his own strength he will be less likely to accidentally misuse it.

Answer by Danielle
I think it would be fine. A pitbull is only as mean as it is taught to be. So if you buy it as a puppy and bring it home, chances are it will fit right in. Kind of like a kid who grows up with separated parents Vs. a kid that grows up and their parents get divorced... For the kid that's parents were always separated, that's all they knew. It would be the same for a pitbull puppy, they would grow up being around small dogs. They may have a bad reputation and be tough dogs, but they can be just as kind and playful as a lab if that's how they are brought up.
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