Will a Caucasian Mountain Dog Kill Black Bear?

Q: Will a Caucasian Mountain Dog (Russian Bear dog) kill a Black Bear because I've just seen one in my woods?
We were picking berries and my friend told us to go inside because there's a Black Bear. Thanks to him we are ok.
Caucasian Mountain dog on a snowy hillCaucasian Mountain dog on a snowy hill

Answers and Views:

Answer by tomiva
A Caucasian mountain dog bite is stronger than that of a lion and has the ability to learn the weakness of his opponent, the least it can do is to send the bear out, but if the owner or property is in danger then we are sure of a fight. But the advantage goes to the bear because of his body, fangs, etc.

Answer by OldFarmer
It can not kill a bear but a bear will NOT fight it nor test it and in a bear area they are great much better than the European type flock guards

Answer by tk
Honestly speaking because of the jaw-dropping aggression a Russian bear dog might show. I see the bear backing down. A bear doesn't show intense aggression as some breeds of dog would do, mind you this is a dog with amazing defense drive we are talking about. the purebred CO of old.

wild creatures are smart, a bear may back down from a fight if it feels its not worth it or risks too many injuries which is a reality. We see this in d wild when men who have animal savvy use words and waving of the hand to persuade or drive of wild animals(professionals tho) although I don't recommend that as many do not understand these creatures. So it could go either way but i perceive the bear would back down esp when the dog has a human company.

The intense barking and growl alone should ward off the bear. Never forget that the Caucasian Ovcharka has thick fur for fighting has speed and power the bear should have more power tho but i would go with lightning-fast attack reflexes, large size as well as devastating bites from the CO which is aware of and knows how to use it to advantage. It's not like the bear couldn't kill it but i doubt if it would be committed to such a dog that fights to the death and has a history of killing wolves. I see the bear thinking twice and backing off.

Answer by Rob
The ONLY chance that the dog would survive a confrontation with any bear is the fact that it is extremely aggressive and has a substantial voice/growl/bark, MIGHT cause the bear to run just out of confusion and uncertainty as to what type of threat it is facing. But, if the bear is cornered, has cubs, or just decides to stand and fight, the outcome would be very bleak for the dog, indeed.

Let's assume that it is one of the largest Caucasian dogs of all time and weighs 225 lbs., and the bear is just an AVERAGE black bear (which is one of the smaller bears in the world), and weighs in at only 450 to 500 lbs., the bear is going to have probably 300 lbs., 2-3 feet in height, at least 3 times the strength, equal agility and quickness, and able to run as fast as a horse over short distances, at around 35-40 mph, and you have a NIGHTMARE in store for your pup.

Black bears can have claws that approach 4-6" long so that they can rip tree trunks open in order to find grubs and other types of bugs to eat and the strength to decapitate a full-grown deer with one swing of their 26" arms. It would be best to take no chances and let the bear have all of the berries it wanted, and let the bear go his way and keep your dog alive and injury free!

Answer by kaekae
Can a Caucasian mountain dog kill a Black Bear? Very unlikely. But will it chase the bear off? Very likely. Unless its a female with cubs, that bear will not wanna stay and fight anything that vicious.
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