Q: Why is the Cane Corso a dangerous dog breed?
Why do people think that they are a dangerous dog breed? I can say it isn't because of their large size because look at the St. Bernard and the Bull Mastiff they both are nice dogs. But why do people label the Cane Corso as a mean and dangerous dog?
Photo Credit: Steve-©-foto/Flickr CC
Answers and Views:
Answer by Elizam
I have a Cane Corso he is a pup. Very smart and obedient, no real training but my 4 yr old daughter is capable of giving commands and him carrying them out. The breed is gorgeous and if you find the right breeder very family and children friendly. It truly depends on the owner in EVERY case. If you love animals it’s very possible to own and love one without worry. The only issue is the strength, he doesn’t know his and still not even a year but he protects home fully without causing harm. Very obedient, protective, and wonderful animal…love Xero to death.
Answer by Shanna
I think nearly any breed that has a strong prey/working drive, Cane Corsos, Pitbulls, Dobies, Rotties, etc., could be labeled as POTENTIALLY dangerous, but only really in the wrong hands. Provided the owner knows what they are doing then any breed is going to be wonderful.
I am the first one to defend these breeds, but I am also the first one to say that not everyone should own them. It takes the right kind of owner to properly handle any dog with a strong working, prey or fighting drive to keep it a good canine citizen. Any dog can be mean, but let's face it, you don't hear of too many out of control, aggressive Beagles. There are certain breeds that just about anyone can handle and there are breeds that only experienced people should have and Cane Corsos are ones that should only be owned by experienced handlers.

I do not feel that any dog is inherently dangerous, only made so by improper handling, but some breeds are more dangerous with improper handling than others.
Answer by EL
I have a Cane Corso, and yes, they are protective …which I love because no one is in a rush to enter my home without being a resident. Not to mention that for at least an hour a day he is my 13 and 14-year-olds protector, and he does a fine job. He is my second one and I am impressed with this breed. You just have to stay on top of him because where you show weakness or fear not being the Master, he will take over and show his dominance. AND FOR THE RECORD…. I DONT SOCIALISE MY DOG. I NEED HIM TO BE GENTLE FOR HIS FAMILY ONLY. I am a strong believer that if my dog cannot watch my house when we are gone from the bad guys, THEN I DONT WANT HIM. No harsh treatment he is apart of my family, like my son…… LOVE HIM
Answer by Maria
Just saw my neighbor get her ass kicked and drug around (spread eagle face on the ground!) by her Italian Mastiff. No, this dog is not for everyone that has one. Impulsive? I’d say sure: very strong, very fast and very impulsive. Couldn’t tell you what on earth set the dog off…maybe a rabbit or a gate closing?
I will skip the kisses or any notion of my ignorance but recent observation suggests a highly capable + strong-handed owner is required for such a beast.
Answer by Kelly C
I'm a little concerned about the thumbs down being given to people who are accurately answering the question. The Cane Corso while not an inherently dangerous dog is an inherently independent, loyal and headstrong dog. These dogs NEED a very firm and dedicated owner to properly handle them. These dogs are the kind of dog that can easily take over the leadership role and become dominance aggressive. So while the Cane Corso may not be dangerous in the hands of a capable and responsible owner they could easily become dangerous in the hands of an ignorant or irresponsible person.
The same goes for most large, independent and strong breeds.. these dogs crave strong leadership... without it, they can become difficult and even dangerous dogs simply because nature left unchecked will run its course. It's in a dog's nature to attack and guard against intruders, it's in a dog's nature to react physically to any threat or perceived challenge. When in the hands of people who know how to deal with that any dog will be fine, it's when they land in the wrong hands that problems arise.
Don't miss:
Now for example look at a Newfoundland dog, this is a dog with a different nature altogether. You could put a Newf in just about anyone's hands and they would be hard pressed to screw things up. Because Newfs simply are not the same powerful, independent type of dog.
There are dogs and there are dogs…. I have 3 and I can say with utter confidence that my female would not be able to become a dangerous dog no matter who had raised her, it's just not her nature, my 2 males on the other hand and in particular my youngest I could tell you that if they had ended up in the wrong hands they could easily become dangerous dogs. Not because they are just "dangerous" but because they have the potential to be if they were not trained as they are. As it stands they are great, gentle and loving dogs… but they are also dominant, independent and headstrong dogs... I could see them in the wrong hands not turning out nearly as good as they did in my hands.
That is why I stand by the statement "There are no bad dogs only bad owners".. because most dogs have the potential to be good dogs, in the right hands, just like most dogs have the potential to turn into bad dogs in the wrong hands.
Answer by Ceci
I totally agree, no bad dogs, just bad owners. I had two male Corsos, both sweet and loving. Prior to having the male Corsos I raised two German Shepards and one OE Bulldog, I did my research on Corsos before getting, reading everything I could.
Then in December of 2014 I got two female OE Bulldog puppies, then in May 2015 I got two female Cane Corso puppies (I know four puppies, WHAT was I thinking!!) Both my female Corsos are loving, intelligent and listen to Mama, one is 110 lbs and the other 90 lbs, they respect the leader of the pack. My larger Corsos is the biggest baby, some would think that she would be dominant or aggressive, she lays down and shows you her belly for loving. The smaller OE Bulldog became aggressive towards my larger Corso, the Bulldog would attack her for no reason, I tried training the Bulldog but she kept just lunging at my Corso, about once a week (the Bulldog was wonderful with her sister and the other Corso, strangers, and children….go figure.)
All the while my larger Corso got stitches in her paw and had been attacked by the Bulldog numerous times, she never fought back. After about three months of this trying all kinds of training methods, I had to re-home the Bulldog :-(. So now our pack consists of two Corsos, one OE Bulldog, Mom (the pack leader) and Dad (who is also very consistent with training and rules of the house.)
Cane Corso is not a dangerous dog breed. It's just that strong-willed dogs are not for everyone, do your research before purchasing any dog. People who do not do their research, do not have time to train, do not have time to groom (all three love me giving them a bath!! They gladly get in the tub, we do a bath then a relaxing brushing which we refer to spa day.), do not have time to exercise, do not have time to give love should never purchase any dog.
Know better? Give your own answer to this question!
Terasa says
I have 2 cane corseo’s and 2 pit bulls … they are all big mushes they love affection and play time and they are very friendly to anyone that comes to visit. It is all about how you raise them. My dogs are wonderful with children I have 3 kids at home and they couldn’t be happier! You do have to be the pack leader though these dogs are not for everyone because it takes dominance and strength to train them. I reward them with hugs and cuddle time treats and toys to chew and play with. They are happy when they are part of the family. Being that I have 4 they do each require individual attention as well and group time. Love them and they will love and respect you unconditionally.. I especially love coming home from work and them running to greet me! It’s the best feeling in the world. My husband and kids don’t even do that! Lol
Jim Olson says
I have a Cane Corso, she is so loving, protective and she sleeps with me. I do agree on the strength. Maple pulls me when I take her for a walk, she will pull me but I’m okay with it. She is learning to stay with me, she does like to run, I have taken her for a run were Maple and I get our exercise. She is a very sweet dog. I love Maple to death; she is the love of my life. Maple is at my side all the time at home, I have a mental illness. Maple is my emotional support dog, when I got Maple on Thursday, December 16, 2021, I was so happy, and she still makes me very happy. It took me a long time to find her, Maple and I found each other. I love her with all of my heart.
RussianDog says
Thank you for your nice comment.
John says
I totally agree. I also have a mental illness, PTSD. My Moo-Moo, a rat terrier, knows when I’m upset. Even when she can’t see me. I repair cars in detached garage. If I’m in trouble, she lets my fiance know. I know this is about Cane Corsos. I don’t have one yet, but I’m hoping to add one to our family.
Teresa says
I read in one remark ” in the wrong hands.” That goes for people too. It’s my belief that kindness and manners, and respect are taught. As well as violence, racism, vanity and much more. There are no bad dogs or bad kids. We reap what we show. Be kind, gentle and respectful, help one another. ” The Golden Rule.” My best to everyone
Oh I want to add I’ve had pits my whole life without incident. Love your puppies, and your kids….🙏😉😀🦋🌻
Rodney says
I have a cran croso had to be put in the hospital because she bleeding and had lost a lot of blood they can’t seem to find out what going on they’re doing test now have any one had this problem with their dog no snakebites would like find out what others think and if anyone had this problem
RussianDog says
Sorry to hear that. We understand your feelings. There are many causes of bleeding, only the vets can find and stop it. Hopefully, your dog will be ok.
Danny says
I had a cane corso and feal they are one of the best dog breads for protection. They love there family to death and will die protecting them. They do need some one with leader ship and experience cause they do test there owners and can be stubborn some times. They like to be close to there owners so they dont wonder off like other breads do. They are wonderful and gentle with children. There size is intimidating to people so keeping them on a leach is a good idea even tho they dont run off. My buddy past away from cancer and no other dog breed will replace him. He was never dangerous to others. NEVER.
Jeanette says
My Cane Corso Dante’ is only four months old. He is already very protective of me and his property. We went through a rough few days as he once again decided he will be pack leader. I made him eat after me, sleep below me, earn treats and loved him through it.
These are very smart and wonderful dogs. They are not good for beginning dog owners. These dogs need structure and look to you for guidance. Not a couch potato dog at all.
Elizam says
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John says
My bredder told me to drown my corso. I held her head in the bath and held her down then pulled her up. She broke and I have an excellent, well behaved Corso. They are a stron breed. The Romans bred them for battle and held them in the Colliseum to herd lions. Snowflakes should not own this dog. Show your dominance off the bat. Its a dog. Treat them like one but love them and let them know you will never hurt them. If you dont show them ypu are boss when they are pupps then you will never get that position back.
Sally Barnes says
Why would you have that breed of dog? Before anyone buys a dog — look at the “standard” for the breed. It will explain what the dog/bitch was originally bred for. They all have a purpose — some better than others.
BTW – you can’t “break” an animal.
stude3@verizon.net says
I would gladly break you by drowning in a heartbeat. then I would violate you
Sal says
John, You are too stupid to own a dog…You are too stupid for many good things in life.
Lynne says
That breeder (not bredder) is evil, and so are you for listening to them…not to mention IGNORANT!!! You should never ever be allowed a dog again, and any animals you do have should be taken from you. You cannot “break” a dog, and why would you ever want to? If you want a dog, you want them because they are a DOG. Regardless. you are unfit to have the privilege and responsibility for any animal. I sure hope you aren’t married and don’t have children. What a horror THAT would be…..
Debbie Trostheim says
Help.. We have a 1 yr old male Cane Corso who is territorial aggressive at first, he bit 4 people and was deemed vicious and had to leave the city limits. We found some one to take him and he ran from there after biting, we found him hiding in a corn field. He was only on the run for a day, but was at the new home for a couple weeks. Now he is really skinny and has food aggression also. We don’t know what to do. We don’t want to put him down, but it’s looking like that is what is going to happen. Can anyone suggest someone who would take him and help him?
Mark says
It’s really better to help him than to put him down. Looks like he just doesn’t know how to behave but he’s very young and he can learn. You may try to post an ad on Hoobly but actually, you need to talk to the fans of this breed. There are groups on facebook, there are breed websites, there may be some dog shows around. A lot of people would like to have a Cane Corso, you can see it yourself if you search “I want Cane Corso” on Twitter. Please don’t be in a hurry.
Jx says
U sound like u can help. She is gorgeous. Yes she is aggressive she loves my boy dogs but have serious food aggression. She is finally coming around and no where near the size of my roots. She just cant seem to join the club. Suggestions? Or at least ideas.
Mark says
It’s good that you have boys because normally they won’t fight a girl. Food aggression is difficult to overcome quickly, you should feed her separately. The most important is to become the leader not only for your rotts but for her as well. If you control the situation in the whole pack she won’t dare to break the rules.
JC says
Interesting. I have a new cane that I’m working on. She is two. I’m very good with dogs I have 3 rotts. Was trying to do a friend a favor. How do I turn her cause she is good then she turns aggressive quick. Should i just open her in an open cage and do my diligence or just cut my losses and let her go. My dogs run my entire place she is the only one i have to put away. U need to work on her aggression…any ideas. My dogs protect and socialize so…..yea am I in over my head. Oh first girl I just do boys for the most part.
Maria says
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Ceci says
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EL says
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joe zizza says
i agree that there are no bad dogs, only stupid owners. my niece has a neapolitan mastiff, cane corso mix and he is so loveable. she also has a rottweiler. this is her third rottweiler, and they have all been great dogs. on the other hand, my nephew had a cocker spainiel, which you would think was a cute loveable dog. not this dog. he was the cocker spaniel from hell. my nephew had to give him away when this dog attacked his children.
any breed can be great, and any breed can be a monster.
Richard says
These are another dog that has a history of attacking humans without any provocation. Why would anyone own one. The answer after every attack is “Boopsie has always been so nice” blah blah blah . These dogs suck.
m.w says
What an ignorant comment left by “Richard”. As the other intelligently written posts have described, the obediance and demeanor of a dog is as good as the owner has trained him to be, regardless of the breed. Clearly you are not educated on the Cane Corso breed. And where is your factual reference in regard to this breed having a history of attacking humans without provocation? Why are you even on this site / forum, commenting? Let’s engage brain before mouth / hand here, people. Unreal.
Keith Deuchler says
Your just one of those men who show fear in her heart. While potentially any dog could be dangerous, these large breed and Powerful dogs get a very bad rap. I know nothing about dogs. But I have always had very powerful large breed dogs. And I have always been the alpha male. I stay on them, I don’t let them mouth people or jump on them. Again this is a guy that knows nothing about dogs, but have had large Rottweilers (1Weighted 190 lb.). I have also owned very large abused rescued pitbulls who nobody could get along with. They were two angels . But had to be taught to be around people again . Not only Angels they were both lovers and eventually love to be around everyone . Not for the weak-hearted man who has fear in his heart . I now have a runaway rescue dog a which I think is definitely Cane Corso. I got him when he was about 14 months old and he was already 75 lb. It is 5 months later and he is the most gentlest dog I ever saw. He learned everything within one week and without a leash. Again I am the Alpha male. .. these dogs go by the sound of your voice and hand motions, a snap of the finger s it’s amazing. I walked this dog around my yard three times without a leash and he has never went off the property. That means other dogs, cats , squirrels, anything, and he still stays on property. No electric fences or least buzzers. Again no fear of my heart. Alpha male and ex-military. I have had only one small dog which was a rat terrier. She was beautiful but was the only dog to ever really seriously bite me. She was probably 40 pounds. So what do you have to say about that Richard. I can go on and on but if you have fear in your heart, you should never own any dog. A small dog can bite just as seriously as a large breed. One other thing I also had a 200 lb Great Dane which I saw snap and Armadillo in half with his powerful jaws. But that dog was an angel around children people other dogs, it was amazing. Again strong leadership. Alpha male you must be. Funny thing is I accent us but the true alpha male is Mama… My wife is a Ukrainian women who just has to look at you sideways and you know. And I try to stay out of the dog house as much as possible.
Billy says
My Cane is awesome. Not aggressive at all.
Tee says
Can someone please delete Richard comment. I’ve personally been attacked and or barked at by more little (10 lb) dog then any other class. People with his lack of knowledge should not be allowed to speak. That is in no way a fact. Like Keith said they are labeled aggressive because of their size. Because they have been put in the spotlight for being with the wrong owners and causing great harm. It is a fact that if bitten by a 10 lb dog anyone is likely to walk away from it easier than if bitten by a labeled dog. HEELLLOOO they are bigger. And something everyone seems to forget is 90% of dog breeds are breed by man to serve a special need. Labeled dog are mostly working dog that were also breed to protect their families. I have grown up with and had all types of dogs. My baby is a 3 year old Cane Corso who I just found out has been labeled. This breaks my heart. His is very laid back and sweet to people. (We are working on our puppy love) Which is mommys fault for not having more puppy playdates. I ask that anyone looking to bring home one of theses blessing. READ READ READ and TRAIN TRAIN TRAIN. Training never stops. Smarter dog always need mental training. Trouble likes a bored dog.
Jordie0587 *Diesel&# says
Because they are a strong, strong willed breed. They CAN be dangerous IN THE WRONG HANDS.
This includes not only the thugs and wanna be gangsters, but those who think they are big teddy bears as well.
They are NOT a breed for everyone, and take the "right kind of owner" to be safe.
I am NOT against any breed, but promoting a breed as safe and cuddly when it's a strong breed that needs a specific type of handling is just as dangerous as trying to have them as a status symbol.
Richard says
Strong really implies useless like owning semi automatic weapons. Stupid or dangerous people tend to be the ones owning both and neither should be allowed to own them.
Jelena says
Talking to a Richard is like a talking to a concrete wall! Ive got a Cane corso puppy from the shelter. As ive never had such a huge dog ive consult the vet about it and he gave me strict instructions about socialization with the dogs, children, cats and adults. He also taught me how to take a food from my dog and how to show him whos the pack leader. Cane corso tends to show strong will but you have to show him that your will is stronger. So, ive followed all the instructions. He grew up into a wonderful pet&family member, he used to protect his family without 1 single biting through his life. He never attacked any person other animal. He adored to chase the ball and enjoyed kids company. So, theres no bad dogs only bad owners of the dogs!
Charlotte Miller says
There was a woman in Dayton, Ohio, who was attacked and killed by her next door neighbor’s 2 cane corsos a few years ago. She was walking to her car to go to work one morning and the dogs had gotten in her backyard through her wood privacy fence. The owners and the woman who was killed did not get along and the owners of the dogs told her she would be sorry because they thought that it was her fault that they had lost their kids, when in reality, it was the man’s fault.
She had repeatedly called the police and went to the city officials trying to get something done about the people and their dogs. No one would listen to her or help her. She put up security cameras all over the outside of her house and the inside too. For some reason, the day she was attacked and killed, the cameras were turned off. She lived alone except for her cats, so she was at the mercy of those people. Her boyfriend tried to do everything that he could to keep her safe, but eventually she was so depressed and withdrawn that she didn’t talk to anyone hardly. She worked every day and then went home and took care of her cats. No one should ever have to go through the torment and harassment that she had to go through.
No dogs are not inherently mean, but with some breeds, if they are trained to be that way, and allowed and encouraged to be mean and aggressive, they will.
There needs to be be strict laws and if someone is threatening a neighbor or anyone else, there should be consequences. The owners of those cane corsos whose dogs killed their neighbor, got charged with not having control of their dogs, not murder, even though they had to be the ones that let them out of their house to attack her. As far as I am concerned, she got no justice and it was such a sad and horrific loss of a good person. Her family and loved ones will never be the same again.
SugarChick1369 says
I never thought Cane Corsos were dangerous breeds. I think they are quite lovely and give messy kisses. :)
They do, however require training and shouldn't be a first time dog owners dog.
People probably say that because of their appearance. They get stereotyped just like APBT and Am staffs. Its real sad, and the people that think they are dangerous are ignorant and should do research.
I am so sick of saying this, but its the truth:
There are no bad breeds, just bad owners.
barkbite says
They are wonderful loving and loyal dogs. They are also big and powerful and protective. They are bred to guard and as such they do require early socialization and on going training, but with it they can be great pets.
Ty B says
The cane corso is bred for guard work. What that means is that yes, they are more dangerous without good training and socialization.
I'm a little tired of people saying that it is the owner, not the breed. Well yes, the owner is a big part. Behavior, however, is determined by 2 factors:
– Genetics
– Upbringing
Even owners that bring up a dog perfectly can end up with an aggressive dog. That doesn't mean that a dog that is genetically predisposed towards aggression should be put down, it just means they need more training than the average dog. The cane corso happens to be a dog that is genetically bred for protective characteristics. This means that they MAY be more dangerous than other breeds.
;) says
This was the breed that sent their owners to jail for killing a woman. The owners let them run loose with no regard to human life.
And it is banned in many areas.
MyselfandI says
Probably because they are usually guard dogs. People have the same fear of dobermans, etc. I'm a firm believer that how you treat a dog influences its behavior the most. Having said that, however, if irresponsible breeders breed for aggression, a dog will always have a tendency to aggression. Look at the wikipedia entry I've cited. It says "the majority of the American version of the Corso do not possess the proper temperament for this breed."
Love is An American says
The same reason people think the Pitbull is mean and dangerous…because they are ignorant and uneducated about the breed. The Cane Corso is a very loving, protective dog that is wonderful in the right hands. You have to be very firm but loving with this dog. It is not for the average owner. This dog does wonderfully on farms and with people who have a lot of land for the dog to excercise regularly. This is a beautiful dog who should be properly socialized at a very early age. They do great with other dogs they were raised with and they love the children they live with. I don't think the Cane Corso is a dangerous breed at all!
Chalice says
It has more of a natural tendency to be aggressive. Of course they can be lovely dogs – but they are more of a behavioural challenge than mastiffs, and certainly more so than st bernards – they're a breed people often get and just can't handle. The most dangerous dog I know is a Cane Corso – it's not really the owner's fault, the dog is epileptic and behavioural therapy just isn't really practical for him. He's like a baby with her though. Anyway, it's unfortunate situations like that that give the breed a bad rep, like with any breed with a bad rep, but only ignorant people would quake at the mere mention of a dog of this breed. Most people know any dog of any breed can be a fine dog.
A. Wray says
I've never head a bad thing about them, but I have a bully breed so I doubt people would tell me those kinds of comments knowing my reactions.
Melissa M says
Well then those people that said that are STUPID. I'm not trying to be mean or anything.