losthills2005: Why is my doxie who is 3 years old lost some hair on its tail and ears?
Photo Credit: neiljaxx/Flickr CC
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Answer by sjh
Is it Black and Tan? This is normal for all Doxies to go a bit bald if you will. I'm told it is predominant in the black and tan though. I have 2 black and tans and only one has thinned on the front of the neck and top of the head. I have not seen one thin on the tail. If you are not comfortable with it, ask your vet. It could be a rash/allergic reaction. I have had red doxies and never noticed thinning on them.
Answer by Latisha
It’s called Leather ear or Winter ear. Yorkies get it alot. You can spend a fortune trying to get rid of it. It is beleived to be caused by lack of circulation to the extremities during the colder months which causes a fungal growth on the outer layers of skin. The skin turns black and the fur drops out in clumps. It will take time (Up to six months) but here is how got rid of it. Get a medium mixing bowl. Fill with warm water, add a teaspoon of betadine and a small sqirt of Dawn dish soap. Using a cotton square wash the dogs ears with the solution making sure to wet the whole ear, and let it sit for five mins. Take another cotton square and dip it in 50% rubbing alcohol. Wash the ears in the alcohol and gently remove the black crud (it should start to come away from the ear in black clumps along with what fur is left on the ear) Dry the ear thoroughly, and apply a think layer of Athlete’s Foot Creme. I use a generic brand of Lotrimin. This needs to be done everyday for as long as it takes till you see new hair growth on the ears again.. (Note: if you have other dogs they can develop it too if you don’t nip it in the bud fast.) Like I said, the cure takes quite some time so you MUST be patient and dilligent in irradicating this fungal infection. Use also on the tip of the tail, nose, and hocks if you see those areas going bare too. You would think vets would do a study on this considering how common it is.
Answer by Ananymous
ask a vet doctor he will know
Answer by Latisha
Hahahahahahahaha……. Dats funny, dat is. After spending $267. and change, my vet still didn’t have a clue what it was, so I started looking for clues myself…
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