Q: Who would win a fight between a wolf and a Pit Bull?
It's one of the most popular "dog against wolf" questions. Everyone leans more towards the wolf, and I wanted to know. I also want to make it clear that I don't fight dogs.
Answers and Views:
Answer by Jenny Manyteeth
Personally, I think it depends on why they're fighting. If the wolf is alone, he won't fight. He'll run. Pits will fight for no reason but wolves can think for themselves. Unless they are defending family or territory, wolves won't fight. Injured wolves can't hunt; if they can't hunt, they starve.
Photo Credit: Fool4myCanon/Flickr CC
Answer by chris
For anyone out there in doubt who will win between wolf vs pitbull. Allow me to clear things up. I have owned a male timber wolf hybrid before. I received him from a wolf breeder in Oregon. I have also owed a champion red nose pit before. I am here to tell you as someone that had both a wolf hybrid and a champion red nose. There is no way on gods green earth would any domestic dog of any type would ever take a full-grown timber wolf in a fight.
People don't understand just how aggressive and powerful wolves are. A timber wolf's neck is larger than most pits chest and I mean all muscle with K9s close too an inch and a half in length long enough to easily puncture any dogs windpipe in one bite. once a wolf bites down it will use that powerful neck to pull the flesh from whatever animal it's attacking. I can go on all day with the facts and the experience I have on this subject. The bottom line is a full-grown timber wolf would overwhelm the most experienced fighting dog. Wolves are designed to chase down very large prey and kill quickly. Pack or no pack a single wolf can still bring down a large animal. Trust me a timber wolf would make very short work of any type of pit period.

Answer by kenny white
I can bet it with you that a red nose pit can kill a wolf if in an enclosure.
Answer by Jeff C
I think as far as the dynamics go on paper no one could for sure say as I have seen dog fights that you would never have guessed the winner. Very often it comes down to the dog's tempermate and reason for fight (food, owner/property/baby protecting). So what is forgotten here is the wild factor. The wild dog in this case would make the difference. Hands down the wolf. That is not saying that I know for sure as none of us do but wild animals are just different and more capable of protecting themselves.
Answer by Jennifer
I have a pit now and had three of them when I was younger. The three fought as a pack (outside dogs) and killed a couple of wolves. Easy breezy, as a pack. Solo, I’d say my male would be the only one having a chance but don’t think I’d want a wolf and one pit to lock up. Today, my blue pit (house dog) got out while a neighbor was walking his wolf (5th generation). My dog was smaller and faster. Neither got hurt. Today’s incident is what prompted me to google, leading me to this site
Answer by dab
A Pittbull has 250 pounds of bite pressure per square inch and a wild Wolf has 1500. Yes, that’s 1500. That says it all really
Answer by Preston Cook
A pit bull that gets scared and backs down is a bad dog. There is a reason people show up to dog fights with bully breeds and not wolf hybrids. There is not a better fighting K9 in the world. Pound for pound a good game pitbull is hard to beat. It’s said an animal has to be twice the size of a quality game dog to even have a chance. Read 30 years with fighting dogs. Or Gladiator Dogs. One on one I know who Is put my money on.
Answer by Courtney Montez
Not true I learn and lived with wolves ever since I was 5 wolves will fight if they feel threatened, if they are alone they will still fight. Wolves are smart, strong, brave, and intelligent. The pitbull is fierce and is scared by things that won't back down, a pitbull would be the one to run away if anything.
- Which would win a Kangal or a pit bull in a dogfight?
- American Pitbull Terrier vs Ovcharka?
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Answer by Landon
Okay, let’s think about this for one minute. A wolf is an ultimate hunter and killer. Who if anyone that has a brain would ever compare a domestic breed of dog against a Wolf. I don’t care if it’s a pitbull a wolf would kill it.
Answer by calicuznatl
At the very least you gotta say that it depends on the dog(s). In this case the wolf vs dog. Now wolves are wild and often go snout to snout with the best of them, daily even. I’m an avid pitbull enthusiast who has owned pits for years so I have a good idea of what kinds of things they are capable of, both violently and intelligently. I honestly would give the edge to the pit bull, especially if he’s a red. But only after a long pause, because the wolf has a lot more fur to dampen the bite pressure, which makes it harder to grip as well as puncture, so there’s that. But I’ve done a little research on the English bulldog/terrier mixes and I know that people have been breeding these dogs types with others for centuries.
I think I read that in ancient Egypt they bred a similar type of terrier-like fighting dog. Even if I’m wrong on the last part you can’t deny that the reason they are called pit bulls is that other, more dangerous WILD animals (including bears) got put into pits with them.
One of the reasons they were so popular with the early American settlers was so they could let little billy out to play without fear, (or with less fear) of him getting attacked, dragged off, and then eaten by wild animals, such as mountain lions, bears and, ahem, wolves. So, back to my original point, I think it depends on the dogs. You take the best most ferociously dominant of each class and I think its a toss-up, with the edge going to the pit because in this case size actually works to the pit’s advantage being as that it is much easier to go for the throat and succeed when your approach is from underneath your opponent's throat, to begin with. Can’t get the throat they lock onto legs.
I’ve seen pit bulls break dog's legs that are much bigger in size. Granted they weren’t wolves, but I think the point is still valid. Plus before guns it was arrows and other dogs bred to do just that, hunt down and kill wolves. I also don’t know that a wolf is quicker or more agile than that of an animal half its size; definitely faster over the distance in the open but a low center of gravity is the key to agility.
Answer by Allan
Pitbull can kill a wolf. I have a buddy in Alberta Canada where he had two pit bulls kill a Large wolf not a Coyote and these dogs were game dogs male and female it took two of them!! Female was badly injured and the male lost one eye due to the fight...
Know better? Give your own answer to this question!
Chris Kennedy says
I am in Canada………..I have ran into a cougar in the wild……….black bear…….elk……………and a timber wolf………i scared off a loan timber wolf. I scared off a cougar………I am a bush man. I have had different types of pitbulls for hiking in the bush. I choose them as they are killers………I want a killer watching my back.
Wolf vs Pitbul or American XXL Bully
American XXL Bully wins………at 105 lb my female is not allowed off my yard. She can not be put on a leash and near any dog. I have a male at 140lb……….he is tough……..would loose maybe to a wolf, even knowing they are same size,,,,,,,,he is not game. My female is the neice to Azore………..Azore was 200lb. Animals we as humans breed are killers……………a wolf is not a killer………he is a hunter………..big difference. Imagine my female american bully is like Mike Tyson……….there is not much that can stop Iron Mike Tyson………..but I side with nature as I do not eat meat as I do believe in killing of animals……..I like to hike in nature with a good guard dog.
Jacob says
I think a gay timber wolf would definitely spread the cheeks of a pit bull.
MPA2000 says
The comments from dog owners are so dumb it’s not even funny. “Dur our pack of dogs killed one wolf, so yeah dogs are superior”. What?
And then “A wolf by itself will run and won’t fight if it is by itself”. Wow.
Just dumb. Most of these people never saw a wolf. They are huge and one Timberwolf would destroy any dog breed, pit bull, Great Dane it doesn’t matter.
morgan says
you are so right i live in the country in the mountains and my neighbor lost his 4 pits 2 reds the rest reg and they died why cuz a wolf killed them
Jan Alnajjar says
Disgusting that people are discussing the various merits of particular fighting Pitbulls, and recommending videos, isn’t dog fighting illegal? Despicable humans have caused the Pitbull to be reviled and feared. What’s the next goal… Putting a Pitbull and a Timber wolf in a ring and taking bets which one will be ripped to shreds or bleed to death, whilst ignorant men scream and shout? What is wrong with you people? 😔
skan says
What about a hyena?
Benjamin says
I got a 35 pound pit that will destroy any woñf, timberwolf, hybrid, whatever.
X says
the game bred pitbull would hands down beat the wolf in a closed pit. this dog is bred to fight over 30 – 45 mins. or
more in a fight. people need to look of famous pits like jeep, gator , mayday . eli, etc. what’s more the wolf is a
predator used to attacking animals big or small nthat run and when caught fight to free themselves whereas the pitbull
won’t be running away from the wolf he will be bringing the fight something the wolf is not psychologically prepared
for…and don’t underestimate the pitbulls threshold for pain..it’s like the phrase can take a beating and keep on ticking
once the wolf realizes that he engaged the pitbull trust he will be fighting to get away…the wolf is a predator not a
true game fighting highly conditioned fighter like the pitbull…that is those who possess the fighting bloodline
Perry says
If they’re the same size or close to it, a game Pit Bull will win. The link below is of a Pit Bull killing a smaller species of wolf. Only if the wolf is much bigger does it have a chance.
Gryzz says
When comparing wolf to a pit bull. I assume you mean Siberian or Canadian grey wolf. one that lives in the wild and needs to hunt to survive.
Pit bull I assume you mean game bred of about 60 lbs and wolf about 111 lbs.
Pit bull is muscular and tenacious. But the wolf has just as much stamina as a pit. He is bigger, it has a bite force of about 405-415 lbs per square inch while pit bull has 235. Wolf has larger denser and more curved canines. Which means easier grip and deeper wounds.
A pit bull has lots of things going for it too. Once pit bull grips something it will not let go. And no it’s not because of some kind of jaw locking mechanism but because of pit bull psychology. However individual wolf can bring down a full-grown moose. If pit would attempt to do that he would be kicked to death. Eurasian lynx is no match for a wolf. (Individual wolf) Pit bull against the lynx would probably be even fight.
Yes, the pit bull has psychology to fight to the death. Wolf knows that if he gets seriously injured it will starve. And that is just about only advantage pit has. Wolf is not a coward by any means. Wolf hunts in packs because it needs to kill large animals. Wolf is afraid of humans but it’s not afraid of dogs.
Wolves are smart enough to realize that where there is a dog there is most likely a man with a gun nearby. that is why they back off. Wolf female will sometimes lure the dog away from the sheep the dog protects and when dog is further away from the flock she will kill a dog while the male brings down the sheep. And yes female wolf can do that so imagine what male wolf can do.
It was said that American bulldog is much stronger than the wolf here. so pit bull must be. But the truth is that a wolf can do anything bulldog can. Although I will say that in the fight American bulldog would actually have more chance against the wolf than pit bull would. an 80 lbs pit would pose a problem. But pit is designed to be quick too large pit would lose that edge.
Pit might win in a small closed enclosure. But on the open area wolf takes it easily. Wolf is much better adapted to winter than pit. So in winter, it would be no contest. Wolf is much smarter than the pit bull.
Large dogs that are also very aggressive like Caucasian Ovcharka, Turkish mastiff etc could take the wolf. But even they would have to be careful against alpha male.
In most cases one on one pit would be lucky to survive. Most sites that I went to actually say that it is wolf who would have no chance against the pit. But that is definitely not true.
But I heard things that are even less likely. Like 3 pit bulls being able to take down a grizzly bear. Or a pit being able to fight of Komodo dragon. Or that rottweiler could hold his own against the tiger.
Dogs are great friends to mankind and they are brave and loyal. And that is exactly the reason why I would never force one to fight to the death. I like strong dogs and I respect them. But putting rottweiler to fight against the tiger would be insane. Putting pit bull against wolf would end in tragedy for both of them especially the pit.
RussianDog says
Thank you for your comment. We have published it on our Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/RusDog.
Brian says
Take a 100 pound wolf and a 80 pound pit and put them in the pit. The pit bull that is game vs. The wild wolf and the pit bull wins nearly every time. I’ve seen so many stupid comments on here from people who are in awe and afraid of the big bad wolf. Pit bulls, American bullies and American Bulldogs have a higher pain tolerance and a wider stance with a lower center of gravity. They’re pure athletes. Watch some you tube videos and see for yourself that they’re freaks of nature. There’s actually a lot of dog breeds out there that kill wolves, look it up
Former game pitbull breeder says
This question is too broad to give a specific answer to. It just asks who would win out out a wolf and a pitbull That’s it. It doesn’t specify what species of wolf(i.e. Red, Gray, Mexican, Artic, etc)(Google each for height and weight), whether one or both of the would-be fighters has ever proven they were game prior to the fight(Google what a “game pitbull” is then what a “curr” is then compare), nor what weight each would be fighting each at. All of this matters. Gray wolves can be over 200 lbs. The average male game pitbull is 45 lbs. The biggest game pitbulls are typically about 70lbs. Not even half the weight of the biggest gray wolf.
Now to make it most fair, we would have to have the opponents as similar as possible in everything except species or breed. That means the same gender, age, height, weight, length, gameness, intelligence, teeth size, pre-fight exercise or lack thereof, strength, speed, agility, bite-force, fighting style, etc.
When all of this is equal, guess what? The same thing is likely going to happen as we see in boxing, wrestling, and MMA matches where the fighters are evenly matched: it can go either way.
Advantages increase the chances of winning and disadvantages decrease the chances of winning, but they do not always necessarily guarantee either because there have been some major upsets in competitive sports where an underdog with disadvantages have defeated a competitor or competitors despite the odds against him or her. Sometimes nature works in mysterious ways that can surprise us and even leave us in shock and/or disbelief despite the fact that we just witnessed it with our own eyes.
Now what I am going to do is re-phrase the question to be as consistent as possible with what I assume the author of the question wants to know to give him some kind of an answer instead of no answer in an attempt to satisfy his curiosity.
I assume he wants to know who will most likely win out of the “average” male gray wolf(“the biggest and baddest” of all the wolf species) and the “average” fighting or “game” pitbull. Now Google says the “average” weight of a male gray wolf or timberwolf as they are also called is 110 lbs and that the average weight of a pitbull is between 35–60 lbs. So if we are just going with “average” weights, the pitbull is already at a big disadvantage if asking weight-matching experts in dog-fighting, Olympic wrestling, Brazilian jiu jitsu, and/or judo. But aside from weight, the average gray wolf also has way bigger teeth than the average game pitbull, so the average gray wolf has another advantage and the average game pitbull another disadvantage here.
But what about the the average game pitbull? Does it have “any” advantage over the average gray wolf? The answer is yes. The average game pitbull is usually gamer than the average gray wolf, “gamer” meaning they are more willing to continue to fight despite fatigue, injury, and while “on the bottom” or “on his back”. Therefore, they fight longer. They don’t give up like wolves do when they get too physically dominated. Pitbulls will keep fighting for HOURS despite being physically dominated and being on his back(order the DVD from Dmitri Ablizin of Abilizin’s Pitbulls or Ablizin Kennel’s showing Abilizin’s Gee Gun Lemon continuing to fight for over 3 hours while being on his back and winning by simply being gamer than the other dog). Now to the inexperienced and unknowledgable, this sounds hard to believe, but you can look it up. Also, Champion(“Ch.”) Crenshaw’s Jeep fought for over 3 hours to win against a dog name Homer.
Chances are if the average game pitbull does get the average gray wolf on his back, then the average gray wolf will do what most average gray wolves do when put on their backs by another gray wolf: submit or run if/when it sees the opportunity to. This is a survival tactic. Remember, gray wolves were not bred to be game, however, game-bred pitbulls were/are. They have been recorded to continue to fight for up to 5 hours even if being physically dominated the whole time. I know of no gray wolf that has ever done this. However, to be fair to the gray wolf, this is not the average length of time that the average game pitbull fights. However, the average unexercised(dogfighters call an unexercised dog’s weight his “chainweight”) game pitbull fights about 45 minutes to an hour and I don’t know of a gray wolf that will even fight THIS long. Anyway, if the pitbull doesn’t put the wolf on his back, then the average gray wolf is more likely to win, not by outlasting it via “gameness”, but by overpowering the pitbull with his heavier weight then opening up a major blood vessel with the very long teeth it has been repeatedly recorded to have as compared to the length of teeth the average game pitbull has been recorded to have. In the dog-fighting world, a dog who has had a major artery or vein punctured or ripped open is likely to not only lose, but to get weak, pass out, go into shock, and die in a matter of a couple to a few minutes from what dogfighters call “bleeding out”. When a dog does this in a fight, dogfighters say the dog who punctured or ripped open the blood vessel has “hit a bleeder”. When this happens, the experienced handler and/or owner of the dog who has had the bleeder hit on their dog knows that his dog is not only most likely about to lose, but also to likely die. And you can usually see the look of defeat in their face(s) as soon as they see this.
So in the end, the pitbull can still win if the wolf doesn’t hit a bleeder especially if the pitbull is a good wrestler, but if I had to bet on one in a fight between the “average” game pitbull(45 lbs with significantly smaller teeth than the average gray wolf) and the “average” gray wolf(110 lbs with extremely long teeth when compared to the average 45 lb game pitbull) I would probably bet on the gray wolf winning by overpowering the pitbull with it’s heavier weight and then hitting a bleeder on the pitbull, because no matter how good ANY animal is in ANY regard or respect, if it weighs less it more likely to get overpowered and if a bleeder gets hit open, it’s only a matter of minutes before it bleeds out and as a consequence gets weak, faints, goes into shock, and dies. If it can’t somehow submit or kill it’s opponent before it bleeds out, then it most likely won’t defeat it’s opponent. In fact, it is because most knowledgeable experienced dogfighters know that gray wolves have such big teeth that they wouldn’t even want to fight their dog against a gray wolf even if it was the same weight. In fact, most dogfighters won’t even fight their pitbull against another pitbull of equal weight if they know that the other dog has extremely big teeth compared to his for the very reason that they know that because the other dog has big teeth it is more likely to hit a bleeder and thereby defeat their dog. The only exception to this is if their dog has equally big teeth, because then, this would obviously even up the odds.
However, I will say that if the gray wolf and game pitbull were the same weight with the same or similar sized teeth, I would definitely bet on the average game pitbull as the average game pitbull is usually a better wrestler and is gamer than the average gray wolf. But if the pitbull and the gray wolf were the same everything except species or breed, then I wouldn’t bet on either because it could go either way. If you want to bet “smart,” you must bet on a competitor that has a advantage or advantages that give you “reason(s)” to believe that it is more likely to win. A better that bets on a competitor for no other reason but because he “wants” it to win or because he “thinks” it’s going to win for no identifiable reason at all is not a smart better and is most likely not going to win many bets.
So you see, it’s not so much the breed or even the species of the competitor(s) that is as relevant as the advantages and disadvantages that the specific representative of the breed or species has. Advantages are what increase the chances of winning. Not breed or species alone. I’m sure you can find representatives of breeds and species who don’t have the advantages typical of their breed/species due to either poor genetics, nutrition, development, and/or health. However, in the way I re-phrased the question, we are dealing with the “average” representatives, and in order to be consistent with that, I had to infer who would most likely win based on the advantages and disadvantages that the average representatives have. But “occasionally” there are game pitbulls who weigh 70 lbs(Google Southern Kennel’s Gr. Ch. Mayday and/or Plumber’s Ch. Alligator) and have big teeth(google Gambler’s Gr. Ch. Virgil, Big Thicket Kennel’s Bodacious, Long’s or Southern Bulldog Kennel’s Dracula, and/or Limehouse Kennel’s Terror) and there are gray wolves who are 70 lbs or less with teeth the size of the average game pitbull. So in the end, if the wolf has enough advantage it most likely would. But a pitbull would also most likely beat a wolf if the pitbull has enough advantage. That is, there is no absolute answer. Everything is “relative”.(see “philosophical argument that nothing is absolute, everything is relative” for more details).
Mark says
Great comment, it all depends! A dog like Caucasian Shepherd or Kangal can kill a southern wolf but it won’t fair against an Alaskan or Canadian timber wolf.
Michelle says
Who cares!!??!!??
Chris says
the wolf is so smart that he would have a talk with the Pitbull and convince him to join the pack and fight with him not against him. Much smarter than the average human.
Jenny says
I like this comment! Yeah, it would be much better if they just talk without fighting.
RussianDog says
Thank you for your comment. We have published it on our Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/RusDog.
Brad says
These comments are hilarious. An average wolf has a bite force of 1200 lbs per square inch and a pitbull only has a 127 lbs bite force: https://dogs.lovetoknow.com/
The wolf has one of the strongest bite forces in the animal kingdom. A wolf’s bite will crush bone and severe limbs.
A pitbull’s bite force does not have the power to do that. In conclusion, a wolf has a bite force almost 10 (TEN) times as strong as a pitbull.
A fight between a wolf and a pitbull would last under 30 seconds. It would be a massacre.
Ontario says
Okay #1 let me say this.Ive been breeding pit bulls for 25 years different sizes and weights. And a wolf can kill a pitbull thats true but a pitbull can also kill a wolf depending on its size and how a pitbull fights. Now pit bulls are not just throat dogs..they also go for the mouth and genitals of other animals. The wolf is very intelligent and can kill instantly! I’ve also watched a pitbull kill a deer solo in 12min getting under the animal and went for the gut of the animal killing it and it was a nice buck. I respect both animals highly but it depends on the killer instinct in the dog. You give me a 114 lbs pound pitbull with a 32 inch head standing 36 inches at the shoulders and likes going to the back end gut of it prey and I’ll put my career on the line that pitbull wins
Peter says
It has been reported that game APBT and Staffordshire Bull Terriers have taken wolves in the the pit. Straight police Gazette rules. Read 30 years with fighting dogs or the world of Guardian dogs. A sound fighting dog can generally take on an animal 2x its own weight. To the death would be a much closer fight.
ZVER says
In cage pit bull always ,but in wood probably allways a wolf!
Dave Robers says
I would think that if qWolf would fight a Bull Dog, would be for food in the wild. I also read that a Bull Dog is unafraid to attack and goes right after the jugular, and once bites down, will never let go.
john says
I own a wolf hybrid and the neighbors 120 lb pit got loose and ran across the street where my other neighbor and her 2 girls were playing on my front lawn. It was a massacre. I tried my best to get my hybrid off that pit but it was all over in just a few seconds. Sad to see someone screaming as their pet dies. It was the hybrid that lifted that pit off the ground by its neck, shook it like a rag doll and wouldn’t let go.
Franklin D. Roosevelt says
Cool story bro.
dan says
umm sure….
James says
A pitbull would not stand a chance against a timber wolf. If you think otherwise you are either dumb white trash or a dumb or an ignorant black hood rat with the IQ of a retarded chipmunk.
Chris says
dan says
I’ve witnessed wolves vs pits on eight occasions. first and foremost, the wolf(ves) never wanted any part of the fight. six out of the eight the wolf quit and or ran after the first flurry. the other two were stopped because the wolves were enclosed and couldn’t escape.Granted the dogs in these contest were of high quality and not some ones pet.because not all pits can take a wolf, some are too small and some are house dogs, but the ones I saw were the real deal. Now, if the pit was in the wild and came across a hungry wolf, then the outcome would be in chance. I don’t know where the wolves came from, but none wanted to fight much. My guess is there was really nothing in it for them.
Phil says
Not to disappoint pitbull fans here, but everybody is a bit of wrong and a bit of right. Let me jump right in. Historically pit-bull breeds were indeed bred to fight in gladiator arenas with much larger wild animals. What many of you fail to realize is that they would release 10 to 15 pit-bulls to fight against lions, bears and tigers as well as other animals. No matter how much we like to emphasize that we love our pitbulls we cannot fathom to bring them over their natural limits as well as the fact that it is indeed a domesticated dog. To begin to address the point here, it is beyond a doubt a win win for the wolf. If motivated, a wolf will without any hesitation, kill the pitbull. To begin with the wolf would be larger, it has larger teeth, a stronger bite force, a quicker instinct to go for the kill, has sharper claws, is typically heavier and its fur layers can easily dampen the pitbull’s bite. Part of the reason wolves are not brought to dog fights is because, wolves have minds of their own, they are hard to control, they are not great with being obedient, they will not fight unless they absolutely need to or have to and also because there s very few people that actually have wolves as pets, if anything they have a wolf hybrid which is not the same as a full grown 100% wolf, in terms of strength, size and bite force.
Dylan says
pitbull would win especially against a wolf it isnt the size of the animal its the size of the fight in the animal
Preston Cook says
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John says
Well if you fight dogs of any kind you’re a dumbass heartless motherfucker
Wade Collins says
These white trash or hood rat idiots that believe a pit bull has a chance in Hell against a Wolf either lack the IQ to discern reality or are deluding themselves.
Landon says
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Courtney Montez says
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dab says
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BamBam says
Jeff C – The wild dog in this case would make the difference. Hands down the wolf. That is not saying that I know for sure as none of us do but wild animals are just different and more capable of protecting themselves.
A wild animal cannot afford to get hurt. If the wolf is 1 on 1 with a game bred dog not just pit bull or bully type the wolf will run. There is a HUGE difference in the ability of a game bred dog and a pit bull looking dog. You obviously don’t know the difference.
Jennifer says
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Jeff C says
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ryan fairweather says
i used to own a 1 year old staffy cross akita that got put down for ripping a fully grown pitbull to shreds after it got attacked by the pitbull. it happened within a few seconds and next thing i knew there was a dead pit in my front garden. pitbulls arent as tough as these pit enthusiased think, their opinions are totally biased and to think they could go up against a wolf is stupid
abc says
A few people have mentioned about how wild animals were thrown into pits with pitbulls and how the pitbull would win. What they forget to mention is the fact that the wild animal is severely handicapped. It is either tied down to limit mobility or it has its teeth and/or claws removed. Even then, there are multiple dogs against this handicapped animal. Also, the dogs are changed out as they get tired. So, I’d go with the wolf if it were to fight against the pitbull.
kenny white says
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Gregory Suto says
Did you honestly post a video of 2 dogs playing and throw the w to the pit because the wolf was bored out of his mind and did not want to bother? Also anyone who suggests a pit would win solely based on the color of his fur is a straight up moooooron. See people give credit to pit bulls solely because they are fans or owners. Its totally by biased. And ironically the only thing people think the pit has on the wolf is a stronger holding pressure based on an over developed jaw when infact the wolf has much stronger holding pressure, much much stronger bite and much longer canines plus a much longer snout. It is not even a fight really. I’ve witnessed a wolf vs pit fight and it is a joke.
Bob says
A purebred apbt will kill anythang that’s ever called a dog and then some. A pit bull has such jaw strength that they can flatten their jaws and break thier teeth. A wolf does not have stronger jaws than a staffy or pit. In the book of fighting dogs a pit bit measured 2600 psi when it wants to bite it will bite. The measurements taken the pit bull isn’t biting full force and not even close to full bore because a pit will flatten it’s jaws if full force. One American bulldog can take on an entire pack of wolves so you think a a pit bull can’t. I have seen many dog fights and when I was young I have seen a miniature bull terrier 20 pounds beat a 250 pound rotweiler. The terrier was so fast the rot sat down and looked away. Fighting dogs were bred to fight and that’s what they do. I once had a English staffy mixed with a springer save my life when two aggressive Great Danes got out of their yard he was 6 months old and sent thoses Danes running back home.
Brendan says
A wolf does indeed have stronger jaws than an American pitbull, my slack jawed, rednecked friend ?. Rottweilers have larger and stronger jaws than American pitbulls too. Whilst we’re on the topic of Rottweilers….they don’t weigh anywhere near 250 pounds. I owned a large male Rottweiler and he weighed 112 pounds. To put this in perspective, I’m a five foot ten inch heavily built overweight male, and I way 246 pounds….so maybe what you saw was a small black bear?…because it definitely wasn’t a Rotty.
As for an American Pitbull being able to win a fight with a full grown grey wolf…bullshit!…..Wolves are stronger faster and way smarter, end of story!
Atown says
No one hunts wolves or mountain lions or even coyotes with just one dog. A team of dogs is let loose that run together, chase down one animal, then circle it or tree it until the human can catch up with the rifle. Lots of hunters won’t even hunt raccoons with only one dog. The wild animal has the advantage 1 on 1 no matter the breed or size. These are long held and still practiced beliefs.
Matt says
PB will fit to the death. I watched a program when two of them got out and attacked this poor woman. Upteen guys used crow-bars on them and they still kept coming!! They had to be shot in the end. BUT having said that so would a wolf and one on one Id take the wolf, quicker, more powerful and smarter.
gene says
Toss up
Papshund says
Definitely the Wolf!
james a says
I agree, if a wolf fight he would tear the pit up.
JJ says
Please understand a wolf is a wolf a 150 pound wolf. A pitbull is a pitbull a 60 pound pitbull. A wolf with 406 pounds of force in their bite and a pitbull with only 236 pounds of force. Think about it a wolf that has to fight for its food everyday and a pitbull that gets food from its owner freely. I think the wolf wins.
b rie says
a wolf has 1500 psi bite and will kill anything it fills threatend by they are the most succesful mammals on earth and they are much bigger stronger faster and smarter than a little pit
Sammi says
id say wolf. even tho pit bulls are used for fighting theyre still domesticated animals