Who Would Win in a fight between a Wolf and a Pit Bull?

Q: Who would win a fight between a wolf and a Pit Bull?
It's one of the most popular "dog against wolf" questions. Everyone leans more towards the wolf, and I wanted to know. I also want to make it clear that I don't fight dogs.

Answers and Views:

Answer by Jenny Manyteeth
Personally, I think it depends on why they're fighting. If the wolf is alone, he won't fight. He'll run. Pits will fight for no reason but wolves can think for themselves. Unless they are defending family or territory, wolves won't fight. Injured wolves can't hunt; if they can't hunt, they starve.

A howling wolf in the woodA howling wolf in the wood
Photo Credit: Fool4myCanon/Flickr CC

Answer by chris
For anyone out there in doubt who will win between wolf vs pitbull. Allow me to clear things up. I have owned a male timber wolf hybrid before. I received him from a wolf breeder in Oregon. I have also owed a champion red nose pit before. I am here to tell you as someone that had both a wolf hybrid and a champion red nose. There is no way on gods green earth would any domestic dog of any type would ever take a full-grown timber wolf in a fight.

People don't understand just how aggressive and powerful wolves are. A timber wolf's neck is larger than most pits chest and I mean all muscle with K9s close too an inch and a half in length long enough to easily puncture any dogs windpipe in one bite. once a wolf bites down it will use that powerful neck to pull the flesh from whatever animal it's attacking. I can go on all day with the facts and the experience I have on this subject. The bottom line is a full-grown timber wolf would overwhelm the most experienced fighting dog. Wolves are designed to chase down very large prey and kill quickly. Pack or no pack a single wolf can still bring down a large animal. Trust me a timber wolf would make very short work of any type of pit period.

Russian Wolf Hunting with dogs DOCUMENTARY

Answer by kenny white
I can bet it with you that a red nose pit can kill a wolf if in an enclosure.

Answer by Jeff C
I think as far as the dynamics go on paper no one could for sure say as I have seen dog fights that you would never have guessed the winner. Very often it comes down to the dog's tempermate and reason for fight (food, owner/property/baby protecting). So what is forgotten here is the wild factor. The wild dog in this case would make the difference. Hands down the wolf. That is not saying that I know for sure as none of us do but wild animals are just different and more capable of protecting themselves.

Answer by Jennifer
I have a pit now and had three of them when I was younger. The three fought as a pack (outside dogs) and killed a couple of wolves. Easy breezy, as a pack. Solo, I’d say my male would be the only one having a chance but don’t think I’d want a wolf and one pit to lock up. Today, my blue pit (house dog) got out while a neighbor was walking his wolf (5th generation). My dog was smaller and faster. Neither got hurt. Today’s incident is what prompted me to google, leading me to this site

Answer by dab
A Pittbull has 250 pounds of bite pressure per square inch and a wild Wolf has 1500. Yes, that’s 1500. That says it all really

Answer by Preston Cook
A pit bull that gets scared and backs down is a bad dog. There is a reason people show up to dog fights with bully breeds and not wolf hybrids. There is not a better fighting K9 in the world. Pound for pound a good game pitbull is hard to beat. It’s said an animal has to be twice the size of a quality game dog to even have a chance. Read 30 years with fighting dogs. Or Gladiator Dogs. One on one I know who Is put my money on.

Answer by Courtney Montez
Not true I learn and lived with wolves ever since I was 5 wolves will fight if they feel threatened, if they are alone they will still fight. Wolves are smart, strong, brave, and intelligent. The pitbull is fierce and is scared by things that won't back down, a pitbull would be the one to run away if anything.

Answer by Landon
Okay, let’s think about this for one minute. A wolf is an ultimate hunter and killer. Who if anyone that has a brain would ever compare a domestic breed of dog against a Wolf. I don’t care if it’s a pitbull a wolf would kill it.

Answer by calicuznatl
At the very least you gotta say that it depends on the dog(s). In this case the wolf vs dog. Now wolves are wild and often go snout to snout with the best of them, daily even. I’m an avid pitbull enthusiast who has owned pits for years so I have a good idea of what kinds of things they are capable of, both violently and intelligently. I honestly would give the edge to the pit bull, especially if he’s a red. But only after a long pause, because the wolf has a lot more fur to dampen the bite pressure, which makes it harder to grip as well as puncture, so there’s that. But I’ve done a little research on the English bulldog/terrier mixes and I know that people have been breeding these dogs types with others for centuries.


I think I read that in ancient Egypt they bred a similar type of terrier-like fighting dog. Even if I’m wrong on the last part you can’t deny that the reason they are called pit bulls is that other, more dangerous WILD animals (including bears) got put into pits with them.

One of the reasons they were so popular with the early American settlers was so they could let little billy out to play without fear, (or with less fear) of him getting attacked, dragged off, and then eaten by wild animals, such as mountain lions, bears and, ahem, wolves. So, back to my original point, I think it depends on the dogs. You take the best most ferociously dominant of each class and I think its a toss-up, with the edge going to the pit because in this case size actually works to the pit’s advantage being as that it is much easier to go for the throat and succeed when your approach is from underneath your opponent's throat, to begin with. Can’t get the throat they lock onto legs.

I’ve seen pit bulls break dog's legs that are much bigger in size. Granted they weren’t wolves, but I think the point is still valid. Plus before guns it was arrows and other dogs bred to do just that, hunt down and kill wolves. I also don’t know that a wolf is quicker or more agile than that of an animal half its size; definitely faster over the distance in the open but a low center of gravity is the key to agility.

Answer by Allan
Pitbull can kill a wolf. I have a buddy in Alberta Canada where he had two pit bulls kill a Large wolf not a Coyote and these dogs were game dogs male and female it took two of them!! Female was badly injured and the male lost one eye due to the fight...
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