Dawgy: Who would win in a fight German Shepherd or Rottweiler?
I'm just curious, I'm not going to make them fight or stuff like that but which is stronger or faster?
Photo Credit: Raghu Mohan/Flickr CC
Answers and Views:
Answer by Megan
It depends on how they are trained.
Answer by Jonathan
I've had both of these dogs before but i think the German Shepard is faster but the rottweiler is stronger especially my rottweiler she was a German Rottweiler twice as big as the American rottweiler, id have to go with the rottweiler though.
Answer by susmeister
GSD is an intelligent dog and so is rottweiler, not as GSD but still it is intelligent enough. GSD maybe faster than rottweiler but rottweiler is stronger, heavier and has more bite size than GSD. also rottie has a thick neck and they know how to use their weight. if say if every they encounter each other, I bet rottie would come out on top. SAY NO TO DOG FIGHTS
Answer by Keith
Shepherd of course but I own 7 shepherds it’s just my opinion.
Answer by Annonymous
Caucasian shepherd would win every fight. It's the strongest of all dog breeds.
Answer by Jack Woods
Peter Griffin: a Rottweiler is a Molosser. Anonymous: if the Caucasian Shepherd would win every fight then they'd be in the professional dog rings where there is no weight limit and there is no money limit: the best fighting dogs in the world are Pit Bulls. A Caucasian Shepherd can certainly beat some Pit Bulls, especially if it is very cold and there is a wide area for it to move about and it has enough size advantage; still, no dog of any breed can beat the world-class Pit Bulls in the pit. That's why the dope dealers and gangsters spend and bet tens of thousands of dollars on Pits.
Pits can get large as well and have the strongest bite of any dog, but it is more about technique and hardness. Strong Pits won't release until they are physically disabled: you can pepper spray them, tase them, even hit them with tire tools and shoot them: There are videos of them doing all these things and the dog still holds on until it is physically unable due to injuries.
Answer by john wayne
well…….I Think German shepherd would win because they are very very clever!!!!
Answer by Shahrand
I think German shepherd win it has speed but
Rottweiler have strong jab I have a German shepherd
and so I say German shepherd win win win.
Answer by Jay
It depends on the dog. I Had a rottweiler that was not over 90 pounds and would kill anything in its way in a second and I have rottweiler now over a 100 pounds and it will lick you to death . So it's like people from different races. Some are aggressive and mean and some are passive and friendly. You can't pick a breed it's in the makeup of the dog itself.
- How would a German Shepherd dog fair against a Wolf?
- How to make my German shepherd aggressive to strangers?
- Caucasian Shepherd vs German shepherd?
Answer by SC
A few years ago on Animal Planet, they took a test on 4 dogs on powerfulness in the bite, so I would say Rottweiler because of the damage. I'm not sure about speed, that would be determined by the individual dog. Overall I say Rottweiler, because bite, but it would be close because I think the German Shepherd could pin the Rottweiler, so now I think about I'm not exactly sure, but I'll pick Rottweiler and German Shepherd a close second.=)
Answer by Peter Griffin
Oh my god… These questions are beginning to bug me…. it's like watching bad reality TV….
both breeds are not as good as effective "manstoppers" in my opinion as they are undersized compared to Molossers.
Both are under 100lbs, maybe rottie tops out at 110 if it's from large stock…. SO neither is an effective "fighter" in my opinion, and both would be destroyed by say a Tosa Inu, Presa Canario, or absolutely by a Boerboel.
Rottweiler wins due to it possessing what is known in the dog world as "gameness". Its original purpose was closer to fighting than the shepherds….. plus it's stronger and usually will weigh 20lbs more or so.
Know better? Give your own answer to this question!
Kevin says
I have 2 GSD a Male King Size GSD and a Female,
from exp i can say that it will all come down for what reason the GSD is Fighting,
GSD’s courage is unquestionable and will go head to head with any dog kangal or a chow chow the GSD doesn’t know fear, but GDS’s are super clever and if they are only fighting for dominance i the the rottie will win because it is more aggressive but if a GSD is fighting to protect his owner or family i can say and coming from experience the GSD will give the rottie the fight of its life and would have a bigger chance of winning the fight because the GSD will fight the end. and female GSD can be more aggressive than male when it comes to defending family.
My king GSD went head to head with a cane corso trying to defend my son and my GSD did an amazing job of keeping my child safe till i arrived.
Raymond says
The german shepherd will kill a rottweiler due to its athletism , easy to train and smartness ; it can also defeat a kangal , caucasian and pitbull because it thick coat will reduce there bite force and his temperament will let him win that is why it is used in the military u can’t see a caucasian in the military . If u want to ask questions , oppose or suport my comment reply me i will be waiting .
Jay says
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Jack says
First neither of these breeds are good fighting dogs.they would be destroyed by game bred apbt or presa canario.fighting breeds .toss.presaa canario and apbt would easily
defeat rotted and shepherds.as for biting power rotted come in at 328 psi a presa canario psi is above 600.biting power rotted don’t even come close to the mollossers.
micahyah n nwambueze says
to my i don’t have a dog but what i have learned pitbull wins wins
Sahinur says
I definitely go with Megan , it depends on how you train … If you have an big size Street dog, make it your pet , and don’t give him proper dite and tied him within home… And don’t allow him to see anyones face … Trust me when he will see other dog or human , he will tear out flesh from body…. He won’t care it’s pitbull or rott or gsd…
David Ritter says
Some people don’t seem to know Though German Shepard Dogs though as tall and longer than a Rottweiler have about 1/3 less body mass.
Shepard Dogs bite generally with a slashing bite when fighting.
The most powerful dog bite recorded is from a Rottweiler.
The German Shepard Dog is a smart and wonderful dog which works better with multiple handlers.
A well Bread Rottweiler tends to be a one owner / handler dog.
I once saw at a training school what happened to an adult Shepard Dog when it made the mistake of attacking the owner of an 11 month old show quality Rottweiler weighing about 120 lb.The Shepard was snatched by the Rottweiler in mid jump. Contact was with the head which was almost immediately crushed by the powerful bite of the Rottweiler. The dog was slung and slapped against the ground like a rag, breaking many of its bones.It was a quick death as the skull was crushed with the one bite.
I have though, seen a rottweiler that was killed buy a Pitt Bull which was put in with him in a confined space / small kennel.
Shiley says
Rotts thave a small heart to their body compared to ra Shepard whose heart is stronger,larger more stamina
KrishnaPrasad says
Ohhh … just saw these comments ….. wow…. serious ones ….. between rotts nd germans …. if its a well trained bitting rottt nd german , GS is gonna lose nd die cent%sure …. between rotwelllers nd pitbulls welll it depends on the pitbulls first bite …… pits are 10 times more aggressive than rotts … so usually they bite wherever they see first nd then go for neck pins …… rotties in most casses go for neck pins …. nd if the rotts get the neck …. pitbulls have a very little chance winning … wot makes thr pits loser is the movement of the rotts after tge pin …. one whu hav seen the leage would understand better…. drug cartells nd gangtas hav pitbull only because pits hav bad temparment nd bite every one with a bad owner… rotties wont du that ….. it only attacks in the right moment at the right time …
Jack Woods says
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Annonymous says
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chris maylike says
I love these answers!!!!
Tamahome says
Hannah says
I would put money on the Rottweiler.
Rottweiler would I think just because of their huge mouth and jaw. Once a Rottweiler got hold I think you'd have an extremely hard time making it let go.
Love Rotties ;)
Wew says
I think rottweiler would win because the rottweiler has strong jaws and muscle compare to german shepherd so i choose that a rottweiler would win XD!!!!:)
Lee says
Pit bulls lock ther jaws say no more. Bred for fighting other dogs. Other 2 bred to stop man. In both world wars seconds I believe.
◆ Genna ◆ says
Is that what you're going to use to decide what breed you get? Unbelievable.
dannielle says
No I'm not i was just currious is that ok with you
Hikarix says
Rottweiler bite force was 328 lbs and the German Shepherd bite was 240 lbs.
Obviously this does not entirely prove which is the stronger breed but I would definitely say the Rottweiler purely based on its build.
Spanky says
your an idiot, it doent matter what breed is fighting, its the dog in itself.
confident, submissive, two females frighting are more dangerous then two males. idk why im answering this!
Symone' says
It depends on the dog really, but I think a German Shepherd would win. They are so sweet, but watch out when they get mad! lol
austin j says
It's not the size of the dog in the fight. It's the size of the fight in the dog.
Buster says
Your mother… on all fours she is always top dog.
Tommy says
Billy Shat says
Ask Michael Vick.
Pa says
linsieq says
Rottweiler, paws down.