Q: Which dog do you think will win in a fight a Rottweiler or a Husky?
I'm not going to fight Rottweiler vs Husky. If I was a dogfighter I would know myself who should I put in the ring. But I'm just curious.
Photo Credit: El Coleccionista de Instantes/Flickr CC
Answers and Views:
Answer by DJ
Answer by Lee
I think a Siberian Husky would win. Many people think a Rottweiler would because of its brute strength, but I disagree. A Husky is strong, too, and even though it might not have a powerful bite like a Rottweiler, it also agile and has fierce instincts. Husky wins.
Answer by Victor
Rott are notoriously aggressive and a natural fighter but comparing husky... Husky are known for their strength, they pull the sled and carries people. In speed husky wins. Husky are more clever than rottweiler, and when faced with danger it loses its calm and fights like a wolf.
Answer by Willie Survive
I would have to say, as we do "in the hood", The "Rock" weiler would win. My reason is I think that it is a bigger and heavier dog that is more of a natural fighter than the husky.
Answer by Chris
I think a lot of people forget that when Siberian Huskies were survived in Alaska they were bred with wolves specifically for dog fighting as well as dog sledding.
Answer by Jasper Williamson
I have a Rottie and a Husky. Both are 3.5 years old. The Husky is 25 inches and 27kg and the rottie is 27 inches and 67 kg but both are extremely lean as they have high-quality food and are very well walked. Both have very famous parents (the Huskies are professional sled dogs in Canada and Alaska) (the rottie’s are guard/ show dogs in Romania and Serbia). In an open field, the rottie would never catch the husky and the husky is very good at dodging when they play fight, however, once the rottie gets on top of the husky… There is no getting away. These two love each other, are very well trained and would never properly hurt one another but if they were to, it would be over very quickly. The Rottweiler is an extremely dominant dog with the strongest bite force and masses of power. No domesticated dog, not a pit bull, a German shepherd or a husky could take on a rottie and win.
Answer by Leon
My 110-pound husky stands about 32 inches and fought boxers bulldogs and pit bulls and fucked all their shit up he’s not even a year and a half yet got me a beast rott no contest.
Answer by Aiden
I have to say Rottweiler vs Husky it would be a close battle but you must take into account Rottie is slightly bigger and are very lean and muscular. Unless of course, you feed tour dog regular brand food and a lot of junk like fast food scraps then they would be a pitch-perfect fighter, they have these attributes on their side. 1 they are muscular. 2 they are large dogs and have a good fighting stance. 3 they have a very mean bite. However, you must agree they are not the brightest when it comes to Husky which has a bloodline of fighting dogs since they are closely related to wolves and know how to fight very well when it comes to it. So, therefore, you should also take into account the muscular, lean aerodynamic body style of a Husky.
So here's what the Husky has on its side. 1 the Husky is a tall and lean dog. 2 they have close relations to wolves and have more fighting instinct. 3 they are agile or fast dog's and if the Husky ran the Rottweiler would not even come close to catching him. 4 They are smart dogs and based on speed and personal experience the Husky is really good at dodging the Rottweilers attacks, also the Husky has a very strong bite force, just as our Rottweiler friend. So lets put this into a different scenario, say one day a dogfighting Rottweiler escape and is running about when it sees a man walking a Husky along the street the odd's of an attack are 50/50 but odd's of the Husky winning this fight is about 70/30 the Rottweiler being the 70 and the Husky being 30 now if you paid attention the reason the Rottweiler has an advantage is that has been a dogfighting dog for a while and it is also very strong and athletic compared to the Husky who being a regular pet doesn't fight a lot.
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Now try this one, Say a baby Husky was born in the wild by its mom who after about the time the Baby starts feeding is over. Then the mom disappears and all the other pups die beside this one then a group of wolves come around and finds this pup and they take it into the care of the pack and about 3 years later the Husky is running as one of the pack. Then the Husky is caught off guard by a strange smell that the other pack members hadn't smelled so he goes to investigate and see's the smell is House with a Rottweiler roaming the outskirts of the place. Then the confrontation starts and the Wolf/Husky is against the Rottweiler the odds are in the Husky's favor because he has a fighting instinct and has gotten good at taking down dear, coyote, and other forest-dwelling animals so he has a Hunting strength as well and a Coyote is a savage dog with no remorse so taking a pack of them down with a couple of wolves is and always will be harder than it sounds so the odd's are 20/80 20 is the Rottweiler and 80 being the Husky so you see it really all depends on the skill of the animal and the different scenario's that could be very different
Who do I choose? the Husky
Answer by Big Dog
are u serious u no dam well a rottweiler will tear that husky up i should no
this husky was wondering the street nd my 152 lb rott jump the fence nd tour his asss up i sware to its not funny but man he drags that poor dog up and down the street good thing i live in the east side of detriot no cops hhahahahahahahah
Answer by Vsar
Lol Rotts are garbage dogs n ur dog was just being a bully hahaha bring it to canada
We mix our Huskies with Caucasian shepherds to kills wolfs n res dogs. Ur rott is just a show
Dog be realistic a really imported or sled husky would kill ur rott
Answer by Sab
fuk u ass son. rottwiler is the king among dogs and it can tear off other dogs. if you wanna check, bring it to India and let's see who wins
Know better? Give your own answer to this question!
Petbull says
rottweiler will rape husky in a minute lol
The Lone Husky says
No peanut head. Size doesn’t matter, Rottweilers weight more and that gives huskies an advantage because they are quick and clever, they may be quite but when they are provoked they can kill most dogs like German Shepherds, and if you bring your a Rottie to Alaska or somewhere over there he will get killed, huskies have the wolf fight spirit with them and they have so much energy and the Rottweiler will get tired more faster. Believe it or not huskies have a bite force of 320 lbs
Rudeboi25 says
Yo listen, the husky is a LOL “sled” dog” bred to run and pull sleds yeah? The Rottweilers are bred to attack anything that comes into contact with what he his guarding. Compare the 2…a sled dog that runs and plus sleds and THE rott a dog Which has been bred into them to attack and kill thing bigger than him ok let’s talk size, well for starter the rott is generally much bigger, stronger and have a much bigger head they have on average the strongest bite force than any “domestic” dog you might say oh well size don’t matter…….fuck off bro just shut up n think about what your sayin for a minute even if the husky is faster, the second that rott grips onto that husky neck it lights out. No point bein fast really there’s no point not against a dog like a rott, oh and for all of u sayin a husky can bite 320psi..ok if ya huskys on steroids even then no hahaha. Here we go this here is from professionals..German Shepherd – force bite 238 pounds.
American Bull dog – force bite 305 pounds.
African Wild dog – force bite 317 pounds.
Rottweiler – force bite 328 pounds.
So u gonna tell be a husky has a header bite then a GSD never mind a Rottweiler. Lay off the drugs bro
caglord says
Huskies are severely underrated here it seems. Rott has the weight and strength advantage but huskies have a stronger bite and wolf killer instincts. It can really go either way…. A dominant male vs male I would give the edge to a husky…. but not by much. That’s about as realistic an answer you’ll get.
mike lash says
All I can say is I saw a gsd vs huskie when I was young and it was a life changer. There was absolutely no contest. The shepard had thr husky on its back in seconds while my dad kicked and hit her trying to get her off the crying husky. It was sad. Tryst me a gsd has a whole lot more left in theirttank than that warning bark you hear.
Only one dig scares me and that’d a pit. They are to stupid to quit. Gsd’s will gladly quit cuz they have other things to do lije protect its pack.
Sorry husky fans but there is no contest.
sab says
listen everbody i am a dog fighter and i have seen many dog fights from that i can say rottwiler will win over huskey as they are powerfull and ther jaw strength is more poerfull than huskey .so a huskey can t beat rottwiler.rottwiler can be beaten by bull dogs.the main factor of dog fighting is jaw strength.
i would say huskey can beat germansheperd and doberman pomeranian hahahahahha
Eric hutto says
I might be a little late but a husky has a more powerful bite than a Rottweiler they only has 320 an a husky has 420 they just don’t fight if I came down to fighting a husky would win they are faster an stronger I own a husky an it got in a fight with a pit bull an killed it came in my yard in his territory huskys don’t put up with that stuff so I say husky would win
The Lone Husky says
Lol awesome my Husky scared away 2 shepherds
mdk says
The husky has a better agility advantage and attacking technique. It will lock on it neck like a wolf and instantly kill a Rottweiler
Yobomoto says
why would they be fighting…