English Mastiff vs South African Boerboel?

Q: Which is better an English Mastiff or a South African Boerboel and why?

adult south african boerboel lying on the floor in a roomadult south african boerboel lying on the floor in a room
Photo Credit: boingr/Flickr CC

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Answer by moof
That depends on what you want.
English Mastiffs typically have more laid-back guarding instincts than African Boerboels. ABs are more assertive about guarding the home. They tend to be warier and reserved with all strangers. The EM tends to be more friendly toward strangers you accept.
ABs tend to strive more for dominance than EMs. While both require firm leaders, the AB requires a 110% calm, firm, assertive leader. It is in their nature to try to be "top dog."

English Mastiffs are typically way, way more mellow than Boerboels (African Mastiffs). Most EMs require relatively little exercise; they need a good hour of exercise over the day, then they're couch potatoes indoors. Boerboels are more active working dogs. They require more stimulation and need to be worked considerably harder.
ABs are typically more confident and independent than EMs. EMs are often "velcro dogs" who NEED to be with their family. ABs are a bit more indifferent and independent.
In my case, the EM is better. I like big, lazy, and mellow. Maybe you want a dog with an "edge." I don't know, I don't know you.

Answer by Beth
I've owned 3 Mastiffs...one very sweet and dopey, one very smart and social but would guard at night. The last is female very much a trained athletic guard dog. The perception of couch potatoes or super laid back is correct to a point, they are always paying attention even when you think they aren't...IE sleeping/snoring when really faking it and watching a new person's every move. They rarely bark and can intimidate just with their presents and know it. I've only ever had one time when my male felt I was threatened. He backed the guy into a corner and wrapped his mouth around his arm to keep him from moving. He didn't even leave a mark and the guy was released on command and promptly told to leave. The guy had not been invited to our home and had dropped in, found out later he had beaten his wife regularly.

Also Read:

I trusted my dog completely on his judgment of people. Mastiffs are extremely loyal. As for the South African Boerboel, a friend of mine has one. A wonderful dog but needs exercise and can be a real handful because a bit more independent. With training a FANTASTIC dog for those on the go. If you're into hiking or camping or just traveling a lot by yourself, I'd feel very safe with one along.

The one thing I can say about both breeds, they are smart! think differently than other dogs, they are not for everyone. Experienced dog owners can even be challenged by these two breeds, but the rewards are a high return on how endearing these guys are., I'd own both in a heartbeat, keep in mind giant breeds are more expensive all the way around to own.

Answer by Cassie-DANE lover
Boerboels are extremely good guard dogs. maybe overly so
I looked into the breed…and decided against it

Answer by Shirley
I have personally been a registered breeder of the South African Boerboels for 9 years. They are fantastic dogs and integrate into a family very well, they are not one man one dog – they protect the whole family unit. They are a little slower to teach than for example a Retriever, however, it is important that you maintain dominance as their character is domineering. Females are a lot less dominant than males and are quite happy to take their place in the pecking order.

Boerboels and any large breed MUST be trained, because of their size and weight, all puppies are cuddly and cute but once they are 65kg, they just will NOT fit on your lap, and you will no longer be able to sleep in your bed, it will belong to your dog! I am a mother of 5 children and socialize my dogs AND my kids. There just is not a BAD dog or a BETTER dog, it depends on what your personal preferences are and your own level of commitment to your pets.
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