Where to Find a Caucasian Mountain Puppy for Sale?

Q: I am looking for a Caucasian Mountain puppy for sale in Massachusetts.
I am looking for a purebred Caucasian mountain dog puppy for sale. I have checked nextdaypets and just about everywhere else. There are some reputable breeders in the U.S. but they are expensive and offer just a waiting list. Does anyone know if there are some Caucasian mountain puppies for sale in Massachusetts or nearby?

The breed is also known as Caucasian Sheepdog, Caucasian Shepherd, Caucasian Ovcharka, and Caucasian Owtcharka.
male caucasian shepherdmale caucasian shepherd
Answers and Views:

Answer by Bully
This is not a breed for the average pet owner. I stress this very often to people who want very large and dominant breeds like the CO.

Unless you are extremely skilled and have owned very large dominant dogs in the past, I recommend most people stay away from them. They can become a serious problem and liability if someone would get one and not train it or was a novice with dogs in general.

Why not consider some other mountain dog? I can recommend the Bernese Mountain Dog as well as the place where you can find their puppies in Massachusetts.

Answer by FriendlyPet
The trick to finding a Caucasian Mountain Shepherd puppy is research, research, and more research. You should only get your puppy from a dog breeding club or kennel. Sometimes it may be quite difficult to obtain it in the US where the breed is still considered to be rare.

Answer by Jenny Manyteeth
Never buy from any kind of collective on the internet; you don't even know it those puppies exist, or who owns them.
Connect with an experienced and reputable breeder through the parent club and you stand a much better chance of being treated fairly and getting what you want.

Answer by Bully
The problem with this breed is, they are not like Rottweilers, Dobermans, or Shepherds. They require someone to stay on top of them at all times.

Most breeders of the CO won't touch you with a 50ft. stick unless you have had previous experience with large dominant breeds. Some time ago, did a documentary on NGC about this breed and there was a guy who was literally being dragged to the ground as the dog was chasing after anything and everything, including cars. He had absolutely no control over the dog and was simply just wanting the dog for protection. The man had only owned Rotties, Dobermans, Shepherds, and Pits and those breeds alone are medium-large, at best.

Answer by Rotten Rotts
I recently rescued one and he is great. Not for the novice owner but I have had great luck with this abused guy.

Answer by ῶith ᶫᶞᵛᶟ
They might have a rescue for that breed.
Just look around, you might even save a life.

Answer by Tamara Follett
We began importing dogs for our own breeding program in 1995, importing from Germany, Russia, and Hungary. We have now brought this expertise to dog breeders across Canada and the U.S. During our next trip we will be visiting Russia and Poland for Caucasian Ovcharka (Mountain Dogs) and Central Asian Ovtcharka, and Hungary for Pumi and Mudi.

For extensive information on this rare and majestic breed, see my website; for in-depth information, read my book The Caucasian Ovcharka: The Complete Resource on this Ancient and Mysterious Guardian.

Ethical Canine Imports International (ECI2) is an established purebred dog import broker serving top dog breeders and discerning owners by importing quality dogs and puppies from their Countries of Origin.

Answer by ☆ Abbie Border Collie ☆
I do not, but if you google your area with a breeder in the search, you may find some results. Are looking you at two different dogs as I answered your other one? If you are you may be able to find some sort of scheme that deals with more high-level dogs - the shepherd and the beagle.

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