Where to Find a Cane Corso Puppy in Virginia?

Q: Where can I find a Cane Corso puppy at a good price in Virginia?
I have been looking for a Cane Corso, for a little while now. I know how much they cost, but I'm trying to find one for like $ 800 or less with papers lol. I know its hard to do. So I'm asking where I might find a Cane Corso breeder in Virginia that might have a proper puppy.

A Cane Corso puppy with a toyA Cane Corso puppy with a toy
Photo Credit: proteanrealist/Flickr CC

Answers and Views:

Answer by Jesica
You want a purebred puppy for next to nothing and papers. It sounds like you can't afford to take care of it. I would be suspicious of anyone selling a purebred sought after breed for under $1000

Answer by Henry Alexson
Good breeder in Virginia is San Rocco. They average about 1500 but they have the better dogs that I have seen at the top breeders for 1/2 the price. The temperaments are the best. I found mine at http://sanroccocanecorso.com hope this helps. Henry

Answer by evelyn
Yes from what I see I agree San Rocco in Virginia is the best. Next litter I'm in.

Answer by Doris
There are a few more Cane Corso breeders in Virginia where you can get your puppy from.

Kennel:  Parkside Cane Corso
Phone: +1 804-310-9716
Facebook Page: Parkside CANE CORSO
Location: Mechanicsville, VA, USA

Kennel: De Elite Cane Corsos
Breeder: Mario Jones
Phone: +1 804-253-2368
Facebook Page: De Elite Cane Corsos
Location: Chesterfield, VA, USA

Kennel: Resurrection Cane Corso
Breeder: Eric Harrell
Phone: +1 804-300-2700
Facebook Page: Resurrection Cane Corso
Location: Richmond, VA, USA

VIDEO: Meet Cane Corso

Answer by *Virgos Eternal Reign*
There's a breeder in Dayton, Ohio. That's not too far from you.
Always go to check out the parents and housing conditions though.
Some ppl will breed these poor dogs for money and money alone.
Keeping them caged all the time, even inbreeding which ultimately results in unhealthy pups.

You can get a good price if you sign a spay/nurturer contract.

Answer by Manuel
hands down sanrocco is the best lines straight otta italy. Got my second corso from them, wish i got my first one too from them.

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Answer by encouraging_angels
Number 1 a responsible breeder would never ship there purebred puppies

Please make sure the breed suits your lifestyle, never buy it from a pet store - all pets from pet stores are from a pet mill, and please don't buy on looks, favorite breed, or because it is cute.
Reason to adopt from a shelter

Answer by Steven Ward
I researched the Cane Corso puppies in Virginia on the web for 6 months. I visited 5 breeders as was not happy. I finally came across this blog and saw this post with http://sanroccocanecorso.com. I am getting a pup from them, thanks for the post.

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