When will a Standard Dachshund Stop Growing?

Q: When will a standard Dachshund stop growing?
I own a standard Dachshund puppy that just turned 8 months. I've heard that a Dachshund will stop growing at 8 months and will become full grown. I want to make sure.
dachshund by the owner's leg
Photo Credit: Bev Goodwin/Flickr CC

Answers and Views:

Answer by piper
8 months would be a good age. Dachshunds stop growing at 8 to 9 months but all dogs r different. I have a miniature dachshund. actually my baby girl is giving birth right now. it's amazing to watch. OK hope I helped ya.

Answer by RIDDLE
like most dogs, they stop growing at 9 months' age or maybe 10.

Answer by Doxie who,am
On the contrary, dachshunds do NOT stop growing at 8 months by any means. My 1-year-5-month-old doxie is still growing and he's 23lbs and lean as can be.

My 5-month-old dachshund is 10.2lbs super skinny and is growing super fast right now.

Doxies slow down considerably around 8 months of age but can continue to grow up to 2 years, especially standards.

Our 1 year 5 month doxie grew 8lbs since he was 9 months old so far and he's still growing and is in perfect health lean as can be and strong as an ox.

Answer by Annie
When a dog stops growing, it usually depends on the breed. When a dog stops growing, it reaches its genetic maturity. Usually, a dog reaches full growth-physical wise- when they are 12-18 months age, it varies from dog to dog but this is an average dog I am talking about. A dog usually doesn't reach maturity-mental wise-until they are 18-24 months old. That is why you should not breed a girl dog on their first heat because they are not physically mature enough.

Answer by Pixie
Regardless of breed 12month/1year is the official age dogs stop growing

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Answer by Naysa☆彡
At a year old your Dachshund will be full-grown (even just before that), over the following year expect her to gain a small amount of weight... filling out/bulking out. She shouldn't grow too much in the next 6 months, not a huge noticeable amount anyway

Answer by Sir Huchalot
Smaller dogs like Dachshunds stop growing before they are a year old so don't expect her to grow much more. She may bulk up a little or put on a little weight but her height won't increase much.

Larger breeds don't stop growing until they are around two years old.

Answer by Angelena Renee
Hmm, about 8-9 months.
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