toskalaislove: How old should a golden retriever be to be separated from its mother?
I am planning on buying a baby golden retriever, and I was just wondering what age I should buy it at. I've heard from 6 weeks to 10 weeks. I'm not sure. I want it to be healthy so please give me an accurate age. Also, I was wondering about the price range, so if you could add that in your answer it would be greatly appreciated.
Answers and Views:
Answer by Real Deal CowGirl
The very best age to separate a puppy from its mother is 10 weeks, but it can go as low as 8 weeks, but NO lower.
Answer by millypeed
The minimum age to buy a Golden Retriever puppy is 8 weeks, but it's better to wait until 10 to 12 weeks, pups need to stay with mum and siblings until then, even though they have been weaned and are eating solid food they will learn vital socialization skills in these last few weeks.
Answer by TJ
First, let's break this down just a bit.
Separating a LITTER from their mother is part of the weaning process, and is a completely different thing to when the litter is split up and the pups sent to new homes.
With my breed, we separate the litter (as a litter) from their mother at 5 weeks, obviously way too young to send to new homes.
I will not split up a litter before 8 weeks but will split them up before 10 weeks. The reason for 8 weeks is because we have their eyes CERF examined at 8 weeks. The reason for 10 weeks is because fear memory is said to develop during the 11th week.
Price ranges from A to Z. I just know that there are only two places that I would get a Golden from. Topbrass Retrievers here in the US, and Holway Goldens in England.
June Atkinson Holway Goldens
Answer by Melissa S
8 weeks to ten weeks, any younger is too young, the longer it stays with the mother the better because in those first 8 to 10 weeks the mother gives them the milk, weens them onto food, and also passes down good behavior, she keeps them in their place, and usually, the pups are healthier at this age, and bigger to cope with the separation anxiety.
Answer by T
8-12 weeks. 10 weeks is my preference. The price I have no idea with this breed. However, I'm sure other people will answer that for you. Do you have your heart set on buying from a privet party? If not try the shelter & Tks.
Answer by Amanda H
No sooner than 8 weeks, but 10 weeks is better. Some states have laws against selling puppies under 8 weeks. I would say expect to spend at least 1,000.00 for a pet quality golden from a reputable breeder.
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