When does a Mini Schnauzer Stop Chewing? (15 answers)

sylvrmoonz: At what age does a mini schnauzer stop chewing on everything?
My schnauzer chews on everything. He has chewed shoes, a laptop cord (ugh), a sleeping bag, etc. Her favorite though is the electrical cord. Someone told me that they outgrow this chewing stage. How long do I have to wait and is there anything I can do in the meantime to stop it?

Answers and Views:

Answer by helga
He won't if you don't stop him.

Schnauzer pup chewing toySchnauzer pup chewing toy
Photo Credit: zora4dogs from Pixabay

Answer by responder
I have had Miniature Schnauzers before and usually, by the time they are 1, they will stop. I broke mine by keeping her in a crate when I was gone and a fly swatter when I was home. I would pop her on the nose not very hard but just enough to let her know I meant no. It didn't take long after that.

Answer by VOLKI
He won't. They really like to chew. So you have to show them what they are allowed to chew on. I give mine a rawhide when are watching TV at night. He chews until he falls asleep.

Answer by Ali
Get a squirt bottle full of apple bitters and every time he/she chews on something spray him/her. Trust me it works, my mini schnauzer was HORRIBLE!!!
What's his name, my male's name is Pepper!

Answer by cat
6 years old, in the meantime, spray everything with apple bitters!


Answer by Rhea B
Your schnauzer will not outgrow this unless trained to do so. Keep plenty of chew toys on hand. And only let your dog out of its crate when you are in the room with it. When it heads for a cord or shoe, say NO, take it away from that object and give it a chew toy. Do not ever leave your dog outside of its crate, in the house, unless you are there to watch it.

Answer by miss smiles
They grow out of it around one or two years old. For now, get a few baby gates that go in doorways, and put them in rooms where electrical wires are showing. this will keep her off of them.

Answer by Teresa V
Tell him no or make a loud sound when he chews on things he shouldn't. He is a dog he won't learn not to chew on things unless you teach him. Keep your dog away from electric cords or he could electrocute himself and die!!!

Answer by mom
They are chewing for one of two reasons or both.
First, they are teething, and second, they are bored.
Give him/her lots of available chew toys, don't let them chew on your stuff, to begin with, and always redirect them.
Good Luck!!

Answer by Mary K
A Mini Schnauzer's natural instinct is to chew. It is important to give them chew toys that are safe for their size. They are capable of chewing on anything they put in their mouths because of their strong jaws and sharp teeth.

When do they stop? It is hard to say because it depends on the individual dog. The best way to keep them from chewing on things they shouldn't is by giving them chew toys or activities that are more interesting than what you have around the house.

Answer by notnaked
If you'd have bought a book on how to raise a puppy right, you wouldn't be having this problem!!!


Answer by I know
Go to the pet store and ask for that spray you can buy. I can't remember the name of it, but it works. When you spray this stuff on things it apparently makes them taste bad enough that the pup won't touch it anymore.

My mini dachshund was terrible about chewing while I was at work when he was a pup.

As for the age he will stop chewing – I'd say about 3 years or older- literally. He won't stop then if you don't work with him and try to teach him not to.

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Answer by Kris
They are very energetic dogs that love to chew on things. They often start chewing right from the moment they're born and continue to do so well into adulthood.
Some Mini Schnauzers chew their toys and bones; some will chew shoes, furniture, clothing, household items, and anything else they can find; some will stop chewing altogether once they are full-grown adults; others will continue to chew throughout their life.

Answer by lauren s
Give your dog his own toys & he will use them…

Answer by Elisabeth
Miniature Schnauzers are very playful dogs, and they will chew on anything that they can get their paws on. When they are bored or lonely, they may even try to chew on your furniture. It is especially common if the dog was previously allowed to chew things while he was unsupervised.
The first thing you need to do is provide him with plenty of toys and attention. Your goal should be for the dog not to find anything in your home worth chewing on.
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