What’s a Fast Way to make my Chihuahua Fat?

Q: How much is a Chihuahua supposed to weigh, and how can I get my dog gain a couple of pounds because I think she’s too skinny. It kind of scares me, and people think I don’t feed her! she doesn’t like to eat either!

skinny chihuahuaskinny chihuahua
Photo Credit: DanCentury/Flickr CC

Answers and Views:

Answer by Jay Sherman
Chihuahuas usually weigh between 2 and 6 lbs. I wouldn’t recommend making it fat, it's not good for the poor dog.

Answer by PitBullLova
A Chihuahua is supposed to weigh about 4 to 6 lbs…
The safest way to make a dog fat is to feed them food that is high in protein which helps them build fat and muscle. The fastest unsafe way to make a dog fat is feeding it human food which has a lot of carbs.

Answer by Vanity
Chihuahuas are not supposed to weigh over six pounds. There is another way to make sure your dog is at a healthy weight. You should be able to feel her ribs, but they should not be visible. There is also a weight chart that includes images to help identify underweight, ideal, and overweight dogs.

First, you should be feeding her high-quality food. If she doesn't like the food you're feeding her, you could try switching to a different brand. Also, make sure she is on a feeding schedule. Put down her food at a certain time and if she doesn't finish it or walks away, take it back up. Then wait until the next time you feed her before you offer it again. A healthy dog won't starve itself.

If she is underweight, you may need to adjust the food portion. If she continues to lose weight, you may want to take her for a vet check-up. The inability to maintain a healthy weight or a change in appetite could indicate a health problem.

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Answer by Love my mutts
chihuahuas are typically between 2-6 pounds, as they are a naturally small breed. they have a high metabolism so they should be fed at least 3 times a day.
adding a lot of weight can be bad for the dog's health, especially if it happens too fast.

Answer by RV
Chihuahuas are supposed to weigh between 4-6 pounds. I feed my chihuahuas 1/4 of a cup of dog food twice a day, they are at a healthy weight of 6-7 pounds.
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