What would a Maremma and Labrador Mix be Like?

Ashee: What would a Maremma and Labrador mix be like?
Does anyone own Maremma x Lab, or has an idea of what their temperament would be like?

maremma dog portraitmaremma dog portrait
Photo Credit: #simo#/Flickr CC

Answers and Views:

Answer by Pam
My Labrador Maremma cross is an amazing dog, smart and patient, takes care of the kids. Independent thinker, so don't expect a dog that sits just because you told him to. Only complaint constant shedding (I have major allergies ) but his personality far out ways my allergies. He's 10years old and went a 6-hour hike with me into the Rocky Mountains during the summer. I can't say enough good things.

Answer by Gabbie LOVES raw meat!
With mutts, there's no telling. They'll be anywhere from Labrador to Maremma in looks, temperament, and everything else.

Answer by Nicole
I just bred our English Lab with a Maremma and all of the pups are the Best dogs. Granted they are 4 months now but in keeping touch with all of the owners I have received nothing but praises. Dam and Sire both come from the excellent pedigrees which makes a difference. All 7 are extremely social and smart. 2 are already excelling in obedience training well ahead of other dogs in the classes. All are extremely loving and show no signs of aggression. I must add that they are absolutely stunning dogs.

Answer by Pixie
There really isn't a way of telling.
I saw a few Maremma mixes, and from those that I have seen have been suspicious and standoffish which is so typical of the Maremma.

Answer by Sarah
We have a 4-year-old Maremma Labrador cross. Her mother was a black lab and the father was a purebred Maremma. She is fluffy and white with a few brown spots on her face and a brown patch at the base of her tail. She is sweet, loving and gentle. She is super smart and understands everything we say….but she doesn't always agree with your decisions. She can be stubborn (Maremma) but she also wants so desperately to please (Lab).

She will go for endless hikes and chase sticks for days(lab) but she loves to cuddle, nap and just relax a lot too (Maremma). We can clearly see the traits of both breeds in her! She has so much personality and she is so sweet. She chuffs when people come into the house just to warn us, but is quite the moment we say thank you, we know someone is here. I wish she could live forever, she truly makes our lives happier and richer just for having her in it.

Answer by Katydid
I had a Maremma/Golden Retriever mix who lived to be 13 years old. He was the best. Athletic, fun, gentle and I will miss him forever.

I now have a Maremma Lab cross. Mom was a chocolate English Lab (smaller than the American Lab) weighing about 45 lbs. Dad was Maremma and weighed over 100 lbs. Our guy looks more like a Lab. He has black with white speckle on his paws and chest. He has wisps of white on his muzzle and tail. His black coat is longer than a Lab coat and he has longer feathers on his back legs and tail. But his tail is not curled like the Maremma.


He has a nice big head like a Lab but his Dad had a big head too. He has wonderful beautiful brown eyes. At one year old he is 65+ lbs. He is lovable, athletic, enthusiastic, loves to play, loves swimming, xc skiing, and hiking, likes people and other dogs, gets along well with one of our cats......the other cat is a stinker to him. Good traveler too.

And he is smart. Did well in puppy and intermediate training......although he was like the ADHD kid upon arrival at the class until we actually got started with the class. He responded well to training. He's a little more work than the Maremma/Golden mix but he's a great guy. I recommend the Maremma/Lab mix to someone who has a lot of time and energy for this dog. They need lots of exercise and attention.

When he was a pup he was a chewer. Something Labs are known to do. I did not know this. So we made sure things were out of reach until about a year old. He seems to have outgrown it. Likes squeaky toys. Had to get Nylabones and Kongs for chew toys because he annihilated most others. He also loves antlers. If you have a lot of time, patience, energy and space for this mix, this dog will be your best friend forever.

Of note, it is said that Maremma's don't make good family pets. However, the mix of Retriever and Lab brings a new dimension to their personality traits that makes a good balance. But I do believe the environment will affect the behavior of most dogs as well. Please be sure a dog will fit in your lifestyle before you make the decision to get a dog. It's a commitment that could last up to 15 years.

Answer by Joanie
We have a male chocolate Labrador x Maremma mix. The mother was the Maremma and the father was the chocolate Lab. He is black with white under his chin. His coat is a little longer than lab's, and his face is shaped like a Maremma. He also has long legs and seems to be built more like a Maremma.

He is the sweetest dog we've ever had. He does bark at strangers and at practically everyone who enters our yard, but quickly warms up to them. He gets along with other dogs and our cats. Our boys dearly love him as well. He's a wonderful dog!
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