What the Price of a Mastiff Pitbull Cross Should Be?

Jecca: I was wondering what the price tag of a mastiff pitbull cross should be?
The mother is a mastiff, the father is a pit bull. What should I be asking for the puppies?

Mastiff Pitbull mix puppyMastiff Pitbull mix puppy
Photo Credit: Mark Sadowski/Flickr CC

Answers and Views:

Answer by Denise
$400-500. If both the parents look nice these dogs are in demand. But I require background checks to ensure the babies aren't going to terrible home.

Answer by *Bluemoose* HoT Thrower
The cost of their vaccinations and what it will cost you to get the mother spayed.
No more than what your local shelter charges for mutts.

Answer by Ashley Pastusiak
I paid $350 for my mastiff pitty, she’s almost 3yrs old now, and $500 for my husky lab. So I say that a lot of people have no idea what they are talking about. I really wanted both my dogs and paying what I paid showed that I was ready for the responsibility, any less than $350, that’s with no shot no nothing is just asking for your puppies to go to a bad home.

Answer by Jenny
They're mutts. Price them above your costs and you'll never get rid of them. Considering the economy, you'll be lucky to get rid of them if you give them away for free. I don't think you could have chosen two breeds that, combined, could make puppies less marketable: pit bulls have a nasty reputation, whether you believe it deserved or not, and mastiffs are huge. So people who aren't sure they'll have a job next week aren't going to buy puppies that will eat more than the rest of the family and need their own couch… not only would the food bills be outrageous, the vet bills will be high, as well, and one's homeowner's insurance will charge more for the liability component.

Answer by Tina Erwin
We searched for a larger puppy, not affording purebred, we watched the shelters and pound. There was nothing but problem dogs in ads. (cannot be with other dogs, no children…) We saw an attractive puppy (lab mix) at a shelter advertised for $400. We arrived at the shelter shortly after it opened that day and the puppy was already purchased.

I came across an ad in puppyfinder for a mastiff/pit bull mix for $300. I phoned and the owner said the pup I picked out was requested by a man that had not gotten back to him, so if I got there she was mine. I got there within 2 hours and he said the other buyer was very disappointed. And well he should be because she is a gem.

So the shelter charges $400. These puppies are no longer a dime a dozen. There are not a lot of strays running around anymore. I would say $300 to $500 is not out of line.

Answer by JenVT
Assuming that you have vaccinated them, $ 50. Mutts are a dime a dozen and thousands of pit mixes are euthanized weekly because of irresponsible breeding. Get your girl spayed- she is not an ATM machine and you obviously have no plans to better the mastiff breed.

Answer by Linda Stalzer
Wow, people are so negative about this I'm kind of surprised. I had a litter of mastiff pitbulls and all sold in 4hrs for 150 each. I didn't realize a lot of people actually want this kind of dog if parents are good looking and temperament is good also.

Answer by anonymous
How much do the parents weigh? Are both on-site for buyers to examine for appearance, health, and temperament?
Have they been raised indoors only? If they have been outside, is the area well maintained and pest free?
Have they seen a vet for a fecal exam? Do they have their shots? Do they have hernias or soft patches on the skull?
How old are they? Do they have all their teeth? How old are they when they wean? What food did you put them on?

There are so many unwanted dogs at shelters, that selling a crossbreed dog can be tricky. You want your puppies to go to a good home, so you should expect these questions from a buyer. If they don't care about the answers, maybe they are unprepared for the breed.
I am not against selling mixed breeds. But often, what people are paying for is not the breed. It's the guarantee that they are getting a healthy and well-adjusted animal that was raised in a caring home.

It will depend a lot on where you live, as well. In my area, if the animal is vet checked with shots and has all the right answers to the above questions, you can expect $ 100 to $ 300. More if you offer a guarantee of good health and against congenital disorders for some length of time.
Shelter adoption fees range from 50 to 100. You have to give something more to get something more.

Answer by Amanda
Pit Mastiffs actually go for a lot due to their confident and protective nature. I bought my girl for $250 and that was because she was the last available and the runt. All her brothers and sisters went for $350. They are more considered large designer breeds more than your average mutt. They are hard-working, loving, very-very smart, and yes, very big and strong.
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