What Puppy Shots Would You Recommend?

RHONDA: what do puppies need for shots?
what type of shots do puppies need

Answers and Views:

Answer by Owlwoman
Your vet can tell you this - you pay the vet to know this.
Parvo is one that is a killer - a long, slow, painful death.
Distemper is another.
Do it now.

Small puppy Small puppy
Photo Credit: blende12/Pixabay

Answer by Belgian Nut
Depends on where you live. Not all areas of the country need the same vaccinations. The vet will let you know what core vaccines are needed when you take your puppy in.

Answer by angeloneus
Puppies need a series of vaccinations from 6 weeks old every 2-4 weeks till they are 16 weeks old, and the type of vaccinations needed varies depending on the dog's age and the exposure likelihood to different diseases. It is best to take the puppy to the vet for the first time right after you get it for an exam.

The vet will make sure there aren't any heart murmurs or hernias or parasitism problems, the ears and eyes and lymph nodes and skeletal structures and skin and breathing are all right and that the pup is healthy. He will also check the stool for parasites and treat any intestinal parasites.

If the pup is healthy, he will start with the first puppy shot. He will then tell you the best interval between vaccinations for your puppy, which vaccinations he recommends, place the pup on heartworm prevention and start your flea control (if desired).

He will also give you information on pet insurance, microchipping, and feeding schedules, answer any training questions you may have and advise you on breed health problems.

In some states, you can purchase some vaccinations from the farmer's co-op and give them yourself, but you will not get accurate information from the co-op, the breeder, or any other source about administration except your vet, so you are taking some chances by trying to save money doing this.

I have seen a number of owner-vaccinated pets that have come down with the diseases they were trying to prevent because the owner did not give the vaccines correctly or because the co-op stored the vaccines incorrectly before they were sold. Buyer beware!

Answer by Thomas
If u get them from a shelter they probably already have the shots they need. But they need:

  • Distemper shots
  • Rabies shots
  • Leptospirosis
  • Corona shots
  • Lyme disease shots
  • Kennel cough shots

There are like 100 of them but I can't name them all. U might be able to find them all by looking on a shelter website here are a few:

  • Aspca
  • Harford county animal shelter
  • Baltimore animal shelter

Here is a step-by-step tutorial on how to give your puppy an immunization 5-way shot and kennel cough nasal drops.

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