What Papers Do I Get from a Russian Dog Kennel?

Mohamed: what pappers do I get when I get a pure breed caucasian mountain dog puppy from a Russian kennel?

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Answer by Kaper
The only kennel club that the FCI recognizes is the Russian Kynological Federation.
If you want to transfer the registration over to the AKC, that is the only one they recognize as well. https://www.rkf.org.ru/

Caucasian mountain dog puppy

Answer by am38
My own advice is that you don't get papers for simply a pure-bred puppy of any kind. You need to buy a pedigreed puppy to get papers, and even then only if you ask for them. However if you did purchase a pedigreed puppy and didn't get papers, then you can write to the appropriate breed association and ask for the pedigree. There may or may not be a membership charge for this. Some breed societies list their pedigrees on the Internet.

NB: the difference between purebred and pedigreed, is that pedigreed is registered. The breeder has to prove the pedigree to be able to register it.

Answer by Bells
Oh geezez …I do hope that English is NOT your first language.

Why don't you ask the Kennel? This is something you find out BEFORE you buy a dog, not after.

Answer by BYB's Have Gian
Unless you've worked hard to verify that the breeder is a responsible breeder, you probably won't get much more than a receipt and vaccination records – in Russian.

This breed is not a typical pet and is not for an owner looking to have a rare dog penis extension. They can be highly work-driven aggressive animals. I mean SERIOUS aggression.

There's no way in hell I'd even consider getting one without having met them and having consulted with the specialists in this breed.

Answer by Aduial
I don't know. Why don't you ask them?

Answer by Archil7
Be sure to see a copy of RKF papers for any dog that you intend to buy from a Russian breeder before you take possession of the dog or at least copies of this Russian kennel club papers for both parents (puppy papers may be in transit), or you may never get your new Russian Caucasian Mountain dog registered with AKC registered! Some breeders do not register their Russian dogs with AKC, these dogs would not be eligible to compete in AKC events of any type (conformation, agility, obedience, lure coursing, etc.).

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