irishditty77: What kind of dog is on the Iams dog food brand commercial?
It's a white, fluffy dog. It looks like a large breed.
Does anyone have any ideas? He's a cutie!!!
Answers and Views:
Answer by Caterine
If you're talking about that white shaggy dog, I was wondering the same thing myself. It looks like a LabraTese or a labratese doodle. Labratese is a mix between Labrador and Maltese. Maltese dogs can be mixed with many breeds. The most common mixes are Maltese-terrier, or Maltese-poodle (often nicknamed maltipoo). It can also be mixed with a Lhasa apso creating a rare mix, Kyi- Leo.
There are also popular mixes with poodles. Most popular is of course Labradoodle - a crossbred dog created by crossing the Labrador Retriever and the Standard, Miniature or Toy Poodle.
The term first appeared in 1955 and then was used as an allergen-free guide dog. Currently, they are not considered a breed by any major fancier and breeder organization. Not all Labradoodles are hypoallergenic, but it is a quality that many look for and appreciate in this breed of dog. Since there is no real hypoallergenic dog, the term is often used loosely.
Answer by Jan
Finally heard back on the dog in the commercial. His name is Snowball and he's a mixed breed. His trainer said he doesn't know what breeds he goes back into as his mom and dad were mixed breeds also.
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Answer by Art
Iams is a brand name for dog food manufactured by Procter & Gamble. The company sells pet food formulated for puppy, adult and mature. Its products are developed by nutritionists and veterinarians and can be found in three main formulas: ProActive Health, Healthy Naturals, and Premium Protection. Veterinary formulas for pets with special dietary requirements are also available.
Answer by mag-mag
I like this one most. It's called Real Love.
This commercial features Harvey, a Beagle/Corgi blend, and his actual owner Hannah. Iams is all about celebrating the unconditional love between people and their pets, so the spot highlights the special bonding moment when it's mealtime. When the ad team talked with Hannah during the TV shoot about the ways Harvey showed his love when it came to his food, she said he likes to spin; that authentic behavior is featured in the final spot.
Answer by Iams Gal
He is a cutie!! Snowball is a mixed breed who's parents were also mixed breeds! If you're looking for a dog like Snowball, the best place to look is your local shelter.
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