What is the Strongest Dog in the World Excluding a Pit Bull?

Ayanda M: Whats the strongest dog on the whole world excluding a pit bull?
Russian Mountain DogRussian Mountain Dog

Answers and Views:

Answer by elizabeth_tucker2002

Answer by APBT12
hahahaha Rottweile? A Rottweiler is famous for its size vulnerabilities. A Dogo, Cane Corso, Presa Canario, Boerboel, American Bulldog, Tosa Inu, English Bullterrier, Gull Terrier, Tibet Mastiff, CAO, Caucasian, Bully Kutts or Mastion would beat all of a Rottweiler. I’ve seen videos where a Doberman has won against a Rottweiler. A Rottweiler is definitely not strong.
A Pit Bull is 100% the strongest dogs. And would kill at the same time 2 Rottweiler.

Answer by That Chick You Wanna Know
a Caucasian Mountain Dog very powerful breed

Answer by Katrina L
I keep finding Rottweiler. One website stated that, pound for pound, Rotts are the stongest dogs in dogdom. Pitbulls are not the strongest, by the way.

Answer by La P
not sure what ur looking for? strongest overall, strongest pound for pound? weight pulling? jaw strength? if your talking weight pull, there are patterdales that weigh less than 20lbs that can pull over 500 lbs. there are mastiffs and st bernards that pull over 3000 lbs.

Answer by Richard K
The APBT is the strongest dog in the world per its size, domestic or wild. It also holds the record on bite and lock-jaw also in weighted sleigh pulling
Yes… the American Pit Bull Terrier (APBT) is a breed of dog in the terrier group, one of several breeds loosely classified as pit bulls. These dogs are known for their strength, loyalty, and “gameness” (or tenacity).

Answer by Thomas S
The dogs that pull the sleds during the Iditorod, maybe they are not the strongest, but they sure have to have the greatest endurance to both physical stress and the elements. Pit Bulls just have strong jaws and they clamp on like a snapping turtle.

Answer by tom I
The Newfoundland Dog is probablly the strongest if you are looking for a dog that can pull your car out of the ditch. Wouldn’t be my choice if I was a cop in need of a dog tho’.

Answer by Annonymous
Exluding pit bull? Sorry, but there are a number of dogs that can EASILY defeat pit bull. If you want to know the truth, beleive me, caucasian shepherd is unbeatable. Dog fighting is very popular in Georgia and I know what i'm saying. I have seen many fights. Caucasian shepherd is too big & strong for any pit bull. So, when the 80-100 kg Caucasian fights 20-35 kg pit bull, it stands no chance. When the fighting begins, Caucasian shepherd tears up poor pit bull in just seconds by throwing it around. Then the much heavier Caucasian lies on top of the pit bull, biting in the throat, and if the fight isn't stopped, then: RIP-pitbull. I have nothing against pit bull. I DO think pit bulls are excellent fighters, courageous and strong dogs. But caucasian shepherds are just too strong for them. The same thing happens when a caucasian shepherd fights Rottweiler, German shepherd, etc.

Kangal is very strong, too. I have seen 1 fight between Caucasian shepherd and Kangal. It was hard for the Caucasian shepherd to defeat the Kangal. Anyway, Kangal is always worthy opponent for a Caucasian shepherd. Kangal will also tear up any pit bull, rottweiller and so on. So, if nobody upsets, I'll say:
1. Caucasian shepherd dog
2. Kangal
These two dogs are the strongest of all dogs. Thanks for your attention.


Answer by Beth
Bull Terriers are feisty little things too. And what about English Bulldogs?

Answer by Stephanie
Chihuahua hahaha
no really golden retrievers are pretty strong.

Answer by Flutterby
Malamute, Bernese Mountain Dog, Rottweiler
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