What is the Size of a Newfoundland dog Monthly?

Andi: What is the size of a Newfoundland at each month?
I was just curious because I am planning on getting one this summer. At each month, how big would it be up until it's adulthood? And what weight also.

Answers and Views:

Answer by All about the bullie
The average weight for an adult Newfie is usually around 130-150 lbs depending on the gender, activity level, and pedigree of the individual animal... Some may weigh more some less… you should always be able to see the definition of at least the last two ribs, but they should not be protruding… Height is: Dogs 27-29 inches/ Bitches 25-27 inches at adulthood { ie: 2 yrs of age}

Newfoundland puppy in the grassNewfoundland puppy in the grass
Photo Credit: jillibee/Flickr CC

That being said: {REMEMBER THESE ARE APPROXIMATE WEIGHTS and as long as they are steadily gaining between 3-5 lbs a week you should be okay.. }

4 weeks: 11 pounds
8 weeks: 22 pounds
12 weeks: 40 pounds
16 weeks: 64 pounds
5 months: 79 pounds
6 months: 88 pounds
7 months: 101 pounds
8 months: 108 pounds
9 months: 112 pounds
10 months: 115 pounds
11 months: 117 pounds
12 months: 119 pounds

VIDEO: Massive Newfoundland thinks he is still small

Answer by Bill L
Depends on the dog.

Answer by Debbie D
There is no way to know for sure how much your Newf will weigh each month. Each dog grows at its own pace (like people), and not all dogs from the same litter will end up weighing the same anyway. My Newf weighed 20 lbs at eight weeks and ended up weighing 150 lbs as an adult. As long as it's growing and healthy, the exact weight at each month is not a concern.

Answer by Cheryl McNulty
My boy just turned 9 months and weighed 82 lbs. His rapid growth seems to be happening now. He gained 12 lb from 8-9 months. He is now taller than my large German Shepherd. I do believe all puppies grow at their own rate. I think your boy is good... Feeding good puppy food keeps them from growing too fast which is good. These guys are great no matter how big they are

Recommended large breed puppy food on Amazon (#ad)


Answer by Arthur Fl
According to the Newfoundland puppy growth chart in Emma Bruno's book "The Newfoundland" the male puppy at 4 months is 64 pounds. A chart developed by Dr. Abramson Miri, Israel, goes into detail.

1 month - 11 pounds, 2 months - 22 pounds, 3 months - 40 pounds, 4 months - 64 pounds, 5 months - 79 pounds, 6 months - 88 pounds, 7 months - 101 pounds, 8 months - 108 pounds, 9 months - 112 pounds, 10 months - 115 pounds, 11 months - 117 pounds, 12 months - 119 pounds

Keep in mind that a Newfoundland puppy may not reach his adult size until he is 18 months old. Puppies of large breeds are most affected by the feeding regime and most prone to disturbances in their skeletal growth. It is all-important that they receive the right quantities of calories and nutrients. Puppy owners often try to feed their Newfoundland puppy as much as he will eat. Because of that many dogs tend to overeat, and this could have damaging effects on your puppy’s health.
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