What is the Lifespan of a Maltese Shih Tzu (Malshi) dog?

pisces: What is the normal life span of a Shih Tzu?
I have 2 male Shih Tzus cross Maltese (Malshi) and was wondering how long roughly they would be my mates, I can't bear to think of the world without them in it. They are 9 years this coming November. I love them very much even though they are little devils.

Maltese Shih-Tzu (Malshi) dog lying on the grassMaltese Shih-Tzu (Malshi) dog lying on the grass
Photo Credit: GoneApey/Flickr CC
Answers and Views:

Answer by -Angel-
Good question, it is good to know all you can about your dogs.
Lifespan is 14 to 16 years

Answer by Art Y
Toy and small breed dogs live longer than medium or large breed dogs. Therefore the Shih Tzu lifespan is up to 16 years. And since this is an approximation, some Tzu can live 17, even 18 years. Much the same way that it often happens with humans, females Tzu will - in general -- live a bit longer than males -- approximately 1.4 years.

Keep your Shih Tzu in good health, trust your veterinarian and follow through with proper diet and exercise. It will help much towards increasing the Shih Tzu lifespan. Since a certain percentage of dogs pass away due to cancer, one can eliminate certain types simply by spaying or neutering their dog. For the male Shih Tzu lifespan, if an owner has the dog neutered, it will eradicate the possibility of developing testicular cancer.

Maltese dogs have a life expectancy of 14-16 years. Some live even longer. The average lifespan of a Maltese can reach fifteen years.

Answer by N
The Maltese Shih Tzu is a "designer breed," a cross between a Maltese and Shih Tzu. Designer dogs aren't true breeds — they're crosses of two specific breeds. If you're interested in a Maltese Shih Tzu puppy, understand that his looks, size, and temperament aren't as predictable as those of purebreds, since you don't know which characteristics from each breed will show up in any given dog.

Maltese Shih Tzus are generally healthy, but like all breeds, they're prone to certain health conditions. Maltese Shih Tzus can suffer from respiratory problems. Heat and humidity can aggravate these conditions, so a home with air-conditioning is best.

The normal lifespan of the Maltese Shih Tzu mix is 12-14 years.

Answer by chetco
According to several breed sites, Shih Tzu live 12-14 years. Maltese live 15-17 years.

A lot depends on how much they are loved, and how well they are cared for, so yours should live very long lives.

Answer by embigguns
Maltese Shih Tzus may live 16 years
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