Difference Between Dachshund and Doxie?

Libby D: What is the difference between a Dachshund and a Doxie?
What is a Doxie dog? I was thinking about getting a double-dapple Doxie but when I found pictures of Dachshunds, I got confused about the difference. They look pretty much the same but some have long hair and some have short hair. The colors are also all different. Could someone give me information on both these breeds?
A doxie dog sniffing iphoneA doxie dog sniffing iphone
Photo Credit: Tom Newby Photography/Flickr CC

Answers and Views:

Answer by Art Buck
LOL A rose by any other name...a Teckel is a dachshund is a Doxie is a ... Long hair, short hair, standard size, miniature size, black and tan, dapple, red, etc. etc. etc. They are all wonderful pets and I have had a number. :)

Answer by Elena
There is no difference. 'Doxie' is just a nickname for the Dachshund. There are a few different colors that the Dachshund can come in and there are three types of Dachshund; long hair, wire hair, and short-haired. The smaller ones you see are called 'Miniature' Dachshunds, the bigger ones are Standard sized Dachshunds. Just like others say "Yorkie" when talking about the Yorkshire Terrier, "Sheltie" when talking about the Shetland Sheepdog or "Husky" when they're talking about the Siberian Husky.

Go to Wikipedia and research the Dachshund. When you decide that it's the best breed for your lifestyle, go and adopt one.

Answer by eggie.
Doxies are the nicknames of Dachshunds…it can get pretty confusing if you're new to the different breeds. Most breeds will have a nickname for them – it just makes it easier to spell for us lazies!

Dachshunds have three distinct coats. The most common is the short-haired (very short, flat, shiny, and close to the body), long-haired (long and silky), and wirehaired (which is like its name - very coarse and wire-y). Within those three categories are different coat colors that can be found.

Answer by 20224_RenaissanceSum
No difference. Dachshunds and Doxies are the same breed of dog – Doxie is just an abbreviation some people say instead of Dachshund, rather like people say "Yorkie" for Yorkshire Terriers, or "Chi" for Chihuahua. As for the differences you noticed in their coats' appearances, Dachshund comes in three coat types: smooth, wire (which are somewhat uncommon in the U.S.), and long-haired. But beneath their outward appearances, all are the same dog.

By the way, there are also miniature Dachshunds, which have all the same info as above.

Answer by SureKat
They are the same breed. I have a Shetland Sheepdog also called a Sheltie same breed of dog. There are three coat types of Dachshunds, Smooth Coat, Wirehair, and Longhair. There are many colors as well.

Also, they come in two sizes Miniature Dachshunds are no more than 11 pounds fully grown and then there is the Standard Dachshund 16 to 32 pounds. Hope this helps you out.
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