Difference between Moscow Watchdog and Saint Bernard?

Scuby Dooby: What is the difference between a Moscow Watchdog and a Saint Bernard?

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Answer by Oliver
Moscow Watchdog is actually a mix between Saint Bernard and Caucasian Shepherd with small additions of some other Russian breeds.

Answer by ♥ Little Dhampir Girl ♥ SIBE LOVE
They look very different to me. Just look at some pictures and compare them.

Moscow watchdog headMoscow watchdog head
Photo Credit: oduska/Pixabay

Answer by Horse Lover
This breed was created by Moscow dog fanciers who wanted a large, strong watchdog that would be more receptive to taking and following orders.

moscow watchdog video and factsmoscow watchdog video and facts
VIDEO: Moscow Watchdog facts

After World War II, breeders began with Caucasian Ovcharka, which gave it great watch and assertive traits such as wariness and ferocity, and Saint Bernard to increase the size and strength and more gentle temperament. As a result, the Moscow Watchdog possesses the mental and physical attributes desired.

Answer by Suzanne
Moscow Watchdog was bred in the Soviet Union by crossing Saint Bernard, Caucasian Shepherd, and Russian Hound breeds. Moscow Watchdog has the physical size and intelligence of St. Bernard and self-assertive traits of the Caucasian Shepherd.

This soviet dog breed is large, stands 25–27 inches tall, and its weight is between 100 and 150 lbs. This muscular dog has a bulky head and powerful legs. Its coat is thick in a moderate length with the color white and red. The puffy tail of the Moscow Watchdog is long, and sometimes it can touch the floor.

Moscow Watchdogs are related to mountain dogs and are known as a powerful breed with a gentle character. If it is properly raised and trained, the Moscow Watchdog could fit into any environment and become a perfect protective family pet. It is an average shedder, and it usually gives an impression of firm and confidence.

Moscow Watchdogs do not drool like most of molossers. Contrary to Saint Bernard this breed needs a lot of exercise. Until recently, Moscow Watchdogs were very hard to find outside their native country.

Answer by Gunther
If you want a guarding and protection dog that looks like St Bernard then Moscow Watchdog is for you. Our dog loves and protects our children as their best friend. He is ready to defend the house and the values entrusted to him, even risking his own life.

He knows no fear and no retreat against the invaders. He has inherited these abilities from Caucasian Ovcharka. There is nothing more important for him than his family and guarding the area. He considers it as his profession.

Answer by Pete Br.
This breed does not seem very healthy to me. I've heard they have all the large dogs' problems like hip dysplasia, etc. They definitely need regular grooming and require a fairly large space to live. It’s not suitable to live in a small apartment.

Answer by Animal Artwork & Arc
Moscow Watchdogs look like poorly bred Saint Bernards… probably because Saint Bernard is only a part of what comprises this breed.
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