The best Shampoo and Conditioner for my Shih Tzu dog?

Q: What is the best shampoo and conditioner for my Shih Tzu if I want to keep her hair long and silky?
I would also like to know the best brush to use and how to brush her. I've had a Shih Tzu before but I kept her hair really short. I wanted to try something different with my new Shih Tzu.
Please give me specific brands and websites/stores to purchase them at.

Shih Tzu dog taking a bathShih Tzu dog taking a bath
Photo Credit: samsaundersleeds/Flickr CC

Answers and Views:

Answer by texjeff111
Check with a good groomer. I have 3 long-haired Shih Tzus and their hair is beautiful. They go to the groomer every 2 weeks. I leave the shampoo up to her. She used to show dogs herself at Westminster and grooms a lot of long-haired dogs. I applaud you for putting in the effort to keep your dog's hair long. Shih Tzus are absolutely beautiful when they have long hair.

Answer by Karen
I use Earthbath oatmeal and aloe shampoo and oatmeal almond conditioner.
I bath my Shih Tzu once a week and she never scratches and smells so nice. She also has extremely soft hair.

Answer by GypsyBorn
Try Moosh Natural dog shampoo. Works like a charm on my Shih Tzu who has skin problems. You can get it on Amazon.

Answer by borderbethie
A poodle breeder that I groomed for used a conditioner called Wu-Pi that was very good. My favorite brushes were Les Pooch-very expensive. For a Shih-Tzu, I would use the small yellow brush. Also, have a small fine pin brush and a greyhound comb.

The best way to brush is to lay the dog on its side, brush the hair backward then starting at the feet, brush a little down at a time-like a part to the skin..then work your way up the leg (this is called line brushing). Once you brush the whole dog like this then do the same by combing.

I like Coat Handler products. You can buy them online:
- Coat Handler clarifying shampoo and an all-purpose coat conditioner

Photo Credit: SowersPics/Flickr CC

Answer by Willow
My Shih Tzu has dry skin I tried every shampoo on the market nothing works.

Answer by Joni Grace
Coat Handler premium 5 to 1 maintenance shampoo is a hypoallergenic formula designed for sensitive skin, allergies, itching, dandruff, and more. It contains no oils, lanolin, silicone, glycerin wax, jojoba or aloe that can clog pores and attract dirt.

I use this on my Havanese dogs along with coat handler conditioner. It is a gentle mild shampoo. I wash my dogs every 3 weeks or less. This shampoo is gentle enough for every week of washing. I love how soft and manageable their coats are after a bath. The smell is not too strong or too perfumed.
I have 5 Havanese, and I've given this the full test. I highly recommend it.

Answer by Debra Mahoney
I have a Lhasa Apso that we bought from a breeder and their hair is like our human hair and the breeder gave me a bottle of shampoo when we got him, It’s called MinkSheen it was 2 fl oz. you mix it with water 4 in 1 pet shampoo. Gentle Shampoo, Coat Conditioner, Odor Control, Natural Insect Repellant all in one. I mixed it with the water and it makes 16 fl.oz You can get it online and it is a very responsible price. I just love it cause it is used for human hair also.
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