EKS: What is the average price per day for dog boarding?
Does anyone know what would the average price per day be to board my two dogs? One is $50 and the other $35. I have had little luck finding sites that list their pricing online.
Photo Credit: The Moonstone Archive/Flickr CC
Answers and Views:
Answer by iluvmyfrenchbulldogs
You would have to call the kennel or boarding facility to know for sure. I pay $ 12 a day per dog for my large dogs (the largest is a Bernese Mountain Dog and the other is a Belgian Malinois) but that is because it is an indoor/outdoor boarding kennel. I pay $ 18 a day for my small dogs (French Bulldogs) because they have to stay in a kennel that is air conditioned, so they have to be inside only. Try looking in the phone book and see what veterinary clinics offer boarding, and just stop by one day to inspect the place and make sure that they are okay.
Answer by Pet Sitter
I think dog boarding $15 – $50 per day depending on size.
Answer by fosterpug
Depending on the quality that you are looking for, anywhere from $ 10 per day to $ 50 per day.
If you type Dog Boarding + (your city) in GOOGLE and hit "feeling lucky" it should get you to a good website, or just check your yellow pages.
Look for a in-home pet sitter too, often similarly priced, and the dogs stay at their own home where they are comfortable.
One word to the wise though, if the boarding kennel requires you set an appointment to view the grounds… they are hiding something. Look for an open-house boarding facility, these types are proud of the quality they offer. And just show up without letting them know when so you can see them in action.
Answer by bug_eyed_bug
I think boarding depends a lot on where you are located. I live in Vancouver Island and most places run $ 25-30 for overnight stays. Not sure what 2 dogs would be but some have discounts like 7th night free (kind of like hotels) but that depends on where you live. Another alternative which is sometimes cheaper and definitely less stressful for the dogs is to get a pet sitter to stay with your dogs at home.
Answer by Belou_Eyes
I only paid $ 12 a day at a really nice kennel close to my house and that included a dog be, food, treats, and housing. For the basic housing, I would say depending on where you are in the country……the bigger cities are obviously gonna cost more……….but like an average of $ 15 – $ 30 a night depending on what services they offer.
Really do your research on those places though……you never know what kind of cruel and crazy things that go on in those places.
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