What is Dogue de Bordeaux Temperament?

Ang: What is Dogue de Bordeaux Temperament?
I'm doing some research for my future dog and  I'm looking for DDB. Are Dogue de Bordeaux aggressive? If I do proper socialization do you think they would be a great dog... around unthreatening strangers and things like that? We had to leave our Beauceron at home because he was extremely protective and wary of people.
Dogue de Bordeaux portrait with sad eyesDogue de Bordeaux portrait with sad eyes
Photo Credit: pipilongstockings/Flickr CC

Answers and Views:

Answer by JenVT
We have three DDBs and they are amazing! They have great temperaments, but they are intimidating to some people because of size. No matter what anyone tells you, if you have a male already, get a female. There are still many Dod de Bordeaux males that are male-dog-aggressive. That being said, my male is sweet and mannerly with all people, especially children. they just need firm guidance because as a breed they are stubborn (which you know how to do if you had a Beauceron) and also constant socialization as with any dog.

Answer by Johnny's Girl
Hey, my brother's boss has one and the dog is the laziest creature I have ever met… its got a wonderful temperament its really loving and great with his kids, they just climb all over him and he just loves it.. he a brilliant dog and I'd really recommend them if you have space and the patients to clean dog drool off everything you own… I don't know what they're like with other dogs and budda is by himself self.. and only gets out on walks around his neighborhood hood I've never seen him play with other dogs… but he's pretty laid back I can't imagine he'd care…
Hope you get the opportunity to have one in the future...

Answer by Bozema
Dogue de Bordeaux were bred for guarding and though very devoted to the family when raised correctly, they are leery of strangers. They are not dogs for inexperienced dog owners and need very firm and consistent training.

Answer by Serena
These are BIG muscular dogs, a deeply French breed, very ancient. Apartment life may not be suitable for a dog with this much muscle.

However, I have met one, and he was a rather sober boy, and only a year old, but very very sweet-tempered. Much like a Saint Bernard, he was intimidating until he came over to you, slobbered in your lap and begged for treats, and the woman that owned him was a frail elderly woman so he must have been gentle I imagine.

Answer by Rachel-Pit Police-DS
Dogue de Bordeaux are great guardians and can be pretty protective of their families and cautious around strangers. Obviously, socialization is key, but if you're looking for a happy-go-lucky and not aggressive breed, I'd look at something else.

Answer by IceBreaker27
If you want a dog who is safe to bring out in public, and who can be trusted when strangers (or plumbers) visit, do not get a DDB. They are great for some homes, yes – but they also have a very strong guarding instinct.

There are lots of other large or giant breeds out there who are very social around just about everyone. Have you considered a Great Dane? They're sweet, goofy, gentle giants. Or a Newfoundland or a Lab (talk about social)?

Answer by Charlotte K
Dogue de Bordeaux make great watchdogs, but they are gentle giants and not aggressive with people. They have very calm temperament but they are strong-willed when it comes to training. They can be dominant towards other dogs.
They drool a lot :)
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