What is better for a Great Dane puppy (Collar, Head Halter, Harness)?

What is better to teach a Great Dane puppy to walk on a leash?
Should I use a leash, a regular adjustable collar, a prong collar, a head halter, or a harness. It's a Great Dane Puppy.

great dane on a leashgreat dane on a leash
Photo Credit: Five Furlongs/Flickr

Answers and Views:

Answer by Molly
Head Halter - works well, especially for dogs that pull, but seems to give other people the impression the dog is vicious
Harness - offers alot of control
Training them young, not to pull, to walk beside you etc., will let allow you to use any collar you want.
Prong collars aren't great.

Answer by Help
It is better to start earily training a pup to walk with a leash.I prefer the head halter method ,as this insures that the pup can't slip out of the collar,and also prevents the collar fom being placed on the pup too tight.

Answer by walking lady RIP Tom
For a young puppy that you're teaching to walk, you need a regular, flat collar. Prong collars are NOT for young puppies, harnesses teach dogs to pull, and head halters are a totally unnecessary tool.

A flat collar, take along a bag of treats, offer lots of praise and treats and learn how to correctly lead train a puppy. Likely your puppy would benefit from puppy kindergarten classes - both for socializing and for a trainer to teach you how to train your puppy.

great dane merle puppygreat dane merle puppy
Photo Credit: musicisentropy/Flickr

Answer by Michelle
Depending on how young he is, the prong collar can actually damage his neck (so can 'choke chains' & stuff like that). Just use a regular flat nylon collar (for the sake of his puppy neck) & keep him on a very short leash next to you. He will learn to heel quickly if you keep the lessons short, & give him little treats every couple of steps that he stays next to you. If he stops to sniff or pulls away, just firmly & quickly pull him back to your side & say 'heel'. After a couple steps, give him praise & treat.. repeat... you won't need any type of 'correction' or 'training' collar if you do this when he is young & still somewhat small....
The harnesses aren't good for when they're still learning to heel, cuz it makes it easier for them to pull on the lead without it bothering them too much.. it distributes the weight more evenly around their chest & takes all the pressure off their neck, so it doesn't bother them to pull hard.

Answer by Alema Pequoia
Whatever works. Maybe use all possible choices because you never know what leash and collar construction might be handy and/or work best when you need it. It would be good if the pup was used to various assemblies of tethers, etc.

Keep in mind that your darling-looking, itsy-bitsy, cute puppy will grow into a three-foot-tall 150-pound Great Dane eventually. You want to be sure you have it restrained, whether it's through physical training or by way of emotional and mental control through voice and hand signals.

Best wishes............also good luck feeding that bear when s/he's full-grown.

Answer by daa
Regular flat collar and a bag of good treats. A puppy training class is a really good way to help you get started on the right foot with training.
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