What is better an inside or an outside dog?

Capt. Jack Sparrow: Outside dog or inside dog?
Out of all the dogs you have seen which turn out to be the best dogs?
This is a question for someone with experience, not someone who is an anti inside or outside dog person...

I have seen MANY dogs and out of all the dogs I have seen the outside dogs seem to be the most well behaved and calm dogs compared to house dogs, IMO house dogs can get to be spoiled and snobby (no offense to people who have house dogs, not all are like this), but I have seen some great dogs that are retired outside dogs and are allowed inside in their old age, but for old dogs that have been inside dogs their whole lives they are still quite snobby...
outside dogoutside dog
Photo Credit: vhcmor/Flickr CC

Answers and Views:

Answer by Precious Pets
I think either one is fine as long as they are taken care of properly and given enough love and attention.
I have done both and both the inside dogs and outside dogs were equally good dogs. Not snobby or anything.
It all depends on how the owner treat them.

Answer by bella blue
NO dog should have to live outside all the time. Why do you get a dog if you are going to lock it outside and not have it be a part of your family. I hope it bites you!!! Mean Mean lady

Answer by Caitlynn
My opinion is that it doesnt make a difference if the dog live in the inside, or out. Its the proper training, and socialization that the dog had when it was a puppy. All my dogs are inside, My one is very calm, and quite, and my other one is barky. and my newest one is quiet also. its just depends on the socialization, and sometimes the breed.

Answer by σ¢тσвєя
Outside dogs can also be badly behaved. They can get stressed out since they are outside by themselves, so they destroy things to try and get rid of their boredom. Some even dig holes to try and escape, and when they are let in the house, they get excited and accidentally mess up something inside the house. My dog is both an indoor and outdoor dog. She stays outside sometimes when I'm tired or not home, but spends a lot of time inside the house.

Edit: I know. I didn't say that's what your dogs do. I meant outside dogs in general.

Answer by Maryann
We have both inside and outside dogs, and our inside dogs are as well behaved as the outside dogs. Our outside dogs seem to be the untrained ones, more so than the inside ones. Training is important for both inside and outside dogs, it seems to keep a more even keel household.

Answer by mrs.magadan:)
I've had both and I've had dogs like yours (half inside half outside) My outside dogs became outside dogs out of choice! They'd constantly be at the door wanting out. But I've got a shepherd mix and a lab/dane mix right now and the lab wants no part of coming inside but the shepherd wants to go out to pee and straight back in. I think it all depends on the dog.

ADD: if i decided I wanted my shepherd out I'd put her out, I'm like you on my dogs are not equals. I just prefer her inside and wish my lab would want to be inside but he wants out.

Answer by Hannah
I have a golden who has been an inside dog her whole life. She is VERY well behaved! You should get a doggie-door so that your dog can go inside and outside as it wishes. This has worked well for me. I have 3 dogs myself (2 pugs and a golden); they play and chase birds in the summer and usually stay inside during winter (Unless its snowing, then they play in that). I also have a fenced in yard, I don't know if you do, but I would highly reccomend it. I only worry about outside dogs in the winter, but I'm from Washington State and we get cold winters most of the time.
I vote for Doggy-door! Its inside and outside. A win/win!
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