What is a Reasonable Price for an Alaskan Husky?

Q: What is a reasonable price for an Alaskan Husky puppy or adult?
I want to get an Alaskan Husky but first I want to know how much they cost.

Answers and Views:

Answer by braces 1
about $ 200-$ 500 if it costs more than that ask them if it is AKC if it's under that it might have a sickness or disease or might not even be an Alaskan Husky (mutt, mixed breed)

two alaskan husky puppiestwo alaskan husky puppies
Photo Credit: amerune/Flickr CC

Answer by jackclarkson50
$ 600-$ 1000 dollars if you get a good one. I paid $ 1200 dollars for my Alaskan husky. the more you pay the better you get! -jack

Answer by Jasmer
You want a hardcore sled dog? Expect to shell out at least $ 200 for the average questionably-bred Alaskan husky, a quality sled dog can cost significantly more. Many mushers give away or sell entire teams, though you can of course usually pick and choose just one dog from their team if that tickles your fancy. Remember that though the Alaskan husky is not a pure breed, the lines are often pedigreed and bred for specific traits. They are first and foremost quality working dogs, and as such, they can be pricey.

As I said, though, often you can get one for free from a musher changing around his teams and weeding out those that have either decided they are done pulling or those that never really made the cut in the first place. Mine was one such, just changed his mind one day and decided he was quite done thankyouverymuch lol

If you are looking for a Siberian Husky, which is the AKC recognized purebred dog (Alaskans are NOT purebred by any stretch of the imagination) then you will be paying at minimum $ 500 for a healthy puppy.

Some people don’t understand that the Alaskan Husky is not an actual dog breed, it refers to a TYPE of dog, not a specific breed. They generally do not cost hundreds upon hundreds of dollars, nor are they usually health tested, and they certainly cannot be shown because they are mutts.

Rumble Video: Cute Alaskan Husky Puppies are Playing with a Baby

Answer by Tasha
Reputable breeders sell their dogs for $ 1,000+. If that's too much for you, then go rescue one from your local shelter.
Also, anybody who is selling their dogs for approximately less than $ 800, is most likely a Backyard breeder. I'd AVOID those people. Good luck!

Answer by dewclaw
If you really mean an Alaskan Husky then you are talking about a specific type of dog bred specifically for working as sled dogs. They are not recognized by any major breed organizations, but the bloodlines of good ones are well documented for generations. They are bred with a drive for running and are very intelligent.
They are not the first-time owner, as working dogs require a great deal of mental as well as physical stimulation to be happy. If not they can be destructive.

Well-breed proven Alaskan huskies will run from $ 500 to $ 2500. But you really need to ask yourself if you are in a position to responsibly handle this breed. You might consider adopting a retired race dog, an older dog will be much mellower, and a race dog will have a great deal of training, socialization, and experience already. Or work with a local kennel to get experience with the breed.

Check out the links for Kennels, or Clubs and Orgs to find someone near you.
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