What is a Good Dog Food for Shih Tzu with Allergies?

Jason S: Help with food for Shih Tzu with allergies?
After our 1-year-old Shih Tzu had been acting weird with food as well as so face scratching and itching we decided to get her an allergy blood test. The main thing we had been feeding her was chicken and that was the main thing she was allergic to.
We have moved her on to a kibble that was identified as a match for her as well as a raw lamb diet which is also a match.

feeding shih tzufeeding shih tzu
Photo Credit: samsaundersleeds/Flickr CC
So now 2 strange things are happening:
1) After 2 weeks of this diet, she seems to have started to rub her face and scratch again. But all the food we are giving her is a match against her allergies.
2) She LOVED the kibble we got her for the first 2 weeks and now it has got the point where she doesn't want to eat it (will eat other food).

Answers and Views:

Answer by pierced_chick123
You might have to stick your Shih Tzu on an all-veggie diet with supplements. If she is allergic to the meats then its most likely the protein in those meats...ask your vet if they have or can get one that is soy-based and see if that works. With dogs and allergies its really a hit and miss and trial and error method you gotta go threw. It sucks I know. But you just have to keep trying different things.

Answer by Bozema
I have an allergic golden and a friend of mine has an allergic Shih Tzu. We both feed California Natural and both are doing well. My dog is allergic to lamb, so I feed the chicken version. But they have a lamb version as well. This food is specially formulated for allergic dogs and made by the same company that makes Innova. It is very high-quality food. Check it out. It may be worth a try. My sister, who does not have allergic dogs, is also feeding it to her dogs with good results and all the dogs seem to like it.

Answer by patsy m
Also check yard area she goes into for chemical treatments, even neighbors fence line. Wipe feet and face, when she comes in, just in case this is it. Also honey is a good nutritional supplement, can be used on sores and internally on dogs. Warm spoon with water to get it to slide in mouth easier. I have a holistic guide for dogs, but you may get a similar book at the library. Great tips on all things.

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