idawnh: how do we stop puppy mills?
everyone says not to buy puppies from pet stores, I totally get it, but what happens to the puppies in the pet stores? Do they get sold back to the puppy mills? This is a disgrace! I want to stop the puppy mills. There are some puppies that would love a home with someone. They can be rehabliated or at least deserve some kindness.
Answers and Views:
Answer by Jen
First you need to learn that there is no legal definition for "puppy mill." So, in all reality, they don't exsist. There are commercial breeders, but ... even a lot of your commercial breeders are not really what you'd call a "puppy mill."
Answer by Beatngu
To stop them would be impossible.... I mean, you have these puppy mills and BYB that breed mutts and sell them for a thousand dollars when in reality, the same mutt is at a shelter that needs a home, plus, the one at the shelter has been fixed and has had all shots and such.... you know what you get from a shelter... not a BYB.
The way to stop would be for these idiots who pay these outrageous sums to these BYB, to stop spending all that money on them.
So, until the idiots are stopped.... I'm afraid there isn't much hope.
Answer by alias boxer
Those puppies are either euthanized or taken to shelters. That's right -- the "filthy" puppies in shelters are often the same ones that were sitting in a pet shop window just a week prior, with a $ 1000 price tag.
The only way to stop puppy mills would be if EVERYONE stopped buying puppies from pet stores. You can do your part by not shopping at all in pet stores that sell puppies (places like PetSmart are OK). Educate people you know so that THEY don't buy puppies from pet stores.
This website has fliers that you can print out for free to spread the word about puppy mills.
Answer by Nurop shnup
I think the best we can to is educate and avoid those who contribute to them. Contact The Humane Society for more info. I get a newsletter through email.
I once read, from another source that nearly 10 million cats and dogs are put 'to sleep' every year. I don't know how anyone could be so cruel and continue to breed them just for money.
They are life, not stuffed animals!
Answer by Be-Co-Be <3 My Gorgeous Dogs
Puppies in pet stores, are usually then given to shelters. So, they find nice new homes from there!
As you said, never buy from a pet store. If you do, you will be putting money in the puppy mill's pockets, and make room for one more puppy mill.
How to stop puppy mills? Inform and educate every one you know. Never buy from a broker, pet store, of back yard breeder.
If we all work together, we can succeed!
Answer by Pamela D(midget12_
To Jen in reality the should be called puppy farms, a dairy farm produces milk, a cattle ranch produces beef cattle, a pig farm has pigs, chicken farms and so forth.
Well they are mass breeding puppies so why not call them puppy farms?
Answer by starbaby1981
The only way to stop puppy mills is to stop buying puppies from pet stores and shady websites or newspaper ads. Pet store puppies that aren't sold will probably be euthanized or possibly given to a shelter. It breaks my heart, but you have to see the bigger picture.
Every time someone "rescues" a pathetic little pet store puppy, a slot is opened up for another puppy to be shipped on a truck from a puppy mill to the pet store. As soon as 4-10 puppies are sold, it means that an overworked breeding female, who's spent most of her life pregnant, will be forced to give birth to another litter in squalid conditions. (After this litter, the owner might decide that she's no longer profitable, and she'll be shot, drowned, or strangled to death. Hell of a lot cheaper than humane euthanasia.) Repeat this scenario millions of times, and you can see what keeps the puppy mills in business.
So while you may be saving an individual puppy, you're also damning another puppy, and another "breeder b**ch", to a hellish life that I doubt you can even comprehend. Voltaire said "No snowflake in an avalanche ever feels responsible". So you may think, "I can't make the puppy mill problem worse by buying just one puppy", but when millions of people think that, you're ALL making it worse.
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