What Dog breeds have Hairs that Stand Up when Guarding?

Q: What dog breeds have hairs that stand up when guarding?
I have always owned German Shepherds and I was wondering what other dog breeds have guard hairs that stand up on their back when they're guarding their homes, etc.
Why do some dogs' hairs stand up then, and others don't? I would think that some breeds were predisposed to having their hairs stand up than others...all shepherds we've had have done it...and other dogs I've seen do not.
dog hairs stand updog hairs stand up
Photo Credit: pocketwiley/Flickr CC

Answers and Views:

Answer by letthereberain
All of them, but the one known for it is a Rhodesian Ridgeback!

Answer by greekman
All breeds of dogs are capable of that. Do you know what it means? Do you know what it's called? Do you know why they do it? Ok, here are some facts. It's called Pyloerection. The hair from the back of the neck all the way down the tail stands up. It happens when the dog wants to appear larger and it depends on the "perceived" threat level on the dog. The bad part of this is that it happens when you have a dog that is full of defense.

The more defensive the dog, the more he will piloerect. Do you know where all defense comes from, in humans as well as dogs? FEAR. The more fearful the dog is, the more he will exhibit the piloerection symptoms. A dog that has the proper temperament and correct drives and has been properly trained will not show that behavior. Please, do not look at it as a positive trait, it is unwanted by most pro trainers and working dog handlers. I hope this helped.

Rhodesian RidgebackRhodesian Ridgeback
Photo Credit: bobcromack/Flickr CC

Answer by angelie
The Ridgeback is an excellent guard dog whose hair stands up along his back.

Answer by RaysinGyrl
The whole neck of my chihuahua stands on end when she is really feisty. She doesn't have much hair otherwise to poof, and she's certainly not a guard dog, but she is a paranoid dog and once she's scared she goes POOF and it looks like a lions mane until she's settled down.

I don't think this is guard hairs so much as making themselves appear bigger to ward off a threat as mentioned above. Same reason cats do it too — oh you're gonna eat me? look how big I am….. it's just bravado.

Answer by heather o
Cane Corso, they are very protective, their whole back stands up when they're defending their home.

Answer by Pam
All dogs can raise the hair on their neck and/or back when alerted, angry, or threatened.

The Ridgeback's hair is like that all the time though... not when s/he's "guarding".

Answer by ragapple
Ridgeback's hair on the ridge does NOT stand up all the time! It lies down pointing the "wrong" way – toward the head instead of the tail…….
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