What Can I Do to Help my Chihuahua with Diarrhea?

Q: My chihuahua ate some stew beef and rice and now has diarrhea. What can I do to help her?
My dog was at my mom's house and my mom will feed her dogs table scraps. My chihuahua never eats human food so I figured the grease from the food is what has upset her stomach. I've given her about 1/2 teaspoon of Pepto Bismal and children's Pedialyte and I took her water away Shes been running around and playing all day but she still has watery poop.

Chihuahua suffers from diarrheaChihuahua suffers from diarrhea
Photo Credit: hile/Flickr CC

Answers and Views:

Answer by Whitney
Try giving her canned plain pumpkin, the one without spices and sugar. Give about a teaspoon. It's great for constipation and diarrhea.

Answer by Lizzy
Let her have water, and withhold food for about 12 hours. No more Pepto, dogs can have it in moderation but if she's a tiny Chi that might be a high dose you gave her.

Then you can feed boiled hamburger or chicken with white rice for a day or two, and slowly wean her back on to her regular food over a few more days (mixing the meat/rice with dog food, slowly increasing the dog food until there's no meat/rice left). It probably was the human food that caused the upset.

If her poo is still very watery after 24 hours, or she starts vomiting or acting like she's sick, take her to the vet ASAP. Occasionally a high-fat meal can trigger pancreatitis in dogs, which is a life-threatening condition. It doesn't happen often but you should watch for it. Tell your mom that the stew made your dog very sick so she doesn't feed her people food in the future.

Answer by D
Stop all food in take for a day.
Give lots of water with a little salt.
Allow her body system to clear out the unwanted stuff.
Not all human medication is suitable for dogs. If diarrhea does not stop after 24hr, go to a Vet.

Answer by Katie
Your dog needs to have her water or she will become dehydrated from diarrhea! I would stop giving her the human meds unless a vet suggested it to you. Skip the food for a day until diarrhea clears up, if it doesn't, go to the vet because she may need fluids.

Popular Chihuahua food on Amazon (#ad)

Answer by AsHtOn L
Make her drink TONS of water.
That's what helped my Chihuahua with diarrhea.

Answer by B. Hill to AsHtOn L
“Make” her drink TONS of water? Haven’t you ever heard the old saying; you can lead a horse to the water but you can’t make it drink?

How did you ever train your dog to drink on command, especially a Chiwawa?
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