Differences between Presa Canario and Cane Corso dog?

Q: What are the main differences between the Presa Canario vs Cane Corso?
both look pretty similar from the pictures I've seen.
what differences are there physically and temperament wise?

Cane Corso puppy on a sofaCane Corso puppy on a sofa

Photo Credit: johnvoo_photographer/Flickr CC

Answers and Views:

Answer by farmgirl
They are very similar dogs, similar in looks and temperament.
I believe that Cane Corso dogs do better in small houses/ apartments whereas a Presa Canario needs more space.
If you plan to show your dog, the body types are quite different, the head size, the tallness, and longevity of the body.

The biggest difference I know of is that the Canario is a created breed, they were added to the mastiff family, Cane Corso is a natural breed of the mastiff family.
Depending on the person (mostly show dog owners) people will say the temperament of the Cane Corso is meaner, but I own a 6-month-old Cane Corso puppy and she is just a doll.
Good luck with your search!

Cane Corso dog videoCane Corso dog video
Meet Cane Corso Dog Video

Answer by Art Blan
Presa Canario is a large dog breed that was originally bred for working livestock. The name of this breed is Spanish, means "Canarian catch dog", and is often shortened to "Presa". Sometimes it is also called Dogo Canario.

Presa Canario is a dog with a thick and muscular body. Its head is broad, massive, square, and powerful. Its ears are normally cropped to create a more formidable expression and to prevent damage while working with cattle.  Males have a height range of 23 to 26 inches at the withers and a maximum weight of 126 pounds. Females have a height between 22 to 25 inches with a maximum weight of 110 pounds.

The Cane Corso is an Italian dog breed that is highly valued in as a companion, guard, and hunting dog. It is closely related to the Neapolitan Mastiff. It is well muscled and less bulky than most other Mastiff breeds. The dog’s height is 24–28 inches, with females in the lower range and males in the higher. Weight should be ranging from 110 to 130 lb.

Answer by Schrei!
I have experience with both Cane Corso and I happen to co-own and handle two Presa Canarios.

The Presas are very loyal, very large, and over-all extremely gentle. The male that I co-owned was much easier to train then the female. He was highly intelligent and very eager to please. He was also quite food-motivated. With training, these are excellent dogs. They are both amazing with young children (infants, toddlers, and more).

I have also trained a Cane Corso. He was much more difficult than the Presas – however, he was in a bad living situation before I had gotten to him. He was more difficult, but regardless – with a lot of hard work he turned out to be a fine dog. He does have dog-aggression issues and is selective with his canine friends. But a great dog.

Answer by ed
Presa Canario vs Cane Corso? Approximately 15 years ago I owned both. Presa was a male from show stoppers, and the female was a Cane Corso from the Dora bloodline. First litter produced 16 puppies, and the second litter was 11 puppies. All but 2 of the dogs were between 130 and 180 pounds when fully grown. All the ones that resembled the mother were much more aggressive and were slightly larger. All the ones that resembled the father, were slightly smaller and were more of a thinking dog.

I should probably mention that both parents were raised with my 5-year-old son. The mother was ultra-aggressive and ultra-protective. Her weight was about 115 lbs. The father weighed 138 lbs. and was also protective but not aggressive until he needed to be.

Answer by Andromeda
Cane Corso in Italian, Perro de Presa Canario in Spanish.
black, dark grey, blue, light brown, red or brindle | brindle from dark too light grey/yellow/red
males 64-68 cm/females 60-64 cm +/- 4 cm | male 59-64 cm/females 55-59 cm

goes back to Roman times | based on original dogs on the Canary islands mixed with mastiffs and bulldogs the English brought with them
So basic gist one is a newer smaller breed which has to be brindle, the other is an old breed where some colors of solid are allowed and its bigger in size.
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