What are the Best Puppy Pads and Puppy Food for Shih Tzu?

Melanie Hamilton: Best puppy pads and puppy food?
So my family and I are getting 2 Shih Tzu puppies soon, so we need to buy all of the necessary supplies. Does anyone have a brand of puppy pads that they recommend? Some of them look so thin that it's hard to believe they'll actually absorb anything.

Also, what is the best (and preferably cheap!) puppy food? Thank you!

Answers and Views:

Answer by Leanne
Unfortunately cheap and good quality don't necessarily go hand in hand with dog food.
Try to buy the best quality you can afford.

Shih Tzu small puppy headShih Tzu small puppy head
Photo Credit: Brad Montgomery/Flickr CC

Answer by Liv
Not sure about the puppy pads because they are not always useful. For the food, I would recommend Nutro!!! I adopted a dog who was also thin, and he gained weight very steadily with this food. It's not necessarily cheap, but you shouldn't be getting two dogs if you're worried about spending money on food. Especially dogs who are thin! In order to gain weight, they need proper nutrition, and cheap food doesn't offer that :) Good luck with your new dogs!

Here is a link to Nutro Natural Choice dog food on Amazon (#ad)

Answer by Horse Lover
I feed my puppy vet recommended Purina puppy chow. I know there are a lot of people who hate Purina and call it junk but all my life our all the vets we had have recommended it. Our dogs all lived long lives and were healthy.

Answer by Lorraine
First of all, forget about the puppy pads. You want to train your Shih Tzu dogs to go outside and not indoors.

Secondly, no good breeder would sell two puppies together and I hope you realize just how much work two pups will be. One is hard work - two together is really hard as they get bad habits off each other and bond too much together. If you get two then you need to separate and train an endless amount of time, and even walk separately to train as well.

Thirdly, you shouldn't be choosing the food at all yet, as you MUST keep them on whatever the breeder has them on otherwise you will give them tummy upset. Only change when they are settled into the home and poops are firm. Then do it gradually over at least a week. If you have to buy the cheapest puppy food then you really shouldn't be getting two pups together. Your dogs body and health depend on good quality food to promote good muscle and bone. Don't feed cheap stuff.

View potty training pads on Amazon (#ad)

Answer by Erica
My Shih Tzus eat Iams brand, and I think it's a pretty good dog food brand. you could also try Beneful.

Answer by Labman
I suggest against using puppy pads.

Stick to the food the puppy was on before. Quite often it is an inexpensive, common brand of dry puppy chow. Ignore those suggesting expensive food. There is a mentality that devoutly believes nothing inexpensive made by a large company can be any good. There is no evidence of that. It is the opposite of both my experience and many, many others. The supposedly inferior common brands are certified and tested to meet nutritional standards. You can continue whatever the puppy is on in confidence.

If you must switch, the longer you wait, the better and do so gradually over a week or more. Otherwise, you have more risk of digestive problems.
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