What are some Pros and Cons of Owning a Miniature Pinscher?

Q: What are some pros and cons of owning a Miniature Pinscher?
I'd love to have a Miniature Pinscher. What are their personality and temperament?
Miniature Pinscher and another dog surfing in the sea with their ownersMiniature Pinscher and another dog surfing in the sea with their owners
Photo Credit: kellinahandbasket/Flickr CC

Answers and Views:

Answer by Anne B.
Miniature Pinschers are so cute. But they are dogs and they have their pros and cons.

Pros: They are loyal, loving, funny, love to play, cuddle under the covers with you at night, and are highly social with other pins and other dogs in most cases. They can be taught to do agility or many other tricks-very smart dogs.

Cons: They can be difficult to housetrain, are very stubborn, are mischievous, and can be highly energetic their whole lives. They are not in general good kid dogs, as they do not have the patience level of, say, a Golden Retriever, and can also be very aggressive, and destructive if bored. They can bark nonstop and drive you crazy. They are also great escape artists, and once out, you will probably never see them again.

I own two min pins. one is the cutest thing in the world and never has a bad hair day - she is so tolerant of everything. The other I wouldn't put anywhere near a child unsupervised and don't even take her out in public much. I have two foster pins who are perfect gentlemen and adorable.

I find them highly entertaining and challenging. Great dogs!

Answer by brianna
I have 3 Miniature Pinschers, 2 boys, and a girl. I don't agree at all with the statement that they are not good with kids. I have 2 & 4-year-old boys. I also foster min pins and find them very loving and tolerant of small kids. I also am part of a min pin lovers group that have many kids that get along great with kids.

They have short hair and little dander. Smart and loving. Their favorite spot is under a blanket with their master. They love to follow you around the house and can be very calm at night.

Cons are they LOVE to bark at anything. Though at night my do not bark at all. They need lots of walking or they will get fat. Difficult to housebreak at first but once they get it they can be left for 4 or 5 hours without a pee break. Some can be great escape artists.

Overall I definitely recommend having a min pin as a loving family pet. They are extremely loyal and protective but very loving to their family.

Answer by michelle
I love my mini pin but he is so loving, he lays on me constantly and I can't move. he sleeps on me when I sleep also so it's hard to sleep. this is such a big-hearted dog. he's one yr old and potty trained to go on newspaper or outside. he listens always until other dogs around. he's good with kids and cats. as I type this his heads on my arm lying. they're very lovable. it took me 5 minutes to train him to sit. he is a pain in my butt though. he goes everywhere with me and even swims. he's aright he hardly sheds and no fleas

Answer by Ajilebxr
MinPins are not for the average owner,  but they have a great personality. They are not by nature "nasty little devils" or unfriendly.  Mine is a certified Therapy dog,  and is very popular and enjoys the hospital and school visits.  Many are not good with kids and I would not recommend one for a family with small children because they are small and can be relatively fragile.

They are very bright,  very active,  and need to be socialized when they are young. They are not always easy to train as they tend to think of things that might be more fun than what you are teaching them! They can be tough to housebreak.  They love to be with you,  make great snugglers, and love to burrow under blankets.  They are awesome mousers — and really have very little fear!  They make great watchdogs.

They have very few health issues — and can live to be in their late teens,  some have survived past 20.
They just really need someone who is willing to work with them!

My point is that is you are willing to work with them — a well-bred MinPin is an awesome dog — BUT you have to be willing to work with them and socialize them.  Watchdogs do not have to be unfriendly or bite — they just need to be loud!

Answer by loriann
I am crazy about this breed. I got my first min pin as a child. My dad was an Army officer stationed in Germany; he saw a min pin being walked down the street, and started a search for one–not easy! We finally found ours–the sainted Heinzy–and I have been hooked ever since. My current min-pin is Pepper, now 8; my previous one was Tex, who lived to be almost 20. It’s true they are lively and challenging–and immensely entertaining. They are strong-willed and completely self-possessed–plus really smart, affectionate to a fault, and a laugh a minute. I have a framed sign in my house that says: Min-Pin House Rules: 1. Obey the min pin. 2. If the min pin is being unreasonable, refer to Rule No. 1. So true, and so worth it!

Answer by Fijiman
I have one Miniature Pinscher. Pros – he is a good watchdog. Cons - he is not friendly, will bite, is not a people person dog.
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