What Are Some Pros and Cons of Chihuahuas?

Q: Pros and cons about Chihuahuas?
I'm getting a puppy in like two months and wanted to know some pros and cons about Chihuahuas. Thank you!

Answers and Views:

Answer by BroWnEyeDgiRL
Any breed of dog will be a good dog as long as it is trained properly from a puppy!

Chihuahua mini dogChihuahua mini dog
Photo Credit: HG-Fotografie/Pixabay

Answer by K
pros- they are very loveable :)
loyal to owner
cheap to feed
don't require tones of energy/going on long walks every day
very calm, lap dogs

Cons- IMPOSSIBLE to housebreak
don't like kids

Answer by DEADGAME!
Cons...being cranked out in MILLIONS by greedy morons...bought in the millions by SUCKERS!!! Any...every!.... breed that's cursed w/being that current "fad-for-fools" is quickly ruined by low-lives trying to cash in on the sheep-like buyers.

Answer by puplovetft
Some Chihuahuas are friendly with all the world, while others loathe every person on the planet other than their owner.
Most live peacefully with other pets, though they usually raise a ruckus when they spy a strange dog. They do recognize and tend to prefer their own breed, and it's a good idea to keep them in pairs so they can play together and keep each other warm by sleeping on top of each other.

Chihuahuas are very difficult to housebreak, especially in bad weather. Consider an indoor litter box.

More than most other breeds, how a Chihuahua turns out depends mightily on the genetic temperament of parents and grandparents (entire lines are social or antisocial), how thoroughly he was socialized by the breeder, and how you raise him (continued socialization and training) when you bring him home."

5-8 inches and 2-6 pounds, but larger individuals (6-12 pounds) are common and make sturdier pets

If you want a dog who...
Is the smallest and easiest of all breeds to carry around
Comes in a variety of sizes, coats, and colors
Takes himself very seriously (which can be amusing to watch)
Is comical and entertaining
Makes a keen watchdog
Doesn't need much exercise
Lives a long time
A Chihuahua may be right for you.

If you don't want to deal with...
The fragility of toy breeds (see below)
Notorious housebreaking difficulties, especially in cold or wet weather
Suspicious barking when strangers or strange dogs approach
An extremely careful search to avoid neurotic Chihuahuas
A Chihuahua may not be right for you.

If I were considering a Chihuahua...
My major concerns would be:
Fragility. Too many people acquire a toy breed puppy without understanding how incredibly fragile a toy breed is. You can seriously injure or kill a Chihuahua by stepping on him or by sitting on him when he's curled under a blanket or pillow, where he frequently likes to sleep. And Chihuahuas can seriously injure or kill THEMSELVES by leaping from your arms or off the back of your sofa. A larger dog can grab a Chihuahua and break his neck with one quick shake.

Owning a toy breed means constant supervision and surveillance of what's going on around your tiny dog. Chihuahuas must always be kept on a leash -- they are just too easy to injure when not under your complete control.

Chihuahuas are NOT suited to children, no matter how well-meaning the child. Children cannot help being clumsy, and that a child meant well is little solace to a Chihuahua who has been accidentally stepped on, sat on, rolled on, squeezed, or dropped onto the patio. Most Chihuahuas feel overwhelmed by the loud voices and quick movements that children can't help making -- and stress and fearfulness (even defensive biting) may be the result.

Housebreaking problems. As a behavioral consultant, I would put the Chihuahua on my Top 10 List of "Hard to Housebreak." Consistent crate training is mandatory. Sometimes a doggy door is necessary. And some owners never do get their Chihuahua fully housebroken.

The mind of their own. Chihuahuas are not Golden Retrievers. They can be manipulative. You must show them, through absolute consistency, that you mean what you say.

Suspiciousness and barking. Many Chihuahuas will put on a display of excited ferociousness (i.e. they "pitch a fit") when other people or animals approach what is THEIRS. It's not funny, because if you don't curtail it, your Chihuahua may end up suspicious of everyone in the world, which is a short step to biting.

Unstable temperaments. Chihuahuas are a dime a dozen, and most of them are bred and offered for sale by people who don't have the slightest idea of how to breed good-tempered dogs. Obedience instructors and behavioral consultants see LOTS of Chihuahuas with neurotic behaviors, including biting, mindless yapping, and general nastiness.

Avoiding the hype. Have you heard these phrases? Teacup Chihuahuas? Miniature Chihuahuas? Pocket Chihuahuas? Standard Chihuahuas? Some breeders use these cutesy phrases as "marketing terms" for the different weights that Chihuahuas come in. All of these phrases are made-up. The only classifications that Chihuahuas should be put into is Smooth Coat and Long Coat, i.e. you have a Smooth Coat Chihuahua or you have a Long Coat Chihuahua. But you do NOT have a "Teacup" or a "Miniature" or a "Standard."

Yes, certainly, Chihuahuas come in different weights, but they do NOT come in different weight "varieties". Whether they weigh 2 pounds or 6 pounds or 10 pounds, they are called, simply, Chihuahua. Some are simply smaller or larger than others. For the show ring, they must weigh less than 6 pounds, but many individuals weigh up to 8 or 10 or even 12 pounds. These larger dogs are certainly sturdier, so don't dismiss them as good pets.

In fact, I do NOT recommend a Chihuahua under 4 pounds. These individuals are great risks in the health department. Their bones are extremely fragile. There is not

Answer by kitty81301
Children and Chihuahuas do not mix. This is not necessarily because the Chihuahua might be aggressive towards children, but because toddlers and small children can easily fall or drop a toy on a Chihuahua, or kick a Chi when suddenly racing across the room, or slamming a door on it. A Chihuahua can instinctively sense that a toddler or child is comparatively speaking, uncoordinated and "out of control" and can pose a danger.

This is especially true as children are more uncoordinated and clumsy than adults. Chihuahuas are not only small, but the vast majority of Chihuahuas have a soft-spot on top of their head, making them more prone to injury. Even a child that means well and loves the little dog can accidentally hurt the tiny breed by hugging a Chihuahua too hard or dropping it.

Also, children move quickly and impulsively and can kick or step on a Chihuahua when they run across the room. An active family, however well-meaning, can be very hard on a Chi. The mother, who already has enough to do in the family, would have the worrisome task of "watching out for the Chihuahua" around the clock on a daily basis added to her responsibilities.

For families that wish to get a small dog, we would recommend either getting another small breed such as a Bichon Frise, a Pug or a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel that might be able to withstand children better or at the very least, a larger sized Chihuahua that is a little more sturdy. These other delightful breeds are also loving and make great companions for the whole family. The bonus would be that daily life at home would be more relaxing while the children grow up.

Rumble Video: Chihuahua meets his baby sister

Other Pets:
Chihuahuas can get along quite well with other breeds of dogs and other pets, especially when raised from a young age in that type of setting, but generally, Chihuahuas should not be in the same household as larger breeds of dogs. A larger, rambunctious dog can easily hurt a Chihuahua in play, or if it suddenly wants to protect its food or chew toy, a snap at a Chihuahua can be life-threatening.

Chihuahuas are generally not good with terrier breeds that have a terrier temperament (that are food/toy protective, will challenge other dogs, etc.) as the Chihuahua themselves have a terrier-like temperament. Thus a terrier and a Chihuahua might clash with their similar personalities, and this can be very dangerous as a Chihuahua does not know its size.
Chihuahuas are prone to eye injuries because of their large unprotected eyes, so having a cat in the house may or may not be a good idea.

Laid-back cats are best. A cat that is shy or overly playful may scratch the Chihuahua's eyes.

Small Size Consideration:
Chihuahuas are not the right breed for everyone due to their small size. Because they are small, they can easily get into places that might not be safe, such as places with electrical cords, or underneath a fence or gate. Fences must be properly secured (we nail boards along the bottom) so that the Chihuahua can not escape.

As described above, they are not necessarily the ideal pet to introduce to a household that has children or other pets. Also, great care must be taken when these little guys are outside. Birds of prey (hawks, etc.) as well as some cats and other wildlife (such as coyotes) may look at the Chihuahua as being a nice snack.

Chihuahuas should never be left unattended for long periods of time, and when they are outside, they should be properly enclosed (including with a roof if birds of prey frequent the area). I have heard of several instances where a bird of prey snatched a Chihuahua off the ground before the owner knew what happened.

Breed Traits:
Chihuahuas are very loyal and can be very protective of their owner. Chihuahuas really are a big dog in a small body. Some people think of a Chihuahua shaking and scared of everything, but in reality, they do not know their size and most will challenge bigger dogs. Chihuahuas love human attention and are true lap dogs. Chihuahuas are very personable and have their own personality and temperament, just like people.

Chihuahuas can be very intelligent, to the point of outsmarting you or being downright stubborn. Most are motivated by toys, food, or affection to make training easy. Many Chis try to please.

Some Chihuahuas are barkers, while others are not. This trait really varies with the bloodline and the individual. Chihuahuas are not the yappy little ankle-biters as they used to be known, and their temperament has improved by leaps and bounds with the help of responsible breeders doing their part to improve the breed.

As mentioned above, before choosing any breed of dog, be sure to do thorough research on the breed, ask different breeders questions about the breed, meet friends/family that have a pet Chihuahua, etc. There are many interesting books out there to learn more about Chihuahuas, and most are helpful in explaining how to care for them.

Answer by Leandra
We have a chihuahua. And she’s perfect. You have to be case around their small size but they are tough and very fearless. Abby got hurt by an 80lb lab. He was playing but 80lb against 5lb is no contest! She wanted to kill him but he just wanted to play. They are so loving and sweet.

We have another dog and she followed him to puppy poos pad age watched him or so she thought she should too. That was the end of potty training. We use puppy pads and take them out. They have tiny little bladders and have to go when they have to go. But she’s a treasure to our family. Just start training on day one.

Sissy is smart for what she wants but dumb when it comes to what I want her to do. She’s so hardheaded! But she knows NO, and get down and all the important things. Just don’t ask her to do a dumb dog trick. You can get ahold of me anytime.


Answer by Siralee
Pro: Tiny!
Cheap to feed,
Easy to physically control

Con: As it is a small dog some people think they don't need to socialize it, and therefore get its dog aggressive/people aggressive reputation. Puppy socializing is still very important!
They yap.
As long as you have researched the breed and think it's best for you good luck and have fun with your new puppy!

Answer by arabianhorselush
Pro's - they are very affectionate, loyal, small, and easy to take with you, they are smart and can use litter boxes and fit in small homes without yards. They love their families.

Con's they usually do not love your company, their size difference vs the new humans cause them to not trust them and they often bite people that are rude enough to reach out at them ( Ahh there is a Bear that's going to eat me - they think).

As puppies, they are very fragile and can have low blood sugar attacks so it's very important to leave food for them at all times ( Like hummingbirds that have to eat all the time ) keep up with Shots and deworming as they will die quickly if they actually caught something.

They need to stay warm- they are like Tropical Fish, They enjoy sitting on Heating Mats ( for dogs with a wrapped cord ). Also, they are prone to " going down" after a shot having an allergic reaction, and can die. The smaller they are the more defective they are and most likely will not outlive their slightly bigger siblings.

They are prone to Liver shunting, Hydro head ( water on the brain - I can't spell it this early), and luxating patellas where sometimes it's so crippling they look deformed and have a hard time walking. A lot are born Via C-section, and you will be paying a Good price from a breeder that puts a lot of money into the care and quality feed .

Expect to pay $ 1000-$ 2000 for a quality puppy. Expect to pay $ 250 to $ 500 for a puppy from a BYB that will give you NO information and possibly a sick puppy. Even Shelters do not usually warn people of the problems with little dogs, do a lot of research online.. type into Google Chihuahua problems.

Another Con, They break easy - do not leave them on your bed, couch, or up high. Do not allow them to play with larger dogs- PERIOD! Even a friendly dog can playfully paw a Chi and break its back or leg. If they fall off of a table on their head they are sure to die, never leave them in a shopping cart, or open your crate/bag where they could jump out .

This goes for all dogs under 8 lb. Also- Never trust them Alone in the back yard - They can squeeze through small holes in fences or gates and will get eaten by your neighbors larger dog.
Good luck !!
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