What are Habits, Common Problems of Sighthounds?

Eon: What do you think of sighthounds?
I am thinking of getting an Italian Greyhound in about a year or so. I have done huge amounts of research and I'm really excited! So I just wanted to get everyone's impressions on sighthounds in general. Mostly as to their habits, energy levels, common problems, etc. From people who have been around and observed them.
I am aware of most of the health risks (slipping knees, fractures in the legs, etc) Generally I'm looking at personality now.
I actually was considering a Saluki Short, however, they are incredibly hard to find. I have yet to locate a breeder I'm willing to buy from or rescue in my area.

Italian Greyhound dog portraitItalian Greyhound dog portrait
Photo Credit: JeebyJeeby/Pixabay

I have heard the horror stories of housebreaking an Iggy. I have had it suggested to me that you can litter box train them instead of paper training them. It's an intriguing thought, to say the least.
Thanks for the tip about the dental problems Brad! I had no idea. As for the exercise - I'm not overly worried as I go running almost every day. (I'm almost up to 3 miles in the morning! Go me!)
Of course, I would always keep the little guy (or gal) on a lead when out and about too. :)
Ig's aren't as fragile as people are led to believe. Take a look at them in the agility ring. When they are in proper shape and have their muscles built they are just as study as a whippet or a greyhound. you have to think of it in proportions. Yes, their legs are smaller, but so are their bodies.

Answers and Views:

Answer by Short Shot
I love most sighthounds. I have never had one though because they are too high energy for us. I have always thought it would be fun though to learn lure coursing with a Borzoi or Saluki, and I think Afghans are beautiful. I have heard that they are harder to obedience train because they want to do their own thing, and they are very high prey driven, so can be hard to have around such things as cats. On the other hand, I have also heard of people that have no problems keeping them with cats.

Answer by Sighthounds RULE!!!!
Well if you read my user name you'll get my opinion on sighthounds.

I LOVE THEM!!!! There's nothing better than a sighthound. IG's can be very sighthound-like but they're usually a little softer and more gentle and more loving than the average sighthound. IGs love their people and love to be with their people, they can be very clingy, but they can also be independent. I'm more fond of Azawakh and Sloughi, but IG's are sighthounds nonetheless.

IGs are VERY cat-like, they love to lay in a patch of sun, they sometimes clean themselves, they can be independent, not really care about strangers. They also love to sit on top of furniture and watch the room from great heights. Beware the IG has been known to be one of the hardest breeds to housebreak. Try to get one during a warm month as even the housetrained IG will pee/poop in the house if it's cold outside.

The average sighthound is highly prey driven, they are very very independent, as in they don't care what you want them to do, they'll do what they want to do. I've heard some people refer to it as "talk to the paw" dogs. They are too smart for their own good and they are thieves. They love to steal anything and run away with it. You must train them differently and you must change what you think a dog should be. Most sighthounds (IGs generally aren't as independent or difficult as most sighthounds) don't come when called (actually that's all sighthounds), they all love to run and will not come back, so they need a securely fenced yard, they are difficult to train, and they don't listen to every word you say.

Saluki are very very independent, they are one of the (if not the) most independent and "hard" sighthound breed. "Hard" dogs would be those that don't respond when you scold them, they don't care what you think, they are very aloof and suspicious of strangers. I also love Saluki and I know quite a few breeders that I can put you in touch with, they will help you see what it is like to live with a Saluki and see if you are a good owner for one. Saluki can differ though, I prefer desert bred Saluki which tends to be hard and highly independent, show Saluki with very little or no desert blood in them are much softer and also pretty stupid. Azawakh and Sloughi are similar in temperament to Saluki, but they are less independent and needier (not that are needy, they are just needier than Saluki.) I can also put you in touch with breeders of them if you would like. Azawakh are very sharp and severe, while Sloughi are softer and more loving. Greyhounds aren't very sighthound-like. They sleep about 22 hours a day, show greyhounds are more sighthound-like than retired racing greyhounds. I also know some show greyhound breeders if you would like. I actually know breeders from about every sighthound breed, if you would like a list of some, I'd be happy to help.

Answer by Brad E
hi, I'm a dog trainer by profession. I like sighthounds like greyhounds. there one of the oldest groups of k-9s. most are very friendly and likable. there are only a few things about them though, greyhounds tend to have dental problems. so it's important to feed a good quality dry dog food and I would recommend brushing his teeth about once a week. they will need a good bit of exercise so a long walk a day or park or somewhere they can play and run around. be careful though, sighthounds were breed to chase down small animals like rabbits, so if something catches his eye, he will take off after it. but overall, they are a great breed for almost anyone that has the time to exercise him. hope this helps, brad

Answer by just an opinion
I think sighthounds are beautiful. My guess is they have a higher prey drive when it comes to moving objects, but if you buy from a reputable breeder they should be able to tell you all about the breed.

If you're such a runner, it concerns me that you're possibly getting an Italian Greyhound. These little guys are SO fragile, why not get a dog a little bit larger and sturdier, such as a Whippet, or a full-sized Greyhound? I just don't see the little guys being the best-running partners, sighthounds or not. But that's just my opinion. :)
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