What are good and bad qualities of Newfoundland dogs?

Q: Newfoundlands qualities ?
Anyone have any experience with them? Are they good dogs? good and bad qualities?

newfoundland dognewfoundland dog
Photo Credit: Justin·Doles/Flickr

Answers and Views:

Answer by mups mom
they drool, have a lot of coat upkeep and are generally not good as a house pet....great farm dogs tho

Answer by Vet Tech
I do!!! I do!! Newfoundlands have a very special place in my heart! :)

Newfoundlands are great dogs!! Not only do I own one, but I foster a few yearly, helped whelp several litters, and will be welcoming another Newf into our family in the next few months. I will glady give you my two cents about this wonderful breed!!

I work with and am a member of the Newfoundland Club of New England (http://www.newfclubne.org/index.php).... My close friend is a breeder and has been for years. I have helped her whelp many litters!! And have recently began (key word!) to learn the in and out of showing and hope to show alongside my friend.

Newfs are awesome dogs, I really cannot say enough good things about them, however they have many health issues (genetic) and do not have a long life expectancy because of their size (like any large breed). They also need to go to obediance classes because of their size and strengh (and the breed tends to be difficult to train).

I also tell people you absolutely need a sense of humor when you own a Newfie!! Not only do they LOVE to get dirty, LOVE to get wet, and DROOL, but they will also push your buttons to see how far they can get you to go. They are very intelligent, so they can be VERY challenging to train (many people become very frustrated). Instead of just listening to the command you give, they actually think about it before doing it... so you need a patient and firm hand :) The key is being consistant and establishing pack roles from early on.

OH and they shed... A LOT! I laugh that I literally brush enough fur off of them each day to make a rug! It is crucial to brush them daily.. they are notorious for matting and their skin can become irritated and aggrivated due to the fur pulling at the skin. Ouch!

Also, like any large breed... more expensive to feed, more expensive vet bills, more expensive flea/tick and heartworm prevention, and more exercise!!! A few of my foster Newfies are on TWO heartworm preventatives and TWO flea/tick topicals a MONTH because of their size!! It REALLY adds up... and quick!

The only advice I can give you is to find your local Newfoundland breed club and go to different events. See as many Newfoundlandcs as you can, talk to as many owners as you can, and PLEASE do a lot of research to find a responsible and reputable breeder. Ask a TON of questions, ask for references and actually call!!

Educate yourself!! You would hate to purchase a Newfie puppy from a mill/broker/backyard breeder and end up having to pay $ 2500 for hip surgery by the age of one. I have seen this time and time again with this breed at my work. The breed is notorious for hip and elbow dysplasia. Make sure the breeder is affliated with the AKC AND the Newfoundland Club of America (they are quite strict with breeder regulations).

Answer by Onyx Ninja
Newfies are great all around dogs. They do tend to drool at times, especially if they are hot, and they do have that big fuzzy cute (to me all the more to luv) but they make up for that with excellent temperments. They are laid back dogs, friendly, big ol goofballs. As with most adolesent dogs, they can be somewhat destructive in their puppy years....but like I said lots of puppies go thru that stage.
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