brianna♥: Does anybody know anything about English Setters?
About their habits...etc.
Answers and Views:
Answer by paintedrain2
Here you go, this website provides a lot of information any potential owner should know about the breed:
Answer by Randall T
I've owned several setters, they are very loyal, extremely intelligent and a little high strung. As with any dog the more time you spend with them the better. Setters also hate to be left alone, I was fortunate enough to be able to take mine with me everywere. My best suggestion is to get a crate and slowly introduce it to your Setter. It's best not to force him in but treat it as if its his home. Thow his blanket and some of his toys and water bowl and leave the door open till he's used to it.
Answer by Leigh
What exactly would you like to know? My family has English Setters. They are very active outdoors, couch potatoes indoors. Their most prominent habit seems to be seeing how much of a king-size bed they can get all for themselves. They are very intelligent, but sometimes stubborn. They are emotionally sensitive dogs (compared to others I have owned), and need consistent, but gentle yelling, no hitting...positive training is the ONLY thing that will work with this breed, if you are too harsh, they'll quit trying. The positive side to this temperment is that they are some of the sweetest, most cuddly dogs I've seen (and I also have two Golden Retrievers!).
If you don't like drooling dogs, reconsider the setter. Some have more "floppy lips" than others, but most will drool a little (especially when excited)...when mine drinks, he seems like he's trying to see how far he can carry a mouthful of water without swallowing it! These dogs don't mature as quickly as other breeds, so it may take a little longer to housetrain them-plan on feeding puppy food for a good two years, too.
English Setters are NOT outside dogs, while they can handle a little cold, they are not cold tolerant, and not suitable for outdoor living. I feel that if you have a setter, you absolutely need a fence! These dogs can run and jump like I've never seen...they love to chase things like rabbits, squirrels, and deer, so it's quite necessary to start training them from the start not to do it.
There are two types of Engish Setters, and the field bred (Llewellin) strain is definitely the smarter of the two (and obviously, my preference). If you have questions, I love to talk about my dogs, feel free to e-mail me. If you are thinking of getting an English Setter, I can put you in touch with a breeder, though my dog came from a rescue at 4months of age.
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